
Apneusis is a rare pathological condition characterized by an unusual type of breathing. With apneusis, a person experiences difficulty breathing, which manifests itself in a long inhalation followed by a short exhalation.

This type of breathing occurs due to a disruption in the normal function of the brain's respiratory center, which controls breathing. Inhibitory impulses that should suppress inhalation do not reach the respiratory center, which causes a prolonged inhalation.

Apneusis can be caused by a variety of reasons, including brain damage, neurological diseases, infections and other factors. Some cases of apneusis may be associated with the use of certain medications.

Symptoms of apneusis can vary depending on what triggers the condition. However, the most common symptoms are difficulty breathing, severe chest tightness, and fatigue and weakness.

Diagnosing apneusis can be difficult as it is a rare condition. Doctors usually use computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain to rule out other causes of symptoms.

Treatment of apneusis is aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of the condition. In some cases, medications or procedures may be prescribed to make breathing easier.

Overall, apneosis is a rare and unusual condition that requires close medical monitoring and treatment. If you suspect you have this condition, you should see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

In the article “Apneusis: pathological breathing with prolonged inhalation and shortened exhalation,” the author describes a condition in which inhibitory signals from the brain cannot reach the respiratory center. This causes the inhalation to be longer and the exhalation to be shorter, which can lead to fatigue and shortness of breath.

The author also notes that apneosis can be caused by various reasons, such as stress, anxiety, depression or a disorder of the nervous system. In such cases, apneusis is a symptom of a more serious disease.

To treat apneusis, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment. Depending on the cause of apneusis, various treatment methods may be used, such as psychotherapy, drug therapy or lifestyle changes.

It is important to remember that apneosis is not a normal condition and requires medical attention. If you experience symptoms of apneusis, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


The literal translation of the Greek apnoe means “lack of breathing” or complete absence of breathing, since the patient can no longer stop inhaling, as evidenced by the patient’s appearance. This clinical phenomenon is the result of an interruption in the alternations of inhalation and exhalation. The history of the term "apnea" dates back to