Apical Lung Syndrome

Lung apex syndrome is a medical concept.

This syndrome is one of the types of pneumothorax. In the context of medical treatment of lung diseases, the term pneumothorax is used to refer to any formation of air or gases in the pleural cavity. Apex syndrome is considered a special condition in which tense air or gases are not distributed evenly throughout the pleura, but accumulate in a certain area, which is medically called the “apex of the lung.” The most likely cause of this condition is pleural trauma. However, pneumothorax can occur as a result of a number of other lung pathologies: hemorrhage or exudative pleurisy. The syndrome is always accompanied by impaired respiratory function, which can be caused by complete occlusion of the lower hemisphere of the pleura or partial loss of tightness of the inflamed segment of the pleural sac. The condition can be life-threatening

Pulmonary apex syndrome is a rare medical symptom associated with the lungs. It is characterized by a combination of certain symptoms and sensations in the upper chest that may indicate problems with circulation in the lungs.

Symptoms of pulmonary apex syndrome include:

- Pain or discomfort in the chest; -