Kuznetsov applicator

Kuznetsov applicator: an effective way to combat pain

The Kuznetsov applicator is a medical product that is used to treat pain syndromes, improve blood circulation and relieve muscle tension. This applicator was developed in Russia in the 1980s and has since gained popularity around the world due to its effectiveness and ease of use.

The manufacturer of the Kuznetsov Applicator is the Russian company Cortin, which specializes in the production of medical devices. The international name of the applicator is the Kuznetsov Applicator, but it is also known under the synonym Tibetan Applicator.

Kuznetsov's applicator is a plate with many sharp spikes, which are located on it in a certain order. The spikes are made of plastic or metal and have a length of 3 to 7 mm. When the applicator is applied to the skin, the spikes have a mechanical effect on the tissue, stimulating blood circulation and improving the nutrition of organs and tissues. In addition, the sharp ends of the spikes can apply pressure to pressure points and trigger areas, relieving muscle tension and reducing pain.

The Kuznetsov applicator can be used to treat various diseases, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, muscle pain, joint pain, cellulite and others. It can also be used to prevent diseases and improve the general condition of the body.

The dosage form of the Kuznetsov Applicator is the Tibetan applicator, which is a set of several plates of different sizes with sharp spikes. This applicator is convenient to use for treating large areas of the body.

In general, the Kuznetsov Applicator is a simple and effective way to combat pain and muscle tension, which can be used at home without the participation of a specialist. However, you should consult your doctor before using the applicator, especially if you have any medical conditions or health problems.