Apta-Downera Probe

Apta-Downer Test: A Pediatrician's Contribution to Understanding Down Syndrome

The Apt-Downer test, named after the American pediatrician Apt, is an important moment in the history of Down syndrome research. This test played a significant role in developing our knowledge of this genetic disorder and contributed to improved diagnosis and treatment.

Born in 1922, Dr. Apt was a renowned specialist in pediatrics. In his practice, he was involved in the diagnosis and treatment of children with various developmental delays and disorders. In the mid-20th century, when Down syndrome was still poorly understood, he began to explore this problem in more detail.

Apt drew attention to the connection between genetic abnormalities and special physical

Apta-downer test - definition.

Apta-Downer test or blood test for HBsAg. It is carried out to check whether there is hepatitis B antigen in the blood.

* In 1951, Australian physician Clarence Upsole came up with a method for testing the presence of hepatitis B antigen in human blood serum.