Pharmacy masks for acne

Pimples and blackheads are a problem familiar to everyone. They can deprive a person of not only confidence, but even instill complexes regarding his appearance. Even one unexpectedly popped up pimple will ruin your mood for several days, because it is quite difficult to heal quickly. What to say about problem skin? All thoughts are occupied only with how well the acne was covered up.

But cosmetics are not the best solution. A much more effective result in the treatment of acne will be provided by folk remedies in the form of various masks. Using them should become a habit, and then you will soon notice qualitative changes on your face.

The effectiveness of homemade face masks for acne

Not everyone can afford going to beauty salons, and sometimes your work schedule just doesn’t allow you to find any time. While the components for a mask at home are always at hand. Many inexpensive products from your cupboard or refrigerator can be a remedy for facial acne.

By trying different ingredients, you can later find the perfect acne recipe for you. But you need to make masks not from time to time, but constantly. Just as the body requires food and rest during the day, your face needs constant nutrition with nutrients.

By following simple tips that traditional medicine has preserved for a long time, you can get rid of problem skin and forget about such unpleasant phenomena on your face as acne.

Protein mask for acne and blackheads

Carefully separate the white from the yolk and beat it into a strong foam. If you first place the bowl with the egg white in the freezer for 10 minutes, the whipping process will go faster. Thus, the whipped protein should be applied to problem areas, distributing evenly. You need to keep the mask on for about 15 minutes. Then wash it off with warm water.

Cucumber face masks against acne and blackheads

Despite the fact that cucumbers are almost 90% water, they are good for acne and are included in many folk remedies.

This option is also possible: add one teaspoon of lemon to the chopped cucumber and mix everything well. This mask should be kept on your face for about 15-20 minutes. When rinsing, use warm boiled water.

Cucumber mask for acne and blackheads

If you have oily skin, make an anti-acne tincture from cucumber juice and vodka. Mix them in equal parts, let stand for 6-7 hours, and then add boiled water to it. Use as a lotion on your face.

Folk remedies for acne and blackheads

To reduce the number of pimples or get rid of them altogether, try a yeast mask. Dry yeast needs to be filled with hydrogen peroxide. You should get a homogeneous semi-liquid mass. Apply a thin, even layer over the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, and leave for 20 minutes. Use this mask 2-3 times a week.

You can buy clay in almost any store. It can be used as a base for a cucumber mask, or you can mix it with a decoction of chamomile or calendula to get a clay mask for acne. Apply the thick mixture to pimples and leave for about 15 minutes, then rinse.

If you squeezed out pimples on your own and very unsuccessfully and are left with dark marks, then a strawberry mask will help make them less noticeable. Just spread strawberries on your face and wait for the prescribed 15 minutes.

Face masks with bodyaga for acne and blackheads

A powder with the strange name “bodyaga” has been actively used in folk medicine for a long time. It is made from a sponge plant that can be found in fresh waters. Bodyagi powder (or badyagi) consists of very small sharp particles, thanks to which this product cleanses the face well, removing dead skin. It is because of this that bacteria accumulate in the pores, and acne appears on the face.

But if you want to cleanse your face as much as possible, then a bag of bodyaga will be enough to prepare a mask. Mix the powder with water (hydrogen peroxide or vegetable oil if the skin is very thin), add it gradually, avoiding the formation of lumps. Determine the amount of water by eye, but the mask should not spread over the face and should not be too hard. It should be applied in a thin layer using tapping movements and left until it dries. Do not apply the product around the eyes and lips. You may feel a slight itch, but this is normal.

Pharmaceutical preparations for the face for acne and acne

But if for some reason acne masks seem ineffective to you, then use medications sold in pharmacies. Thus, products based on benzoyl peroxide (benzoyl peroxide) are indispensable in the fight against acne and pimples. Usually it is enough to use them 1-2 times during the day. The course should last about three months, although the result will be visible after 4-5 weeks of regular use.

Another remedy offered by pharmacists is based on azelaic acid and is called skinoren. In principle, it has a similar effect as benzoyl peroxide: it inhibits the growth of bacteria, relieves inflammation, and exfoliates dead skin particles. The medicine is available in the form of a gel.

The first week it is applied to the skin once a day, and then used twice: in the morning and in the evening. Skinoren gel is not allergic and has a very gentle effect on skin cells, so it can be used for a very long time. Positive results can be seen after a month of use.

Pharmaceutical preparations for the face for acne and acne

In general, all this means that Metrogyl gel can be used for any type of acne, whether it affects a teenager or appears due to the use of hormonal drugs in an adult.

The gel is applied in a thin layer to problem areas, easily tapping it in with your fingers. The result will be noticeable in 1-2 weeks.

Thanks to such a rich composition, this product destroys microbes, tightens pores, enriches the skin with useful substances, allows cells to “breathe” and at the same time it has no contraindications. Apply it morning and evening to areas affected by acne.

Acne can be successfully treated, but it’s up to you to choose how to get rid of it. But remember that skin care should be systematic.

What face masks for acne are best to use in the fight against this scourge? The rating of the best brands will tell you what to choose on store shelves. An impressive collection of homemade recipes using food and medicine will help you make your own anti-inflammatory remedy.

Pimples - one of the most common and most unpleasant skin problems that can be encountered at any age. Teenagers suffer from low self-esteem because of them. During pregnancy and lactation, it is not so easy to get rid of them, because most medications are contraindicated.

But there are saving ones face masks for acne, which require only external use, which means they have minimal restrictions for use. Our task is to review the best and most popular branded remedies for this scourge. And teach you how to prepare anti-inflammatory masks using homemade recipes from a variety of ingredients.

Rating of brand products

So, the most effective acne masks that can currently be found on store shelves and pharmacies. These are the developments of leading cosmetology laboratories, which have long become famous brands.

  1. Comodex Double Action Mask is a double action acne mask. Christina (Israel). $25.
  2. AC Therapy Sleeping Pack Korean acne treatment mask for the night. Baviphat (South Korea). $24.
  3. Black Mask organic anti-acne mask. Black Mask (Russia). $17.
  4. Carrot Mask - carrot acne mask. Hendel Garden (Russia). $15.
  5. Pure System is a deeply cleansing anti-acne mask. Yves Rocher (France). $9.
  6. Cleansing mask for acne and pimples. Floresan (Russia). $9.
  7. Black Head - black mask for the face against acne. Pilaten (China). $2.
  8. Face Control — antibacterial acne mask for teenagers. Vitek (Belarus). $2.
  9. Daily Dewy Bee Venom Mask Pack - fabric acne mask with bee venom. MJ Care (South Korea). $1.
  10. Clear skin - steaming acne mask. Garnier company (Garnier France). $1.

These are the best acne face masks that are getting a lot of positive reviews. Moreover, not only those belonging to the premium class work (for $25), but also mass market products (for only $1). So, if you wish, you can always buy such an anti-inflammatory mask. Well, if you are sorely short of time for this, you will have to prepare wonderful textures at home.

Helpful advice. Despite the popularity of sheet masks for acne, keep in mind that inflamed skin loves oxygen. Therefore, it is better to use the most common, “breathable” products.

TOP 5 best homemade acne masks

The best homemade face masks for acne are made from a variety of ingredients that have anti-inflammatory properties. We bring to your attention a rating of the most effective recipes, according to which you can easily and quickly prepare very effective remedies.

Home black mask for the face against acne can be prepared from three main components: activated carbon, black clay and healing mud. Along with rashes, it perfectly solves the problem of blackheads. Dilute 30 grams of pharmaceutical mud powder with a small amount of filtered warm water to obtain a creamy mass. Duration of action - according to the instructions (from 15 to 40 minutes).

Quite aggressive mask from soda for facial acne is used for very oily and contaminated skin. If your skin is sensitive and thin, it is better not to use this recipe. Mix 30 grams of brewer's yeast with 10 grams of baking soda. Dilute with a small amount of filtered warm water to a creamy consistency. Action time: 10-15 minutes.

  1. From laundry soap

Another effective, but no less aggressive remedy is an acne mask. from laundry soap, which is also recommended only for oily, problem skin and is contraindicated for dry and sensitive skin. Soak a small piece of laundry soap in warm water and beat until a thick foam forms. Mix 3 teaspoons of this foam with a pinch of baking soda. Apply directly to pimples for half an hour.

  1. From tar soap

An effective acne mask from tar soap. Grate a small piece of it, add warm water, beat until foam forms. Apply it directly to problem areas of the face. Rinse off after 5-7 minutes. If used correctly, within a couple of minutes the skin will begin to burn, a feeling of tightness and discomfort will appear - this is a normal reaction that must be endured.

An anti-acne mask can achieve excellent results. from henna (colorless), which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Dilute 15 grams of henna powder with warm, strongly brewed green tea to form a thick paste. Add 10 ml calendula oil.

Judging by the reviews, these homemade acne mask recipes effectively cope with any rash, including acne. Products made from cosmetic clay also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Be careful. Anti-acne masks made from tar and laundry soap are, of course, good, but they require maximum control: they are contraindicated for the care of sensitive, dry, thin and couperose skin.

Clay acne masks

  1. From black clay

The best option in this series is an anti-acne face mask made of black clay. Pour 30 grams of black clay powder into 50 ml of warm decoction of the string. Add 10 ml lemon juice.

  1. From white clay

Anti-acne face mask gets good reviews made of white clay. Mix 15 grams of kaolin powder with 10 ml of aloe juice, add 30 ml of alcohol.

  1. From blue clay

A face mask against acne can also help in this situation. made of blue clay. Pour 15 r of blue clay powder with 50 ml of warm chamomile decoction. Add 20 ml cucumber juice. Action time: 20 minutes.

  1. From green clay

Antibacterial face mask for acne from green clay The good thing is that it is easy to prepare. Brew 30 grams of green clay powder with warm filtered water to form a creamy mass. Add 2 drops of tea tree essential oil.

  1. From pink clay

Treatment face mask for acne made of pink clay has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Pour 15 grams of pink clay powder with aloe juice until a creamy slurry forms.

  1. From yellow clay

Not so popular, but no less effective face mask for acne made of yellow clay also good in fighting rashes. Mix 30 grams of yellow clay powder with raw egg yolk, add 20 ml of sea buckthorn oil.

On a note. You can’t make new acne masks every time. Take one recipe and use it to treat inflamed skin for 1-1.5 months. Then there is a rehabilitation period of 2-3 weeks. And only then can you try something different.

Acne masks from pharmaceutical drugs

  1. From activated carbon

Classic acne mask made of black activated carbon First of all, it cleanses the skin of harmful substances that provoke the appearance of skin rashes. Crush 2-3 tablets, mix with any liquid: in the fight against acne, it is better to use aloe juice or a decoction (infusion) of calendula, string, or chamomile. The resulting black pulp is applied to the face pointwise for 10-15 minutes.

Treatment mask with Aspirin for the face against acne - antibacterial action. Dilute 2 crushed tablets with milk or chamomile decoction to the desired consistency. Action time: no more than 5-7 minutes. Do it no more often than every other day.

Cleansing, anti-toxic mask from Polysorb anti-acne facial treatment will make your skin glowing and clear in 2 months of continuous treatment. Mix 30 grams of crushed Polysorb capsules with 10 grams of granulated sugar and 10 grams of onion puree. Action time: 10 minutes.

Homemade acne masks with badyaga attract with immediate action. Dilute pharmaceutical algae powder with 2% boric acid to a creamy consistency.

  1. With hydrogen peroxide

Homemade mask with hydrogen peroxide against acne will pull out all the rot from under the skin, which provokes the formation of rashes on the skin. Dilute 15 grams of black clay powder with filtered warm water until a thick paste forms. Add 4 drops of hydrogen peroxide and 10 ml of cosmetic macadamia oil.

A homemade mask can be a good helper with mumiyo from acne. Pour 2 crushed mummy tablets with 20 ml of warm plantain decoction. Add 10 ml of calendula oil and 5 ml of strongly brewed green tea.

Badyaga would be a good alternative alginate acne mask - also made from algae. Dilute 30 grams of blue clay powder with warm water until the desired consistency is obtained. Add 15 ml of liquid honey and 10 grams of powdered alginate. Knead thoroughly. Action time: 10-15 minutes.

  1. With vitamin E

To treat problem skin, make acne masks with vitamin E, which promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues. Dilute 15 grams of red clay powder with warm green tea to form a thick mass. Add an ampoule of tocopherol and 2 drops of anise essential oil.

  1. With Levomycetin

Antibacterial acne mask with Levomycetin good, but often causes skin rash as a side effect. So be careful with this antibiotic. Mix 1 crushed tablet of Levomycetin and Aspirin. Dilute them with calendula tincture to make a paste. Action time: 10 minutes.

  1. With Enterosgel

Cleansing acne mask with Enterosgel - an analogue of the same product with activated carbon, since this drug is also intended to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body. Buy a paste with this name and apply a thick layer to your face for 20 minutes.

To dry out rashes on the face, it is useful zinc mask from acne. Mix 15 grams of zinc paste (or ointment) with raw egg yolk, 10 ml of liquid honey and 20 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

Liquid mask with Dimexide for acne it looks more like a tonic. Dissolve 10 ml of dimexide in 20 ml of calendula decoction. Add 3 drops of tea tree ether. Apply to problem areas daily for 10 days.

  1. With Vishnevsky ointment

If you can tolerate smells well, make masks from Vishnevsky ointment from acne. To prepare it, you need to take a fabric base with slits for the eyes and nose, thoroughly soak it in a medicinal product and apply it to your face for... 2.5 hours. The effect is amazing!

  1. With Analgin and Streptocide

Another antibacterial mask for acne - with Analgin and Streptocide. Crush 1 tablet of Analgin and Streptocide. Dilute with chamomile decoction until a paste forms.

  1. With boric acid

Anti-acne masks have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. with boric acid (to prepare them, it is better to take a 2% pharmaceutical preparation). Mix 15 grams of oatmeal with a pinch of baking soda, add 5 ml of boric acid, dilute to the desired consistency with low-fat kefir.

  1. From Paracetamol

Unexpected mask from Paracetamol for acne has gained inexplicable popularity recently. Mix 1 crushed tablet of Aspirin and Paracetamol. Dilute with calendula tincture to a mushy state. Apply spotwise for 15 minutes.

Home ichthyol acne mask used in the formation of ulcers, as it perfectly pulls out all this rot from under the skin. Ichthyolka can not even be mixed with anything. Just apply it directly to the pimples for a couple of hours and wash off with clean water.

Anti-acne mask has healing properties with propolis - a bee product with excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Pour 20 grams of black clay with 40 ml of chamomile decoction. Add 5 ml of alcohol solution of propolis and 10 ml of lemon juice. Keep on face for 15 minutes.

Due to its wide spectrum of action, the mask with Trichopolum (the main active ingredient is metronidazole) for acne is receiving a huge number of positive reviews. Crush 4 tablets of Levomycetin and Trichopolum. Fill a bottle (50 ml) with salicylic alcohol. Shake well. Apply directly to inflamed areas of the face for 15-20 minutes.

Try masks at home with glycerin from acne. Mix 5 ml of warm glycerin with 20 ml of chamomile decoction. Pour 10 grams of badyagi powder into this mixture.

  1. With vitamin A

If you regularly make acne masks with vitamin A, then there will be no trace of them left. Mix 10 grams of baby cream with 1 ampoule of retinol acetate. Keep on face for 10 minutes.

  1. With Amoxicillin

Antibacterial mask with Amoxicillin It will work against acne if you do it every other day for 2 weeks. Mix 2 crushed tablets with aloe juice and apply to spots for 10 minutes.

Another unexpected acne mask - with Nise tablet, the recipe for which is increasingly found in reviews on the Internet. It is unlikely to get rid of this problem, but it will slightly relieve inflammation and also eliminate discomfort and pain when opening ulcers, since the main effect of this drug is to eliminate pain. Crush 2 Nise tablets, mix with baby cream in equal proportions, dilute with sea buckthorn oil to the desired consistency.

Keep in mind. When using acne face masks, remember that none of them will save you from this natural disaster until you get rid of the root cause of the breakouts.

Acne masks from products

  1. Honey/cinnamon

An effective acne mask with honey and cinnamon - a real salvation for those who cannot use pharmaceutical drugs due to a tendency to allergies. Mix 30 ml of liquid honey with a teaspoon of cinnamon.

Cleansing film mask from gelatin and activated carbon acne treatment for the face has long been famous for its pronounced cleansing effect on the skin. Along with the rashes, the blackheads will also go away. Crush an activated carbon tablet and mix it with 5 tablespoons of gelatin. Pour in 2 tablespoons of skim milk. Beat until lumps are completely dissolved. Microwave for 15 seconds. Stir, cool, apply to face for 20 minutes.

Classic mask oatmeal anti-acne facial - for those who don’t like to bother with a lot of ingredients. Pour boiling water over oatmeal or flakes (2 tablespoons). Let them swell. Apply the resulting paste onto your face until it dries completely.

  1. Yeast/protein

Many dermatologists will confirm to you that the mask from yeast and proteinand for acne - one of the best. Dilute a tablespoon of brewer's yeast with warm water until the desired consistency is obtained. Add 10 ml lemon juice and raw egg white.

An equally popular acne mask from an egg. Beat 1 raw egg, mix with 2 tablespoons of strawberry puree, add a tablespoon of grapefruit juice.

Homemade acne mask requires great care from salt, since with open ulcers and exposed boils, it will corrode the edges of the wound and prolong healing. Mix 30 grams of pumpkin puree (raw), 10 ml of honey, 10 grams of sea salt, 15 grams of oatmeal.

Antiseptic mask from turmeric for acne, good for oily and problem skin. Mix 10 grams of turmeric powder, mint and basil juice, nutmeg. Beat in a blender.

  1. Coffee / chocolate / with cocoa

You can make masks with coffee and cocoa (chocolate) from acne. Thoroughly mix together 50 grams of used coffee grounds, 50 ml of milk, 30 grams of cocoa powder or liquid chocolate.

Antiseptic mask from starch against acne it also has a tightening effect. So it is recommended for those over 35. Dilute 15 grams of starch in 10 ml of kefir, add raw protein.

Makes a good mask for acne from the yolk, if you mix it with other anti-inflammatory components. It is good because it is suitable for treating dry skin. Beat 20 ml of aloe juice with 10 ml of honey and raw egg white.

Simple mask from mustard for acne is contraindicated for those with dry and sensitive skin. Dissolve a tablespoon of mustard powder in a glass of mustard. Apply spotwise for 10 minutes every 2 days.

A natural mask made from parsley against acne will save you not only from rashes, but also from age spots. Mix 20 grams of chopped parsley root with raw protein and 10 ml of garlic juice.

Any home anti acne face mask recipe must necessarily include anti-inflammatory components. More effective are either branded products that have received quality certificates and have passed numerous tests, or homemade ones, but using medications. On the other hand, after them there is a greater risk of getting a lot of side effects in the form of rashes and redness. Masks made from ordinary food products are not fast acting, but most of them are safe for the skin, as they are 100% natural.

For professional care of the skin of the face and neck, it is recommended to use pharmaceutical products. The beneficial substances, vitamins and microelements they contain tend to act at the cellular level. Ointments, acids and masks from the pharmacy will tighten the relief of the dermis, moisturize, and cope with pigmentation, pimples and acne. They are able to restore turgor, nourish, and exfoliate dead epithelium at any age. By purchasing the necessary medications at the pharmacy, you can effectively care for your face, décolleté and neck, giving them a healthy and fresh look.

Rules for the use of pharmaceutical preparations for facial skin

Active use of pharmaceuticals for cosmetic purposes will rejuvenate the dermis, smooth out wrinkles, remove acne and age spots. By correctly using ointments and acids to solve aesthetic problems, you can achieve the following results:

  1. level the terrain;
  2. moisturize and nourish the deep layers of the dermis;
  3. dry out acne;
  4. cleanse and tone.
  1. Before application, it is recommended to carefully study the composition of the product and its shelf life.
  2. Masks need to be prepared in small quantities, as they contain chemical components.
  3. Conduct testing before using a new drug.
  4. To enhance the effect, it is better to steam your face before the procedure.
  5. Do not store masks left over after preparation.

Before using pharmaceutical preparations for the face, you should consult with a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Pharmacy ready products

Affordable pharmaceutical preparations can care for facial skin much better than expensive cosmetic creams. They have affordable prices, proven safety, and undergo strict quality control. Used to combat age-related changes, acne, rosacea, comedones and acne.

Pharmacy cosmetics do not contain harmful synthetic components: fragrances, dyes, emulsifiers, preservatives and stabilizers, which cause allergic reactions.

Soothing mask Sensibio Mask Soothing Mask from Bioderma (Bioderma)

The product effectively moisturizes and nourishes the skin. It also reduces irritation, removes oily shine and a feeling of tightness, and makes the dermis elastic. Restores water balance. Recommended for sensitive types. Can be applied to areas around the eyes. Has no smell or perfume. Has a cooling effect. Disadvantages: lack of cumulative effect, high cost and small volume. Find out how to make a soothing mask at home here.

Moisturizing mineral mask Vichy (Vichy) Quenching Mineral Mask

Recommended for skin prone to dryness and irritation. Restores pH balance, soothes and nourishes. Makes the dermis smooth and gives a feeling of comfort. Aloe extract, licorice and thermal water enrich the deep layers of the epidermis with vitamins and minerals. Reduces the feeling of skin tightness and flaking. Does not harden or dry out on the face. Evens out the relief, non-comedogenic. Has a pleasant, light herbal aroma. Disadvantages: May cause redness. Has a weak sedative effect.

Cleansing mask Effaclar Unclogging Sebo-Controlling Mask Anti-Shine from La Roche-Posay (La Roche Posay)

The product is effective for combination, problem and oily skin types. Contains thermal water, panthenol, corn starch and two types of cosmetic clays. The mask deeply cleanses, eliminates oily shine, and restores the production of sebaceous glands. Makes the face bright, even, smooth and soft. After application it does not leave a feeling of tightness or irritation. It has a neutral smell and a pleasant, delicate consistency. Softens, mattifies, cleanses and tightens pores, moisturizes. Disadvantages: does not dry out acne, does not prevent their appearance. You can also prepare gelatin masks for cleansing, the recipes for which are in this material.

Anti-redness mask Antirougeurs Calm Soothing Repair Mask from Avene (Aven)

Recommended for all skin types, especially oily and normal. Relieves irritation and redness. Eliminates discomfort and oily shine. Moisturizes deep layers, protects from ultraviolet rays. Has the ability to whiten and rejuvenate. Fights acne and its consequences. Contains thermal water and ruscus extract, which improve microcirculation of the dermis. Cons: small volume and high price.

Mask for correcting facial wrinkles with pomegranate extract from D`oliva

The product fights wrinkles and creases in the dermis, tightens, evens out the relief, and increases turgor. Natural components of pomegranate extract, Shea butter, olive oil and hyaluronic acid can stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. Regenerate all metabolic processes. Recommended for all skin types aged 30+. Moisturizes and nourishes facial skin. Disadvantages: has an unpleasant odor, leaves a feeling of “heaviness”.

Face masks from pharmaceutical preparations

Pharmacy products can replace expensive salon procedures and give the dermis a healthy, beautiful and fresh look. Cheap drugs will please thrifty buyers.

Zinc ointment

Recommended for problematic skin types prone to blackheads, pimples and acne. Can relieve inflammation and irritation. Zinc helps in the structure and division of dermal cells. It has protective properties against ultraviolet radiation, relieves puffiness and smoothes wrinkles. Improves microcirculation in tissue cells, tightens the facial contour. Apply the ointment to problem areas and wait until completely absorbed. Remove grease with a dry cloth. Disadvantages: it dries out the dermis a lot, which leads to peeling. Cost from 40 rubles. Zinc products are often added to homemade acne masks to increase their effectiveness.

The ointment is used with caution. Failure to follow the recommendations leads to loss of moisture in skin cells, severe irritation and the formation of wrinkles.


The product is recommended for mature skin types. Has the ability to smooth out wrinkles, fights withering and sagging. Regenerates all processes at the cellular level. Improves tissue respiration with oxygen, effectively fights rosacea, strengthens capillary walls. Restores collagen production. Heals burns and wounds. Apply 2 times a week at night. Disadvantages: small volume, does not combat the effects of acne well. Price from 250 rubles. It is Solcoseryl that is often added to anti-wrinkle masks at home if a deep effect is needed.

Retinoic ointment

Eliminates wrinkles and age spots. Recommended for aging skin. The content of isotretinoin and glycerin helps fight acne and pimples. Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Improves oxygen supply to tissue cells. Smoothes the texture and restores complexion. Soothes and relieves irritation. Gives a lasting rejuvenating effect. Apply the ointment to dry, clean skin in a thin layer. Leave for 20-25 minutes, wash with warm water, apply moisturizer. Disadvantages: only used at night. Not recommended for oily skin types. Cost from 200 rubles.

Curiosin gel

The product is recommended to combat acne and wrinkles. Accelerates wound healing. Cleanses and tightens pores. Relieves redness and inflammation. Hyaluronic acid in the composition will provide deep hydration and activate the renewal process. Makes the dermis elastic and firm. The course of treatment is carried out for 30 days, then a break is taken for 2 months. Apply anti-aging drug 1-2 times a day. Disadvantages: does not moisturize well, does not completely dry out acne. Cost 15 g from 600 rubles.


Recommended for all dermis types. Has a cleansing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Protects skin from pollution and penetration of harmful substances. Restores the secretion of sebaceous glands, relieves irritation, swelling and flaking. Recommended for face oval lifting. Apply a thin layer to clean skin and spread, avoiding contact with the areas around the eyes. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse with warm mineral water. Disadvantages: high cost - from 600 rubles. Masks from Polysorb have a similar effect, since both products are aimed at removing toxins from the body.

It is forbidden to apply the gel to open wounds and purulent inflammations.


Recommended for dry, sensitive and normal skin. Paraffin, water, wax, mineral and almond oil, cetyl alcohol have emollient, antiseptic, antioxidant and decongestant properties. Soothe irritated facial skin, relieve inflammation. Regenerate all processes, enhance the protective properties of the epidermis. They have a quick healing effect. They prevent aging and wilting, stop inflammatory processes, moisturize and accelerate blood circulation in tissue cells. Apply 1-2 times a day, lightly tapping into the skin with your fingertips. The course of treatment is 21 days, then a break of 60 days. Disadvantages: there are contraindications - hypersensitivity to the active ingredients. Also for nutrition, you should try the masks with castor oil collected in the article.

Boric acid

Recommended for oily and problem skin types. Bsuffers from acne, pigmentation. Cleanses pores and removes excess oil. It has disinfecting properties, tightens pores and removes blackheads. Normalizes melanin levels and prevents peeling. Apply to the skin with a cotton swab and leave for 10 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Disadvantages: not recommended for children under 12 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women. Price 25 ml from 20 rubles.

Activated carbon

Suitable for all dermis types. This natural product cleanses pores and gets rid of blackheads. Reduces the production of subcutaneous sebum, removes oily shine. Blocks foci of inflammatory processes. Removes fine wrinkles and smoothes the texture. Has drying and anti-inflammatory properties. Coal can be used in the preparation of face masks with the addition of other ingredients: honey, sour cream, starch. Has a detox effect. Cons: the product is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. The cost of 30 tablets is from 25 rubles. The most effective masks at home are here.

Acetylsalicylic acid

Cosmetologists recommend the drug for all types of dermis. Used in the treatment of pimples, acne. Used to eliminate wrinkles, pigmentation, enlarge and cleanse pores. Leaves skin supple, smooth & refreshed. Increases the flow of oxygen to the deep layers of the epithelium. It has antibacterial, antiseptic and drying properties. The drug is contraindicated for sensitive skin and in the presence of open wounds. Before applying the product, it should be crushed. The permissible amount of powder in a mask is no more than ½ tsp. The number of procedures should be from 2 to 3. The product is washed off only with cold mineral water. Used with additional natural products: honey, sour cream, lemon, cosmetic clay, plant extracts, essential oils, egg whites and yolks. Disadvantages: cannot be applied to areas around the eyes. Cost from 80 rubles.

Tincture of calendula

The drug is a component of tonic well-known brands of lotions and tonics. The plant extract has an astringent, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on the dermis. Diluted 1 to 1 with water and applied to the face. It will cleanse pores, remove blackheads and dry out acne. Whitens freckles and age spots on aging skin. Vitamin A in calendula normalizes the process of sebum production. Disadvantages: the tincture is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. Cost from 40 rubles.


The natural origin of the freshwater sponge will help fight hematomas, scars and scars on the face. Helps get rid of wrinkles. Moisturizes, nourishes with useful substances and microelements. Removes age spots, acne and blackheads. Recommended for all skin types, including sensitive. Activates biological processes at the cellular level. Has a preventive effect. The powder is mixed with water or essential oils. Apply to the dermis and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water or infusion of medicinal herbs. Disadvantages: masks are contraindicated for rosacea and thin skin. Cost from 80 rubles. Spirulina masks are also very effective for solving various skin problems.

Cosmetic clay

You can buy any type of clay at the pharmacy: green, blue, red, pink, white, black. This is a natural cosmetic product that has a rejuvenating, cleansing and smoothing effect. It should be selected based on the concerns and skin type. Iron, magnesium, calcium, copper and zinc contained in the product will make the dermis tight and healthy.

Features of clay and skin type needs:

  1. white, black, gray and yellow clay will cleanse and tighten pores on oily dermis;
  2. gray, green and red will moisturize and nourish dry skin cells;
  3. blue, red, yellow will give firmness and elasticity;
  4. red and white will provide care for sensitive types and moisturize;
  5. black and blue will remove age spots, pimples and blackheads.

The clay is diluted with milk or water and stirred until it reaches a homogeneous thick consistency. Apply to the face and leave for 5-10 minutes. Wash off with warm water, moisturize or nourish with cream. Masks are made once a week. Disadvantages: the number of procedures cannot be exceeded so as not to harm the dermis. Do not apply to the eye area. May cause pain when removed. Price depending on volume from 50 rubles. Try also the chocolate face masks collected at the link.

Lactic acid

The product evens out skin texture and rejuvenates. Gently removes dead cells and restores all metabolic processes. When performing the first procedure, you should use a 10% solution. After getting used to it, you can use a 20% solution. Sessions are held every other day. Course – 10 procedures. Regular use of lactic acid will renew tissue cells. Cleanse pores and remove toxins and free radicals. Even out the relief, smooth out shallow wrinkles. Control the level of subcutaneous sebum production, moisturize. Recommended for mature, aging skin. Apply with a cotton pad, leave for 20 minutes, wash off with a decoction of chamomile or linden. Disadvantages: cannot be used on thin or thin skin. Cost from 50 rubles.


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