Aponeurosis of the Lumbar-Dorsal

The aponeurosis is a layer of tissue that is important for stabilizing the spine. It is called this for a reason: most injuries to the upper spine are consequences of injuries to the lower thoracic vertebrae.

The fibers of the aponeurosis and pericytes form the so-called fascial-aponeurotic membrane (FAS), which ensures the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. It is also involved in fixing and adapting the spine to loads during movement. In the lumbar, thoracic and cervical regions, it is called thoracolumbar or thoracic and splint-hyoid, respectively. But the aponeurosis, as mentioned above, is of particular importance in the lumbosacral region due to its main role in the motor activity of the pelvis and spine. Connects the sacral part of the spinal column and