Pharmacy anti-wrinkle remedies for rejuvenation at home

It is difficult to stop and prevent the irreversible processes of skin aging, but doing nothing and watching old age rapidly approach is also not recommended. Today at the pharmacy you can purchase effective medications that effectively fight wrinkles and other skin defects.

How to choose a cream for puffiness under the eyes in a pharmacy

If increased swelling appears in the eye area, and the appearance of the skin leaves much to be desired, it’s time to visit the pharmacy. You should not hide the problem under a thick layer of decorative cosmetics; it is best to recognize the predominant defect and then eliminate its root cause. To do this, you can use a special eye cream, but the main thing is to choose an effective and most gentle product. As an option:

  1. Dioptigel gently solves the problem, while being a relatively inexpensive cosmetic product. In addition to puffiness, it eliminates facial wrinkles, bags under the eyes, and is widely available in over-the-counter pharmacies.
  2. Dr. Nona is an analogue of the competitor described above, which also effectively helps with the appearance of increased swelling of the face area, and can replace a day cream. In addition, this is an effective way to nourish and moisturize dry dermis that is prone to peeling.
  3. Cream Expert 26+ from Black Pearl is another proven pharmaceutical product that allows you to quickly remove wrinkles and circles under the eyes. Its use is appropriate for increased swelling, pallor, fatigue of the skin, and is important for the appearance of bruises and dark circles in the characteristic zone. This is a cheap cream for bags under the eyes that everyone can afford.

How to use pharmaceutical ointments for wrinkles in cosmetology

Anti-aging drugs not only quickly remove wrinkles from the face, but also tighten the upper layer of the epidermis, provide a progressive lifting effect, contain a high concentration of collagen and no harmful components. This is natural rejuvenation at home, which does not require expensive masks in a beauty salon or visiting procedures at an aesthetic surgery clinic.

Solcoseryl face gel

When buying pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products, the first thing you need to do is read the instructions to determine the real help for problem areas. Solcoseryl for wrinkles is a special ointment that has powerful regenerating properties and can even dissolve postoperative sutures and treat hemorrhoids. In practice, the following positive points are highlighted:

  1. ideal for dry skin types;
  2. ensures collagen production at the cellular level;
  3. accelerates the healing process of minor abrasions and cuts;
  4. enhances the bioavailability of glucose influx;
  5. saturates with vitamins.

Retinoic ointment

If the condition of the skin on your forehead leaves much to be desired, it’s time to buy effective remedies for the signs of aging at the pharmacy. Retinoic ointment for wrinkles contains retinol in the recipe, which rejuvenates the skin, tightens the eyelids, and ensures a healthy appearance of the dermis. You can use the composition as a day and night cream, while remembering other beneficial properties:

  1. elimination of wrinkles and extensive pigmentation;
  2. removal of inflammatory processes of unknown origin;
  3. strengthening the regeneration process;
  4. normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  5. stopping skin aging processes.


When purchasing pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products, you must be careful so that the chosen medicine really helps get rid of progressive pathology from the field of cosmetology. The drug Curiosin effectively eliminates pimples and all manifestations of acne. The active ingredient is hyaluronic acid, which is more suitable for adult skin. The anti-wrinkle remedy costs a penny, but among the additional points doctors highlight:

  1. reduction of skin dryness;
  2. enriching the skin with oxygen and vitamins;
  3. smoothing out small wrinkles;
  4. suppression of pigmentation symptoms on the forehead and other parts of the face;
  5. elimination of the early stage of cellulite.

Zinc ointment

Some anti-wrinkle products from the pharmacy cost a penny, but they provide long-lasting youth and beauty of the skin. Zinc ointment for the face has just such properties, and the epidermis is renewed within a week after regular procedures. The drug should be used as a day cream, and its main advantages are:

  1. resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  2. an even tan with varying durations of exposure to the sun;
  3. the composition contains only natural ingredients;
  4. corresponds to normal and fat type;
  5. moisturizing and nourishing wrinkles.

Blepharogel for the skin around the eyes

This is an effective cream for bags under the eyes, which is often used for advanced stages of blepharitis. The presence of hyaluronic acid and natural aloe juice makes the drug as effective and safe as possible. The presence of glycerin promotes maximum nutrition; it moisturizes dry skin. The following advantages are worth highlighting:

  1. elimination of wrinkles using the official pharmacy method;
  2. treatment of blepharitis;
  3. restoration of the skin after injury, mechanical or chemical damage.

Find out more methods on how to remove wrinkles under the eyes.

Effective anti-wrinkle masks at home

Pharmacy anti-wrinkle products do not work immediately, so there is a desire to speed up the cosmetic effect. Camphor and castor oil are actively used to restore the hair structure; such a prescription is appropriate to prevent irreversible skin aging processes. Below is an effective and time-tested recipe for young men and women.

  1. castor (camphor) oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  2. liquid honey – 1 tsp;
  3. some water.

Method of preparation and instructions for use:

  1. Grind all the ingredients and lubricate your face with the resulting serum.
  2. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week to achieve a rejuvenating effect on your face.
  3. Additionally, you can use ice cubes, candles or pharmaceutical leeches, but professional cosmetologists recommend using effective Thiogamma preparations or pay attention to the products of the Shiseido cosmetic company.

For the face with solcoseryl and dimexide

This pharmaceutical remedy for facial wrinkles is considered to be budget Botox, and the rejuvenating effect is provided better than a leech bite. The first step is to cover the skin with Dimexide, and after a quarter of an hour, lubricate it with Solkseril. This combination of solutions ensures a lasting result, and the procedure with pharmaceutical products is allowed twice a month.

With aspirin against wrinkles

Since Actovegin and Relief are expensive, you can use cheaper pharmaceutical products that can also provide even and smooth skin. These can be regular Aspirin tablets, which need to be crushed in a mortar, diluted in water and applied to the wrinkles. For faster and more productive results, it is advisable to use Panthenol, hydrogen peroxide, Radevit or Foretal. The products are not cheap, but they significantly prolong youth.

Video: heparin ointment for wrinkles


Maria, 31 years old I use only Vichy cosmetics for wrinkles, I am very pleased with the result. The face seems to be lubricated with gelatin, repelling pathogenic factors through such an invisible protective layer. This is an effective remedy for rosacea, so if you have any skin problems, you should go to the pharmacy to purchase it.

Irina, 41 years old Pharmacy hydrocortisone ointment, which costs a penny, helps me against wrinkles. Hydrocortisone itself, like heparin, cleanses pores, promotes tissue regeneration, and is found in many regenerating agents. If you use it, the skin becomes younger before your eyes, and the drug acts on the principle of a corrector - wrinkles are not visible.

Anna, 31 years old I liked the Lyoton gel, which has the consistency of jelly. It contains nourishing oils that simultaneously protect the skin and eliminate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This is an effective remedy for varicose veins and against wrinkles, so it’s definitely worth taking note of.

Anti-aging professional cosmetics are usually offered at a high price. For this reason, you can use inexpensive but effective pharmaceutical products for facial rejuvenation, which can smooth out wrinkles, remove swelling, and whiten age spots on the skin. There are many drugs, both for women and men, that have a lifting effect and are used to care for aging skin and deep peeling.

Pharmaceutical preparations to provide a rejuvenating effect, smooth out fine wrinkles:

  1. Taufon. This type of ophthalmic preparation is developed on the basis of taurine. It is recommended to wipe your face morning and evening for 7 days. Then you need to take a break for 4 weeks. If you regularly use Taufon, metabolic processes improve, which gradually leads to smoother skin and the appearance of a healthy appearance.
  2. Retinol acetate. Thanks to the inclusion of vitamin A in the structural formula, after applying Retinol acetate, the regenerative functions of the skin are activated, which makes it tightened and velvety. For a week, you should wipe your face with cotton wool soaked in the preparation in the morning and evening. This is followed by a break of 25 days.
  3. Zinc ointment. Effectively rejuvenates the skin and fights acne. If you only need to remove the source of inflammation or acne, then apply a small amount of the product to the problem area. In order to smooth out wrinkles, it is necessary to distribute the mass in a thin layer once a day. Since there is a drying effect, after washing off the drug, you should use a moisturizer 30 minutes later. After a week, a two-week interval is arranged between rejuvenation sessions.
  4. Thiogamma. Used to normalize lipid metabolism. After just two courses of use, there is a noticeable smoothing of fine wrinkles, the functioning of the sebaceous glands becomes balanced, and the healthy appearance of the skin returns, acquiring a smooth texture. It is more convenient to use a solution used for injection. It is used morning and evening instead of tonic. After complete absorption, apply cream. Results become noticeable within a month.

It is more difficult to cope with pronounced folds, especially nasolabial folds, and deep wrinkles characteristic of age-related changes after 50 years.

Effective pharmaceutical drugs:




Course of application


Contains vitamins A, E, D, is able to eliminate even deep folds, while simultaneously improving complexion

Use daily as a night and day cream

After a month, stop using it for two weeks. Then, if necessary, cosmetic procedures are resumed

When applying a drug containing vitamin B5, the metabolic processes of the epidermis are improved and collagen is produced. The severity of even deep wrinkles gradually decreases

Distribute with massage movements without pressure up to three times a day

Perform for a month, and then repeat the course after 2 weeks

An ointment containing birch tar, xeroform, and castor oil has an antiseptic and softening effect. The effectiveness of masks based on liniment, when used regularly, lies in the drying of sebaceous secretions. Tired, oily skin becomes fresh, pigment spots lighten

The ointment is absorbed quickly. Apply it without pressure in a thin layer. The procedures are repeated after 6 days

The course lasts 60 days. Repeat after 4 months

The structural formula of Actovegin contains glycerin and natural dialysate. This drug accelerates tissue regeneration, restores the elasticity of the skin, and normalizes metabolic processes.

Apply to cleansed skin morning and evening

The average course duration is 3 weeks. If repeated procedures are required, they are performed after a month

A multicomponent drug containing horse chestnut and calendula extracts effectively relieves inflammation, promotes the healing of damaged tissues, and prevents the negative development of pathogenic bacteria. When used, it returns freshness to the skin, activates blood supply and oxygen exchange. The contours of the oval face acquire clear contours within a month

Three procedures must be completed in a week

The maximum duration of the course is a month. Repeated after 28 days

A gel containing hyaluronic acid quickly restores elasticity, eliminates existing wrinkles, moisturizes the deep layers of the epidermis, and eliminates inflammation.

Use morning and evening

After 1.5 months of use, you need to take a month break

Due to the inclusion of vitamins A, E, D in the structural formula of this product, a lasting effect is observed in the fight even against deep nasolabial folds

You must first cleanse your face and leave the applied shark oil on for 30 minutes. Then carefully remove excess ointment with a soft cloth. Use three times a week

The average duration of use is 2 months. Repeated sessions are practiced after a monthly interval

Proper use of pharmaceutical drugs helps to actively resist skin aging and smooth out wrinkles.

What is face lifting and skin tightening? The lifting procedure is designed to tighten the skin of both the face and the entire body. Today, this is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures, but also the most effective for skin rejuvenation.

There are dozens of lifting methods. These can be either simpler, non-surgical methods of skin tightening in a salon or at home, or surgical plastic surgery. They all differ in the way they affect the skin.

The main task of lifting is not just to hide, but to remove all imperfections and age-related changes in the skin. Using such procedures you can achieve the following results:

  1. deep healing and rejuvenation of the skin;
  2. smoothing of superficial wrinkles – facial or age-related;
  3. increased elastin production;
  4. double chin removal;
  5. activation of the production of your own collagen, which will lead to increased firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  6. get clearer and more pronounced facial contours and their design;
  7. remove yellowness and grayness of the face;
  8. get rid of age-related pigmentation;
  9. eliminate dryness and sagging, irritation and flaking, drying out of the skin.

Like any cosmetic procedure, lifting has its own indications and contraindications, and you need to be careful about this.

Face lifting is appropriate in the following cases:

  1. the appearance of wrinkles and folds;
  2. loss of skin elasticity;
  3. sagging skin;
  4. age-related decline and aging;
  5. fuzzy and blurry jawline;
  6. presence of a fatty bag under the chin;
  7. weakness of the subcutaneous neck muscles;
  8. weakness of the fat layer in the chin and submandibular region.

Contraindications to this method of rejuvenation include:

  1. age under 25 years;
  2. allergy to one or several components of the lifting product;
  3. excess weight or cellulite;
  4. rehabilitation period after facial plastic surgery (not earlier than 6 months);
  5. scratches, open wounds;
  6. dermatological and vascular diseases of the skin.

Among the most common lifting methods are the following.

Ultrasound is a non-surgical procedure for those who do not want to “go under the knife.” It is ultrasonic lifting that affects not the surface layer, but the underlying muscular aponeurotic layer, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and the firmness of the facial contour.