Device for Electronarcosis

Device for electronic anesthesia: description and application

Electronic anesthesia device is a device that is used to relieve pain in a patient by affecting the central nervous system. This method is used in various fields of medicine, including dentistry, surgery, gynecology and others.

The electronic anesthesia device operates on the principle of electrical stimulation of the nervous system. It consists of an electrical pulse generator, which creates an electric current, and electrodes, which are placed on specific points on the patient's body.

The current generated by the device passes through the electrodes and affects the nervous system, causing it to relax and relieve pain. This allows you to reduce pain in the patient and make the procedure more comfortable for him.

The use of an electronic anesthesia device has a number of advantages compared to other methods of pain relief. It does not cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting or dizziness that may occur with other pain relief methods. In addition, the electronic anesthesia machine can be used to provide pain relief over a long period of time, making it more effective than other methods.

However, like any other method of pain relief, an electronic anesthesia device cannot completely replace conventional painkillers. It can only be used in cases where conventional methods are not effective or cannot be used for some reason.

Overall, an electronic anesthesia machine is a useful tool in a physician's arsenal that can help a patient undergo a procedure without pain or discomfort.

Device for electronic anesthesia


One of the most effective methods of pain relief is electronic anesthesia, which is based on the use of electric current passing through the patient's body. The electronic anesthesia device allows you to achieve deep stages of anesthesia without the use of medications. In this article we will look at the operating principle of the electronic anesthesia machine and its advantages.

Operating principle of the anesthesia machine

An electronic anesthesia machine contains two main components: a generator and electrodes. The generator produces high frequency electrical current and electrodes are used to transmit the current to the patient's body through special electrodes.

When performing electrical anesthesia, the doctor first places electrodes on certain areas of the patient's body, usually the head or spinal area. The generator then begins to produce an electrical current that passes through the electrodes and affects the patient's nervous system. This causes a decrease in pain and provides the patient with a deep analgesic effect, which allows him to undergo the procedure without discomfort.

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