Aperture of the Axillary Cavity Upper

The superior aperture of the axillary cavity (apertura superior cavi axillaris) is one of two apertures of the axillary cavity that connect it to other areas of the body. This aperture is located in the upper part of the axillary cavity and has the shape of an ellipse.

The superior aperture of the axillary cavity is formed on all sides by various anatomical structures. In front it is limited by the pectoralis major muscle (m. pectoralis major), behind by the scapula (scapula), above by the outer edge of the clavicle (clavicula) and the subclavian muscle (m. subclavius), and below by the inferior inguinal ligament (lig. inguinale).

Many important structures pass through the aperture of the axillary cavity, such as the axillary artery (a. axillaris), axillary vein (v. axillaris), lymph nodes (lymphonodi axillares) and nerves (nn. brachiales). Also passing through this aperture are muscles associated with arm movement, such as the levator scapulae, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and deltoideus.

The superior axillary opening plays an important role in the normal functioning of the upper limb. It provides communication between the armpit and other areas of the body, allowing blood, lymph and nerve impulses to be transmitted to the arm. If the function of this aperture is impaired, various diseases and disorders of motor activity of the upper limb can occur.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the superior axillary aperture is an important anatomical structure that plays a key role in the functioning of the upper limb. Its anatomy and functions can be studied through various medical specialties such as anatomy, surgery, neurology and physical therapy.

In this article we will look at the concept of “Superior axillary aperture”.

The aperture of the axillary cavity (upper) or Apertura Superior Cavae Axillary is part of the upper border of the gland. The border separating the sternum and the rib cage, to which the human arm extends, is filled with fat and is not so significant in the upper part of the armpit.