Kuznetsov applicator needle color

The modern lifestyle is characterized by low mobility. It has almost become the norm. Office work, high heels, crossing your legs are some of the many reasons for poor health. A person begins to complain of migraines, vegetative-vascular dystonia, pain in the spinal column. Scoliosis often develops, dizziness is noted, heart function worsens, a person becomes sensitive to weather conditions, and quickly becomes exhausted. Flat feet and poor posture may appear. All these problems contribute to decreased performance, the appearance of stoop, osteochondrosis and pinched nerve endings in the cervical spine.

Using applicators

There are many different methods for the treatment of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  1. medicines;
  2. physiotherapy;
  3. baths;
  4. massage;
  5. exercise or a suitable sport.

Many people turn to alternative medicine methods. Acupuncture has become especially popular. It should be noted that the procedures are expensive, and one visit to a specialist will clearly not be enough.

One of the ways to solve health problems is a back applicator. What types of devices there are and what their effects are are described in this article.

Impact of the applicator

The applicator for the back, the photo of which is presented in this material, has different effects.

  1. Mechanical. It is able to cause a quick and active reaction of the whole body, in contrast to a conventional massage performed by hand.
  2. Reflex. Acupuncture helps to activate the skin segmental reflex, which has a positive effect on the condition of internal organs.
  3. Galvanic. It is characterized by the effect of applicators (Lyapko’s invention) for osteochondrosis of the neck and diseases of the spinal region and muscles. The supplied low voltage current helps relieve inflammation and swelling.

Kuznetsov applicator

The device was invented by Chelyabinsk music teacher Ivan Kuznetsov. It was created in 1980.

Kuznetsov was an admirer of Chinese medicine. Having once received a severe lung burn caused by a cockroach repellent, he decided not to resort to the help of official medicine and come up with his own method of treatment.

He attached sharp pins to a rubber yoga mat and began using the device to heal injuries. Noting the positive impact of the invention, Kuznetsov began treating other people.

It should be noted that official medicine did not attach any importance to the new invention for a long time. Soon the back applicator spread throughout the world. It was in great demand in the Soviet Union. The device had a positive effect in the treatment of osteochondrosis, fatigue and severe diseases of the skeletal system. Kuznetsov's applicator is constantly being modified.

What is the applicator's action based on?

The applicator with needles for the back helps fight pain in the thoracic and cervical spine, as well as heal the lumbar region and joints. It also makes it possible to cope with severe migraines.

The main component of any device of this type is needles. They do not damage or injure the skin. Therefore, this method of treatment does not carry the risk of blood infection.

Needles cause a reaction in the body by affecting its reflex areas. Impulses are transmitted to the spinal cord and internal organs and tissues. The absence of pain is caused by increased production of endorphins by the pituitary gland. Therefore, tactile sensitivity is reduced.

Kuznetsov's applicator for back pain helps to dilate blood vessels, which improves blood circulation and accelerates metabolic processes in the body. In parallel with this, protective mechanisms are activated, biologically active substances begin to be released, including opioids, which have an analgesic effect.

The effect of the applicator is based on the fact that it helps to excite a new source of pain in the brain. It acts as a competitor to an already existing lesion, provoked by a disease of an internal organ. As a result, the pain gradually decreases.

What Kuznetsov's applicator looks like today

The structure of a device such as a back applicator is not complicated. Its basis is an ordinary mat made of oilcloth or fabric, on which square or round plates are located. The plates contain blunt spikes made of plastic, metal or polystyrene.

The distance between the spikes is usually called the pitch. The mats that go on sale have two sizes: a pitch of 5 mm (soft) and a pitch of 7.6 mm (hard). The wider the step, the greater the level of pressure on the skin. The mat is a classic modification of the applicator.

There are other models of the Kuznetsov applicator:

  1. Massager. It is presented in the form of a roller with or without a handle. The size of the roller and the size of the needles are selected individually. It treats muscle pain and breaks down salts. If you roll the roller with your feet on the floor, not only the spurs will disappear, but also muscle fatigue.
  2. Disk. There are also plastic needles on its surface, and a belt is located below. The device is worn on the hand. This is an applicator for massaging the back and other problem areas.
  3. Belt. The device is quite wide. The inside is covered with polystyrene spikes.
  4. Insoles. They are designed for massage in the foot area.

Color difference between Kuznetsov's applicators

Kuznetsov's applicators also differ in color:

  1. The green device is intended for people with sensitive skin and a low pain threshold.
  2. The blue applicator is designed for patients with a normal pain threshold.
  3. The yellow device has a maximum effect on people with a high pain threshold. The spikes are equipped with additional magnetic inserts that contribute to the formation of a magnetic field.
  4. Orange applicators are intended for all patients. It is often used by yogis as the first stage in the transition to nails and glass fragments.

How is the Kuznetsov rug used for osteochondrosis?

The Kuznetsov applicator for the back is fixed on the back or neck. To enhance the effect, the patient lies on his back. Protruding corners put pressure on the skin of the back or neck. Massage is combined with impact on acupuncture points.

What processes are activated?

When using the applicator, the following effects are achieved:

  1. blood circulation improves;
  2. metabolic processes are optimized;
  3. toxins are eliminated;
  4. muscle tension decreases.

Which areas can be targeted for treatment?

The impact of the applicator is aimed at reflex zones. These are places on the surface of the body that are distant from the diseased organ, but are connected to it through nerve endings. Massage of these areas significantly enhances the effect in healing the affected organ.

Reflex zones are localized on the feet and palms of a person. Therefore, when treating osteochondrosis, in addition to acupressure of the back area, they resort to massaging these areas using mats and rollers.

Applicator Lyapko

Nikolay Grigorievich Lyapko is a Ukrainian reflexologist. He managed to improve Kuznetsov’s invention and create a completely new device based on Kuznetsov’s applicator. The invention also gained wide popularity. The modernized Lyapko applicator helps with diseases of the spine and other problems of the musculoskeletal system.

The back treatment applicator does not injure the skin. It is based on medical rubber, covered with rows of needles made of metal. The needles are fixed using limiting edges located along the perimeter of the product.

In addition to acupressure and reflex effects, the Lyapko applicator allows you to achieve a galvanic effect. How is electroplating achieved?

There is a needle in each protruding tubercle. The metal from which the needles are made is capable of creating galvanic couples. A current is generated in the area where the needles come into contact with the skin. Thus, massage and acupuncture are complemented by physiotherapy.

The metal from which needles are made varies. It can be copper, zinc, nickel, iron. Needles come with a silver-plated or gilded tip. The presence of precious metals determines the high cost of rugs.

The high price of the Lyapko back applicator is fully compensated by the positive therapeutic effect and reduction in the use of medications.

Modifications of the Lyapko applicator

The Lyapko applicator is available in different modifications. It can be in the form of a mat, roller, belt, pad or ball. All devices have a needle-like surface.

What options are applicable for osteochondrosis?

The following devices are used in the treatment of osteochondrosis:

  1. Back applicator mat. The patient lies on his back or massages his feet.
  2. Belt. It is worn under clothes.
  3. Roller. Used for massage.
  4. A flat rug called “daisy”. It is fixed in the bend of the neck, on the lower back, shoulder or knee.

Effect of the Lyapko applicator for osteochondrosis

The Lyapko back applicator is capable of:

  1. relieve pain in the spine;
  2. relieve muscle spasm;
  3. improve blood circulation;
  4. restore cartilage tissue;
  5. reduce medication intake;
  6. stimulate the body's reserve forces.

Lyapko massager in the shape of a ball

In the series of devices created by Lyapko, there is a ball on which there are also needles. Games with such a ball help stimulate the development of infants and young children. For children studying at school, the device helps in the development of brain activity and provides relaxation during the night.

Elderly people are recommended to hold it in their palms or roll it on the floor with their feet in a sitting position. This massages the reflex areas, relaxes the nervous system, and improves the quality of sleep.

By what criteria should the Lyapko applicator be distinguished?

The Lyapko applicator is represented by a diverse range of products that have different characteristics:

  1. The distance between the needles is for people with a high pain threshold and sensitive skin. For children, models with small distances between needles are preferable. For patients over 40, it is recommended to use devices with larger pitches.
  2. In size and shape they can be large, small, round, fit in the palm, or long. They may take the form of a mat, belt, cushion or insoles. This variety is suitable for any body type. If the classic Lyapko applicator in the form of a mat is suitable for the treatment of osteochondrosis, then other forms are suitable for eliminating other diseases.

What to give preference to?

The device invented by Lyapko has a pronounced therapeutic effect. What provides the advantage over Kuznetsov’s invention?

Kuznetsov's applicator for the back optimizes blood circulation. Lyapko's method, in addition to improving blood flow, achieves additional effects. Needle plates, as already mentioned, are capable of generating galvanic current and supplying the necessary metal elements to the skin. This treatment helps reduce muscle spasms, eliminate the inflammatory process, and accelerate the recovery of the body.

For what diseases is the use of the applicator indicated?

The applicator is used for the following diseases:

  1. pain in the knees, muscles, joints;
  2. migraine;
  3. arthritis;
  4. insomnia;
  5. pinched nerve;
  6. spasms;
  7. radiculitis;
  8. skin lesions with cellulite;
  9. osteochondrosis;
  10. joint fractures;
  11. rachiocampsis;
  12. bed-wetting;
  13. neuralgia;
  14. haemorrhoids;
  15. low or high blood pressure;
  16. bronchial asthma of an allergic nature;
  17. pneumonia;
  18. inflammation of the respiratory tract;
  19. gastrointestinal diseases;
  20. diabetes.

Available contraindications

The applicator is not used for the following pathological conditions:

  1. acute infectious disease;
  2. blood diseases;
  3. asthenic condition;
  4. epithelial disorder;
  5. frostbite;
  6. presence of blood clots;
  7. elevated temperature;
  8. the presence of papillomas and warts;
  9. epilepsy;
  10. cardiac ischemia;
  11. skin diseases;
  12. low level of prothrombin in the blood;
  13. addiction to drugs and alcohol.


The classic Kuznetsov applicator model inspires many to use it. The product is widely used by specialists practicing traditional and oriental medicine.

According to many doctors, an applicator for back pain makes it possible to improve the patient’s overall well-being and increase his level of performance. The invention also showed excellent results in correcting dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (fatigue, migraine, dizziness, pressure changes)

A positive effect can be achieved with complex cellulite therapy. The high level of therapeutic and preventive effectiveness allows us to recommend the use of the applicator to a wide range of people.

According to patient reviews, the Lyapko applicator helps get rid of tired legs. It is great for massages. The device can also eliminate joint pain and improve immunity. The Lyapko applicator has an anti-cellulite effect, helps with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (eliminates constipation and colic).

What is the Kuznetsov applicator? Everyone has long known about the effectiveness of massage. And now it is being used more and more often, since drug treatment does more harm than good. Massage is one of the most effective ways to treat various diseases, and a variety of it such as acupuncture, which has a positive effect on health, has been known since ancient times. But not everyone has the opportunity to visit an acupuncture office, so devices for use at home are becoming increasingly popular.

The most popular of them is the Kuznetsov applicator. Doctors have studied its benefits and harms in detail and it has been proven that when used correctly, a positive effect is guaranteed.

General information

Kuznetsov's applicator is an effective means of reflexology that helps fight diseases of the joints and spine. The applicator does not damage the skin, unlike acupuncture. But there is a slight pressure that causes discomfort. Its essence is that needles act on nerve endings at specific points responsible for enriching tissues with oxygen. Its advantage over massage is that you can improve your health at home, without the help of a specialist.

Indications for use

Reflexotherapy affects many internal organs, so Kuznetsov’s applicator is an excellent way to combat any disease. Experts recommend using the applicator in the following cases:

  1. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, damage to joints and ligaments, osteochondrosis, etc.);
  2. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid diseases;
  3. Diseases of the ENT organs;
  4. Gastrointestinal diseases (constipation, gastritis, pancreatitis);
  5. Heart disease (hypertension, hypotension, etc.);
  6. Diseases of the central nervous system (sciatica, sleep disturbance);
  7. Constant headaches;
  8. Diseases of the kidneys and genital organs (nephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, etc.);
  9. Lung diseases.


Some doctors believe that reflexology is not the safest treatment option. This is due to the fact that each body reacts in its own way, the reaction is individual: what relieves pain in one person will worsen the condition in another with the same inputs. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to contraindications before first use.

You cannot use the massage mat in the following cases:

  1. If there are wounds, burns, various tumors, moles, warts, papillomas;
  2. During pregnancy;
  3. Heart failure;
  4. Cancer, epilepsy, thrombophlebitis;
  5. During exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Benefits and harms of the applicator

This invention brings great benefits to the body:

  1. Relaxes muscles;
  2. Relieves pain;
  3. Normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system;
  4. Increase blood circulation;
  5. Increases brain performance;
  6. Increases immunity;
  7. Increases skin elasticity;
  8. Stimulates metabolism

Most people respond well to this massage mat. Basically, no side effects are noted. After all, a negative effect can only occur if the massager is used incorrectly. Some report high fever, rapid heartbeat, blood pressure surges, or tinnitus. In this case, the procedure must be terminated.

In addition, there is an opinion that if you influence biologically active points with a massage mat, you can cause harm to the body. After all, only a competent specialist is able to choose a specific point and the force of pressure on it. But when using an applicator, this is impossible to do. But due to the fact that there is no specific scientific evidence about the dangers of a massage mat, it can be used in the absence of contraindications.

How to buy?

Varieties of Kuznetsov's applicator

It was first released in 1988 and took the form of small plastic plates with spikes sewn onto a piece of fabric. At the moment, there are many variations that differ in size, shape of the base, size of the spikes and their distance from each other.

  1. Plate-mat (classic Kuznetsov applicator). The simplest massager can be purchased for 100 rubles. The cost is affected by the size, shape of the applicator and the material from which it is made. Sometimes records are sold separately, but in this case you will have to attach them to the base yourself;
  2. Roller. Use it on your knees, elbows, as a foot exerciser, you can use it to stretch your neck - it is good for the whole body. When exposed to areas with a special concentration of biologically active points, the maximum effect is achieved. You can place the cushion under your neck and lie on it, you can roll your feet along the floor or over your body. This is how pain in osteochondrosis is relieved;
  3. Rug. It is a rectangular flexible plate with short needles. Initially, such rugs were used to treat sleepwalking (they were placed in front of the bed so that a person would immediately wake up when getting out of bed). Nowadays the mat is used mainly for reflexology in the spine area, although it can also be used for the abdomen;
  4. Belt. If a person suffers from lower back pain, experts recommend the Kuznetsov belt - it looks like a rug, but is fixed at the waist with Velcro. It is made of dense material, under which a soft pillow with needles is hidden. Even taking into account the good fixation of the Kuznetsov belt, it is better not to move so that the needles do not slip on the skin;
  5. Magnetic. Magnets for this type of applicator are located on each plate. They cost more - within a thousand rubles. And its impact is stronger due to the magnetic field. There are three versions of the magnetic applicator in stores: yellow - actively acts on the magnetic field, calms the nervous system; red – improves the process of cell regeneration, treats skin diseases; blue – restores muscle tone, mainly used to treat leg diseases, to prevent thrombophlebitis.

How to choose a Kuznetsov applicator

Today, finding and buying this device is not difficult. Doctors advise mainly to pay attention to the shape. Plates—mats—are used to treat the back and neck, a belt is used to treat the lower back, and a roller is universal (can work on all areas). The magnetic applicator has an effect on blood vessels, but does not relieve pain well. The material from which the needles are made is also easy to choose. Metal gives a more effective result, but there is a risk of injuring the skin. Plastic exerts less pressure than metal and is great for massaging the face or, for example, the abdomen.

Instructions for use

  1. The main point of using the applicator is maintaining hygiene. If you plan to use it with someone else, it is recommended to disinfect it with alcohol. Needles can damage the skin even with slight pressure;
  2. It is advisable to conduct a reflexology session no earlier than 1-2 hours after the last meal and after the bladder has been completely emptied;
  3. After using the Kuznetsov applicator, it is recommended to maintain a horizontal position for another half hour;
  4. Don't forget to ventilate the room;
  5. Cover moles, papillomas, warts with adhesive tape to prevent damage;
  6. The time allotted for the procedure should be discussed with the doctor or be guided by your own feelings (for lumbar osteochondrosis, cervical osteochondrosis, insomnia - 15 minutes, for headaches, vegetative-vascular dystonia - up to 10 minutes).

For the back

Place a thick blanket (plaid) on the floor, and a rug on top of it with the needles facing up. Lie down so that you feel pain in the problem area. It is important to maintain a perfectly flat horizontal surface. You need to lie down on the mat without clothes, since the needles are short and almost do not penetrate the fabric. You need to relax.
For the neck

In case of unstable blood pressure, constant migraines, a feeling of tension in the neck and after prolonged work at the computer, doctors recommend applying the Kuznetsov applicator to the neck area every evening. For the best result, lie on the mat for about 15 minutes; for a less pronounced result, apply gentle pressure with a roller for the same time.

For legs

It is recommended to use a classic Kuznetsov rug with metal needles for the prevention and treatment of flat feet. To do this, you need to walk on the needles with bare feet 2 times a day for 10-15 minutes. Walking on your heels and toes, and shifting your weight from one area of ​​the foot to another will help improve the effect of therapy. The course of treatment should be carried out for a month, then you need to take a break.

For face

In cosmetology, magnetic mats are used, which are applied to a previously cleansed face for 10 minutes every other day in order to improve the condition of the skin with dermatitis, eliminate inflammation, tighten the oval and increase tone. Some women use only a roller or mat, massaging from the center to the periphery. The procedure lasts 5 minutes with minimal pressure so as not to injure the delicate skin of the face.

For osteochondrosis

For cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis, the roller is driven over the affected areas with slight pressure for 10 minutes. After the procedure, you should maintain a horizontal position for half an hour.

For sciatica

If the sciatic nerve is pinched (sciatica), it is recommended to carry out procedures daily or every other day (the degree of pain is determined by the doctor) for 10 minutes, the pressure of the needles is average. The area of ​​pressure is from the lower back down the buttock and from the side to the knee along the outside of the thigh. The inner and rear zones are not affected. Finally, a manual massage is performed.

For spinal hernia

The treatment regimen is exactly the same as the general one for the back: take off your clothes and lie down so that you feel the pain. The procedure lasts about half an hour, and then experts advise to be sure to smear the problem area with camphor oil, apply food paper and wrap it with a bandage. After this, you should lie down under a blanket for an hour, and after the entire course (5 procedures) take a break for a month.

For radiculitis

In acute forms of musculoskeletal diseases, at least three acupuncture sessions using an applicator per day are required. During an exacerbation, the duration of exposure to the affected area is reduced to 6 minutes. If the disease is chronic, the session can be increased to 15 minutes and 2 times a day.

For arthrosis

For arthrosis, the applicator is used daily, preferably in the morning and evening. The procedure lasts about 10 minutes. A mat is applied or a roller is moved along the side, buttock (where the affected joint is located), hip joint, the pressure is medium. Redness may remain after the procedure. After completing the session, you should wear something warm to maintain the warming effect and increase blood circulation.

For headaches

If you suffer from frequent migraines, a roller on the scalp will help. The pressure is moderate or weak, depending on sensitivity. It is advisable to make movements in a circle and downwards. The procedure lasts 5-10 minutes or until the pain completely disappears. Another way is to apply a magnetic mat at the base of your neck for 15 minutes.

Kuznetsov’s simple but effective applicator (also called an applicator or indicator) has been on the market for decades. It operates using round or square plates with spines. The needles penetrate the skin, stimulating the regeneration of metabolic processes in the body. Pinpointing the inflamed area stimulates increased blood circulation in the area of ​​the disease, improves lymph circulation, and irritates nerve endings. This relieves muscle tension, reduces pain and inflammation.

What's the benefit?

Acting on the principle of acupuncture, Kuznetsov’s applicator for osteochondrosis affects receptor points on the skin that are invisible to the eye. It consists of oilcloth or fabric onto which round or square plates with sharp needles are sewn. The spikes can be of different sizes and you need to use short or long needles depending on the disease and the patient’s pain threshold. Using the indicator helps:

  1. improve blood circulation;
  2. normalize lymph flow;
  3. relieve muscle tension;
  4. remove pain and swelling of tissues;
  5. increase local immunity;
  6. activate intercellular metabolism in cartilage;
  7. normalize sleep;
  8. increase performance;
  9. develop coordination;
  10. prevents the development of stroke;
  11. increase the production of synovial fluid.

The green applicator can be used by people with sensitive skin.

Kuznetsov's applicator has its own classification. Red and green plates with spikes mean that the needles in them are short and frequent, so they are suitable for people with sensitive skin. Blue spines have a longer point and twin spines. The white color means that this applicator has single, long and sharp needles, so not everyone can endure the procedure with such plates. They are recommended to be used for more prepared patients and for severe pain. The device is available in several types, which are presented in the table:

This device helps get rid of cellulite.
  1. arthritis;
  2. arthrosis;
  3. radiculitis;
  4. pinched nerves;
  5. osteochondrosis of the cervical, lumbar and thoracic region;
  6. respiratory diseases;
  7. numbness of the limbs;
  8. cellulite;
  9. impotence;

The Kuznetsov applicator is just an additional tool for the treatment of osteochondrosis. To get rid of the disease, the indicator must be used in combination with drug therapy and exercise therapy.

Use of the Kuznetsov applicator for osteochondrosis

Using the Kuznetsov applicator for arthrosis or joint pain does not require special medical skills. It is enough to apply the needle side to the sore area of ​​the body and press down to such an extent that you can feel the thorns pricking. The ideal pressure is created by your own body weight. That is, if you have cervical osteochondrosis, you need to place the applicator under your back and lie on top; if you have a disease of the leg joints, you need to put the spikes on the bed and lie down so that the sore spot is right on the needles.

The body may respond to the procedure by increasing its heart rate.

At the initial stage of using the device, an acupuncture session can last 1-2 minutes, depending on the patient’s endurance. In the future, this figure should be gradually increased. To get the effect, it must be used for at least 15 minutes a day. The body’s normal reaction to the use of the Kuznetsov applicator will be:

  1. a slight burning sensation, a rush of warmth;
  2. tingling;
  3. skin redness;
  4. feeling of discomfort;
  5. slight dizziness;
  6. slight increase in heart rate.

On average, the duration of indicator therapy is up to 30 days, after which a break should be taken for 2 weeks. You can use the Kuznetsov applicator after consulting a doctor. Only the doctor decides how long the patient should lie on the applicator, what shape it should be and how to use it correctly. It is not recommended to use the applicator longer than the permitted time. It is also prohibited to sleep on the indicator during the night.


Kuznetsov's applicator has a number of contraindications. It is prohibited to use in the following conditions:

The device is not used for spinal deformities.

  1. skin ailments;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. heart and pulmonary failure;
  4. lung decompression;
  5. epilepsy;
  6. tendency to bleed;
  7. alcoholism;
  8. addiction;
  9. infectious diseases;
  10. chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  11. malignant tumors;
  12. thrombosis;
  13. the presence of warts, boils, moles at the site of inflammation;
  14. spinal deformities;
  15. high blood pressure;
  16. tendency to allergic rashes.

What is the harm of the applicator?

If the Kuznetsov applicator is used incorrectly or there are hidden diseases during which the applicator is prohibited for use, the patient may feel a deterioration in health. It is expressed in the following symptoms:

  1. severe dizziness;
  2. darkening of the eyes;
  3. nausea;
  4. feeling of lack of air or ringing and noise in the ears;
  5. itching;
  6. sudden surge of heat.

If at least one of these signs appears, use of the device must be stopped. The harm of the applicator lies in the fact that the needles cause a rush of blood to a certain place, stimulate increased blood circulation in the brain, lungs or chest and, if there are contraindications, can cause exacerbation of diseases, the development of inflammation and tumors, or bleeding. You should not self-medicate, as rash actions can cause even greater harm to your health.
