Appendicitis Chronic

Appendicitis is an inflammatory disease of the appendix of the cecum. We all know that this disease is not a rare occurrence: some of us have suffered from it at least once in our lives. In most cases, an acute attack of appendicitis lasts a day, less often - 2 or more days. However, there are exceptions.

In this case, the development of the disease causes changes in the wall of the appendix, which lead to its complete encapsulation. This phenomenon, in turn, can cause constant pain (some similarity is provided by a similar situation with osteochondrosis) in the area of ​​inflammation, which does not have a precise designation. Encapsulation of the appendix leads to the formation of an infiltrate or granuloma - in simple terms, inflammation that is located in the connective tissue capsule. Visually, the disease is expressed in thickening and compaction of the appendix wall at the site of inflammation.