Antrostomy (Antrostotu)


Antrostomy surgery involves creating an artificial canal between the nasal cavity and the fallopian tube. The procedure, which is an alternative to rhinostomy in cases of diagnosing unilateral obstruction of the nasal passages, occurs using a special surgical instrument - an anthrotome. Using this tool, a fairly large hole is created - the antrum

The anatomical features of the nose and fallopian tubes determine the risk of damage to the vital vessels supplying the optic nerves, brain, heart, liver, lungs and other organs, as well as the direct blood supply to the brain. Avoiding the risk of damage to these organs is an extremely important task, which is also achieved by performing endoscopy and carefully checking the condition of the vessels inside the nasal passages.

Prospects for surgical treatment of infertility

The development of drug intervention and the use of biological contraceptive methods is the most common way to prevent the consequences of psychosexual development of the human body. After a woman reaches 35 years of age, even in the absence of health problems, medical intervention is often carried out not at the request of the patient, but according to medical indications. However, there are certain risks associated with age-related changes in the anatomy of the genital organs, the consequences of childbirth, and the need for medical support during menopause, which must be taken into account when making a decision.

Procedures such as tubal ligation may pose potential health risks to the patient. Tubal ligation can lead to infertility and women may face other complications. In addition, the risk of tube rupture can cause miscarriage and other complications during pregnancy.

However, an even more serious complication may be damage to the uterine cavity, which in turn can lead to increased bleeding due to the mechanical effect of the knife on the surface of the endometrium. More seriously, infection often complicates the dressing procedure. After carefully weighing the risks and possible benefits, it is recommended to use medical methods to solve the problem of infertility instead of having to undergo a tubal ligation.

Antrostomy: An important surgical procedure for the treatment of infectious diseases of the paranasal sinuses

Antrostomy is a medical operation that is performed to create a permanent or temporary artificial opening in a bone cave to drain fluid. This procedure is especially useful in treating sinus infections that can cause significant discomfort and complications.

The paranasal sinuses are cavities in the skull that connect to the nasal cavity. They play an important role in humidifying and purifying the air we inhale, as well as maintaining proper pressure in the nasal passages. However, sometimes the sinuses can become a breeding ground for bacteria or viruses, leading to infections.

When a sinus infection becomes chronic or does not respond to conservative treatment, an antrostomy may be recommended by a doctor. During this surgery, the surgeon creates an artificial opening in the bone, called an antrostomy, to allow fluid to drain from the sinus.

There are several methods of performing an antrostomy, but the most common is endoscopic antrostomy. During this procedure, the surgeon uses an endoscope (a flexible, thin, tubular instrument with a video camera on the end) to visualize the internal structure of the nose and sinuses. The surgeon then uses micro-instruments to create an opening in the bone to allow drainage for the sinus.

Antrostomy can be either temporary or permanent. A temporary antrostomy can be performed when temporary relief from a chronic infection is needed, and the opening can be closed at a later date. Permanent antrostomy may be recommended in cases where the infection recurs or progresses and maintaining an open drainage path is necessary.

The benefits of antrostomy include a reduction in the frequency and severity of sinus infections, a reduction in symptoms such as nasal congestion and headaches, and an improvement in the patient's quality of life. However, like any surgical procedure, antrostomy can have risks and complications, including bleeding, infection and recurrence.

After an antrostomy, the patient may need a period of time to heal and recover. The doctor will provide wound care instructions and post-operative management recommendations.

In general, antrostomy (Antrostomy) is an important surgical procedure for the treatment of infectious diseases of the paranasal sinuses. It allows for drainage and elimination of infection, improving the patient's quality of life. However, the decision to perform an antrostomy should be made together with the doctor, based on the individual situation and characteristics of each patient.

It is important to remember that this article provides general information about the antrostomy procedure and is not a substitute for consultation with a medical professional. If you have questions or concerns, please consult a qualified healthcare provider for detailed advice and recommendations specific to your specific case.