Pharmacy anti-wrinkle cream reviews

The main reason that women are beginning to be interested in anti-wrinkle ointments and reviews about them is the appearance of telltale folds around the eyes, sometimes near the lips. They can also occur at a young age. This may be difficult for some ladies to comprehend, but on average, the first wrinkles appear at age 25. A large percentage of the fair sex begins to notice them at the age of 35, but some are luckier, and they notice the appearance of folds after crossing the forty-year mark. This article will tell you how to get rid of them.

What is anti-wrinkle ointment?

One way or another, the popularity of anti-wrinkle ointments is very high. The demand for them is constantly growing, which forces specialists in the field of medicine and cosmetology to constantly search for effective solutions to create anti-wrinkle products, in particular ointments, that would fully meet the demands.

Not everyone can afford to use the services of mesotherapy - subcutaneous injection of a special composition that smooths out wrinkles and rejuvenates the face. Considering that in this case you need to take a whole course, and this is a considerable expense, many women try to use cheaper, but at the same time effective methods of dealing with small wrinkles that spoil their appearance. Ointments are becoming an excellent alternative. Often at first they are quite enough to restore the former smoothness.

If we expand on the topic of what the corresponding ointments are, we should touch on their healing properties. After all, this is where their high demand comes from. Such ointments are classified as medications. The composition contains the same components as in most anti-aging creams. You can verify this by information about the ingredients placed on the inserts or on the drugs themselves. They equally fight against sagging, swelling, and rosacea.

You can buy ointments in cosmetics stores and pharmacy departments. The second option is the most practical.

Pharmaceutical drugs are a set included in the list of medical products with safe and natural ingredients:

  1. This includes extracts contained in medicinal plants. When used, it has an antiseptic and at the same time calming effect. Particular attention is paid to the healing property.
  2. Efficiency increases the content of healthy oils, amino acids and fatty acids. The benefit from them lies in the normalization of metabolic processes occurring in the skin. When absorbed, beneficial elements improve blood circulation, which is reflected in the appearance of the skin.
  3. Vitamins A, E, B play an important role. Their presence in the composition of the ointment and the effect of its use gives the most expected result. The surface of the skin is smoothed, traces of damage disappear.
  4. Hyaluronic acid content. This name is familiar to many women familiar with rejuvenation procedures. Everyone knows its powerful anti-aging effect. This acid allows the epidermis to recover, creates and maintains a normal level of moisture.
  5. Zinc. Its properties allow existing wounds to heal quickly. At the same time, it effectively eliminates areas of inflammation.

Taken together, the content of all of the above elements acting inside the ointment with their healing properties has an excellent effect on the condition of the skin. Regular use makes it possible to appreciate the final result. In this regard, the conclusion often arises that the effective result of using anti-wrinkle ointments is quite comparable to the result obtained by undergoing expensive procedures that ladies agree to when visiting beauty salons.

The next question concerns the effectiveness of pharmaceutical products. Advertisers bend over backwards to lure lovely ladies with expensive ointments, gels, and creams. Nevertheless, resourceful representatives of the fair sex have long understood one simple truth. Nondescript pharmaceutical products have the same effective properties as the compositions contained in beautiful and bright jars, which are classified as professional cosmetics.

Indeed, as they say in advertising, why overpay?

As is already known, pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle ointments and anti-aging creams in cosmetics departments contain the same components. The only difference is the price, and it is quite significant. Compared to advertised products whose cost sometimes reaches several thousand rubles, pharmaceutical drugs are considered “penny”. If you remember what was said above in the paragraph on the characteristics of ointments, there is a mention of hyaluronic acid and at the same time there is a conversation about plant extracts and healing plant juices. Sometimes you can hear about special additives. These, for example, include shark oil extract.

It turns out that the result of using a regular inexpensive anti-wrinkle ointment may resemble the result of an expensive salon procedure. For women who, due to financial constraints, do not have access to Botox, mesotherapy courses are an excellent alternative.

Let's look separately at several of the most effective pharmaceutical ointments for wrinkles. Taking into account consumer reviews, they do an excellent job with the manifestation of age-related changes, not only removing wrinkles, but also smoothing the skin, eliminating puffiness and removing dark circles under the eyes.

Let's give an example of several budget types of ointments. For obvious reasons, they are in greatest demand. Among them are known compositions:

  1. Ointments with retinol. Contains vitamin A. Shows active anti-aging effects. Removes signs of aging. Thanks to this composition, cell regeneration is launched, collagen is produced and the skin is smoothed.
  2. Zinc ointment. The main component of the composition is zinc. It protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, which are harmful to the skin. They age her. This ointment has a number of properties with a unique effect that can restore the face to its former youthful appearance. However, here it is necessary to recall that this ointment has a property that dries out the dermis. Therefore, this ointment is taken together with a matching moisturizer.
  3. Composition of hydrocortisone ointment. Has the ability to retain moisture. It is often compared to Botox. By using the composition, you can observe how, after a certain time, the skin in selected areas improves. Wrinkles disappear and smoothness is restored.
  4. Relief ointment. Its composition contains a component of shark oil. The effect of excellent rejuvenation of skin tissue is created. Cell regeneration occurs at the treatment site. The painful blueness at the bottom of the eyes instantly disappears, the effect of crow's feet goes away.
  5. Composition of heparin ointment. It is taken by those who want to eliminate bags under the eyes, as well as remove small furrows. The ointment has excellent anti-edematous properties. It easily eliminates signs of fatigue and makes the face clean.
  6. The composition of the ointment called Radevit. Saturated with vitamins A, D2 and E. Helps improve the condition of the epidermis, including its color. Helps smooth out age-related wrinkles.
  7. The last type of ointment that is worth mentioning is Solcoseryl. It is often praised in reviews because it has an excellent effect on the skin. As a result of its use, the upper skin layer is rejuvenated. At the same time, the damaged areas are restored. Additionally, blood circulation is stimulated and collagen is produced.

Before buying any of the given ointments, be sure to read the instructions. Read all recommendations. Yes, the compounds are inexpensive, but rushing to buy them without studying the basic properties and, especially, contraindications is reckless. What is laid out among the pharmacy assortment naturally refers to medicinal products. So the conversation is about health. This should be at the forefront of your choice. Cheapness should not mislead you into thinking that such drugs cannot cause serious harm.

What mistakes do beginners make?

Let's touch on the most common mistakes that women make when they discover their first wrinkles. Of course, for many of them, such folds are a reminder of impending old age. Sometimes this terrifies women. Sometimes, trying to get rid of hated wrinkles as quickly as possible, they make the wrong choice of products. In particular, ointments for wrinkles, although they seem simple, it is best to consult a dermatologist before using them.

Again, not everyone studies the internal composition of ointments, but they may consist of aggressive components that can cause harm to the skin.

Cosmetic anti-aging creams and gels have a definite advantage in this regard. They are targeted at specific skin types. The ointment may not indicate the variety of the corresponding skin type. Hence the main mistakes when choosing medications, which subsequently aggravate the problem.

What is worth mentioning additionally. You cannot rely on rave reviews from Internet users. Considering that we are talking about skin health, it is even dangerous. They may be true, but a large percentage of them are just advertising. Only a consultation with a specialist will help you choose the right individual product.

Important! It is reckless to purchase such goods in the markets. You may stumble upon a fake. In addition, a mistake on the part of beginners is the desire to purchase cheap types of anti-wrinkle ointments in bulk. Such medicinal drugs are always available in pharmacies.


Consequences of incorrect use of drugs and ways to avoid negative aspects.

Now the most important thing. We must never forget that even the simplest and seemingly safest remedies may have contraindications. Wrinkle ointments are not cosmetics. They are known to be medicinal drugs and are intended to fight skin diseases. That is, using them can cause side effects. The worst thing is the onset of an allergic reaction. Hence the conclusion that has already been stated above. Before buying drugs in pharmacies, you should consult a specialist and carefully read the instructions. You cannot think that the ointments in the assortment of pharmacies are harmless.

If it is determined that they have contraindications associated with any disease, such a drug is refused.

A skin test will help resolve the issue of individual intolerance to the components contained in the ointment. It is carried out before using this or that remedy for the first time. Everything is done very simply. A small amount of the drug is applied to the skin area. This is usually the crook of your elbow. The wait lasts for some time. If there is no redness, irritation or rash on the skin, then the product can be used.

What benefits can be seen in reviews?

This is our modern world. People are used to sharing information with each other and expressing their opinions. This is often of great benefit. As in the case of sending reviews for certain products.

In most reviews, women share their impressions of the use of pharmaceutical ointments. They are greatly impressed by the fact that they can, without spending large sums, regain their former excellent appearance. Put your skin in order, restore its freshness, smoothness, remove wrinkles and not think about them for a long time. Many people cite the above drugs as examples, admiring their effect.

Also, among those who decided to express their opinion on the Internet, there are many who warn against making a hasty choice. It is important. It has been noticed that modern people, before deciding to purchase anything, always look for information on the Internet and always read reviews about products that interest them. The same is the case with ointments. Many people find useful information among the reviews and receive practical advice, the best of which is to undergo a preliminary consultation.


So my first wrinkles appeared. Apparently the heavy workload had an effect. Colleagues advised me to try Relief ointment. I really liked the result. Wrinkles disappeared, the skin accepted the drug perfectly. I intend to continue to use it.

The fight against wrinkles becomes more and more difficult over the years. Age makes itself felt and expensive rejuvenation procedures in salons seem like a pointless waste of money. Another thing is the use of Solcoseryl anti-wrinkle ointment. I bought it at the pharmacy. It really is very inexpensive. But the result is excellent. The face became fresher, wrinkles became less noticeable.

The secret to the effectiveness of anti-wrinkle ointments lies in their correct use. Radevit ointment, for example, rich in vitamins A, E and D, saturates the skin, eliminates wrinkles, improves the tone and can completely transform the appearance. To achieve this effect, use the ointment twice a day. And be sure to lightly massage when applying the composition.

The fight against age-related skin changes is not a cheap “pleasure”, because high-quality cosmetics have always been expensive. It’s paradoxical, but in this context, money does not always help keep the skin beautiful, tight and young. Did you know that pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle ointments are much more effective than expensive anti-aging creams?

It’s easy to verify this by visiting a couple of women’s forums with hundreds of flattering reviews about pharmaceutical ointments that provided a miraculous rejuvenation effect. But how true are they? Are pharmaceutical products a real alternative to quality facial care products? How effectively do they prevent skin aging and aging? It's time to dot the i's.

Pharmacy drugs that help fight wrinkles

Pharmaceutical industry is impressive with the range of available drugs. Some of them are successfully used to combat age-related skin changes. Surprisingly, even cheap pharmaceutical ointments effectively eliminate wrinkles and eliminate the likelihood of their reappearance. This is due to the fact that these products contain substances necessary for rejuvenating the epidermis.

Modern pharmaceutical preparations are rich in amino acids, vitamins, minerals and hyaluronic acid. We are talking about the following components:

  1. Amino acids. They activate metabolic processes at the cellular level, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
  2. Vitamins B5, D and A. Presented mainly in pharmaceutical ointments that help cope with the consequences of burns.
  3. Hyaluronic acid. The main component of drugs that affect the deep layers of the epidermis. It restores the skin and eliminates unwanted dryness.
  4. Natural plant extracts.
  5. Zinc. An element actively involved in wound healing and elimination of inflammatory processes.

Anti-wrinkle ointments from the pharmacy are inexpensive, and are as effective as expensive cosmetics and salon procedures. Therapeutic compositions of targeted action provide stable and quick results.

So, what to choose - cosmetic cream or ointment from the nearest pharmacy for 50 rubles? The purpose and scope of the first is obvious. But when they do not give the desired effect, they resort to the help of the second. It is important to understand that we are talking about medications developed to get rid of certain ailments.

Everyone chooses for themselves what they will trust more - expensive cosmetics or pharmaceutical drugs

The use of pharmaceutical drugs is always accompanied by the risk of allergic reactions and unwanted side effects. Their use is an additional responsibility, and therefore it is important to follow the instructions.

List of famous brands

Let's list the most effective pharmaceutical ointments for wrinkles. If you believe the reviews of patients, these products effectively smooth the dermis, eliminate age-related defects and swelling.

The most commonly used drugs are:

  1. "Doctor Petkin" - effective compositions for getting rid of pronounced age and expression wrinkles, withering of the dermis. Domestic manufacturer of pharmaceutical cosmetics.
  2. From Vanessa (preparations from the Liqiuskin series) – restore the structure of the skin, nourish it with useful vitamins and microelements.
  3. TM “Green Pharmacy” – medications that eliminate wrinkles, pimples and acne.
  4. Aven Isteal is an effective remedy in the fight against deep wrinkles.
  5. "ROC" - cosmetics are represented by anti-aging creams.
  6. “Vichy” is a brand that has established itself as one of the best in the fight against age-related changes in the skin. It produces several series of cosmetics.

Cream-corrector for the face Liqiuskin (Liquiskin) from vanessa for wrinkles

It is worth noting that it is important to use all these drugs strictly following the instructions. Otherwise, there is a high risk of exacerbating the problem rather than solving it. The best option is a preliminary consultation with a dermatologist. The doctor will advise and select the most suitable composition, taking into account the desired effect.

Review of pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products

For many, it is surprising that anti-wrinkle ointments are sold in pharmacies, and are several times cheaper than cosmetic analogues, but provide the same result. Below is a rating of the best pharmaceutical products for the face against wrinkles.

  1. Relief (instructions for use) - a composition used to eliminate problems with hemorrhoids, has also proven to be very effective in the fight against deep furrows on the skin.

Cosmetologists have found that the anti-aging effect is achieved due to the main component of the drug - shark oil. It promotes skin regeneration and restoration at the cellular level. Fatty acids contained in the ointment support the elasticity and health of the epidermis.

Relief will help cope not only with hemorrhoids, but also with deep furrows on the face

Application – with a thick and thick consistency, treat problem areas of the body before going to bed, but not more than once a day. For intensive absorption, it is recommended to “drive” the composition into the affected area with light “pops”. Duration of use – 1 week.

  1. Curiosin is a gel with hyaluronic acid available to everyone, sold in pharmacies. Used to eliminate acne. Has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

Hyaluronic acid smoothes out crow's feet around the eyes, intensively moisturizes the deep layers of the dermis, and activates renewal at the cellular level.

Curiosin gel contains hyaluronic acid

The drug is applied in its pure form in a thin layer to problem areas, or used as a base for preparing a mask. The composition is applied to the face, and then “fixed” with moisturizer on top. The effect will be enhanced if vitamins A and E are added to the finished mixture (2-3 drops is enough). Duration of use is 2 weeks, after which they take the same break.

  1. Retinol (retinoic) ointment is one of the most effective pharmaceutical ointments for wrinkles. The main active ingredient is isotretinoin or retinol - synthetic analogues of vitamin A. A deficiency of this vitamin causes premature withering of the skin, making the epidermis wrinkled and flabby.

Retinoic ointment saturates the skin with vitamin A

It is best to apply the product before bed, in the evening. The course of treatment varies from 2 to 3 weeks. Cosmetologists recommend using the ointment from late autumn to mid-spring in order to neutralize the likelihood of sunburn or the formation of age spots. Before use, it is important to consult a doctor about possible contraindications.

  1. Enterosgel is the best pharmaceutical remedy for bags under the eyes. Most often, this cosmetic defect occurs from excessive consumption of salty foods and alcoholic beverages.

Enterosgel is an effective remedy for bags under the eyes

Apply a thin layer to the face in combination with chamomile infusion before bed. In the morning, wash off the composition with warm water. The substances contained in the enterosgel consistency absorb moisture accumulated in fatty tissue and toxins. Chamomile eliminates inflammation. Due to the complex action and regular use, the elasticity of the skin increases.

  1. Zinc ointment is suitable for eliminating skin defects, subject to regular facial care. The main active components of the ointment - zinc oxide and petroleum jelly - are characterized by disinfectant, astringent and antiseptic properties.

The composition is mixed with moisturizing cream in a 1:1 ratio, then the areas where wrinkles are localized are treated. Recommended for use on oily and normal skin. In the case of sensitive and dry skin, it may cause local irritation.

Zinc ointment effectively eliminates skin defects

Effect – activates renewal at the cellular level, prevents fluid loss, restores the functionality of the sebaceous glands.

  1. Radevit - contains a storehouse of substances useful for tissues, vitamins (D, E and A). The main advantage of the anti-wrinkle ointment in question is that it contains exclusively natural ingredients.

The treatment area is cleaned with water and the composition is applied in a thin layer, rubbed into the epithelium with light massaging movements. It is optimal to treat the skin in the evening and in the morning. The maximum duration of treatment is 1.5 months. If used longer, it can cause an overdose of vitamins E and A in the body, which can worsen skin problems.

How does Radevit ointment help against wrinkles?

Effect – eliminates folds and wrinkles around the eyes, smoothing furrows, restores the natural shade of the skin.

  1. Solcoseryl is a product with unique regenerating properties. The basis of the ointment is blood extract extracted from dairy calves. This component is rich in protein, used by the human body to maintain the tone of the dermis. The best option for those with dry skin.

Application – a pronounced rejuvenating effect is achieved when combined with Dimexide (pre-prepare an aqueous solution, maintaining the proportion of 1:10). The skin is cleansed with a solution of Dimexide, and then the base substance is applied to the skin. The duration of the procedure is from 20 minutes to 1 hour. Then the consistency is washed off with warm water. Duration of use – 1 time per month.

Solcoseryl gel is extracted from the blood of calves

Effect – using solcoseryl ointment for just one week, you can get rid of “crow’s feet” around the eyes. The composition affects the deep structures of tissues, saturating them with oxygen, activating collagen synthesis. The skin becomes elastic, silky, toned.

One of the main advantages of Solcoseryl is the ability of the ointment to smooth out scars.

Now you know which pharmacy ointments and balms help against deep wrinkles. We hope this review of the most popular drugs will be useful and help you decide on the most suitable drug.

Action and effect

Pharmacy ointments successfully resist age-related changes in the skin. These compositions achieve impressive results due to the high concentration of active substances and beneficial elements. Since each patient is individual, each specific case requires “its own” drug.

When used correctly, pharmaceutical ointments eliminate age-related skin defects

To ensure that the product does not aggravate the problem, but provides the expected effect, it is extremely important to consult a dermatologist before actually using the composition.

General recommendations

When buying anti-wrinkle ointments from a pharmacy, carefully study the components and composition of the drug. Many substances affect the condition and even the appearance of the epidermis. If we are talking about oily skin, it needs some anti-wrinkle products, but dry skin needs completely different ones. Incorrect selection of composition can aggravate the problem - increasing oiliness or dryness of the skin.

The drugs are used in courses, and not at your own discretion, best of all - as prescribed by a cosmetologist or dermatologist. Effective pharmaceutical ointments are characterized by a high concentration of active ingredients, therefore the duration of their use should not exceed 1.5-2 months.

Any composition is applied only to cleansed skin without traces of inflammatory processes or damage.

Before applying a wrinkle smoothing product, a local test for an allergic reaction is mandatory. To do this, 1-2 mg of the drug is applied to the wrist before bedtime; if in the morning no rash, redness or other manifestations of allergies appear on the skin, the composition can be used without fear. Otherwise, it is better to choose other pharmaceutical products.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of anti-aging drugs:

  1. structural defects of the dermis;
  2. flabbiness and dryness of the epithelium;
  3. violation of the facial oval;
  4. the appearance of facial and age wrinkles on the face;
  5. decrease in the protective properties of the epithelium;
  6. dermatological problems (acne, acne, etc.).

For open wounds, the use of ointments is strictly prohibited.

As for contraindications, it often comes down to the following factors:

  1. rashes on the epithelium, open wounds;
  2. oncological diseases;
  3. problems with the cardiovascular system, blood;
  4. increased sensitivity of the skin.

Procedures and products are used only after consultation with a dermatologist-cosmetologist. Don't risk your own health!


Pharmacy anti-wrinkle ointments really help cope with cosmetic skin problems. The best proof of this is the numerous reviews of women who have seen by their own example the effectiveness of the drugs.

It's not that I believe in miracles. But there are still better creams than others that improve skin tone. I’m 39 years old, my face has swollen over the last two years, and I’m expecting my third child, I’m taking a break from Botox. Price - I don’t care if it’s some kind of “Polyushko” for 3 rubles or something luxury. There is no time to place an order.
Share which anti-wrinkle cream works at least a little!
I tried Clinique, Clarens, Lancome. I didn’t find any difference from the mass. experts

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Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

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Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Prevage by Elizabeth Arden. Of course, it’s not a magic cure, but I noticed visible improvements. although it seems to me that if it’s already, as you say, “floated”, then only a contract will help.

Ask Proklova.)))))

Retinoic ointment at night (retinol is practically the only topical product that can fight wrinkles) and sunscreen during the day (90% of wrinkles are caused by the sun). Whatever you want, there are only a few SZ filters - titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, avobenzone and tinosorb, SPF not lower than 15. In general, I liked Olei lotion - competent composition and light texture.

A month ago I discovered a cream from Nevskaya Cosmetics - grape, I don’t know how much it costs, I think it’s not expensive. In general, it leaves the skin moisturized and smooth. To be honest, I didn’t expect it at all when I tried it at my mother’s. The effect and sensations can be compared with Givenchy vibes.

retinoic ointment seems to treat acne, and wrinkles

Tanya 32, shaking hands. At least someone is thinking with their head. Sunscreen and retinoids (tretinoin, isotretinoin). These are the only two things that help in the fight against wrinkles. You don't have to make a special choice.

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retinoic ointment seems to treat acne, and wrinkles
isn't it harmful?

I just read about this ointment on the internet and ran to the pharmacy.

retinoic ointment seems to treat acne, and wrinkles

I like La Mer concentrate and serum. Expensive, annoying, but effective.

The face has swollen - these are no longer wrinkles, but ptosis. There is no cream for sagging. During pregnancy, there is little you can do - massage for now, gymnastics for the facial muscles.

Retinol or vitamin A is the main fighter against old age; it is this vitamin that helps cells renew themselves.
There is nothing easier than buying retinoic ointment at the pharmacy and starting to use it, instead of the newfangled anti-wrinkle cream.
This ointment evens out the complexion, fights acne and various inflammations on the skin, tightens pores, smoothes out wrinkles, everything that expensive branded cosmetics offer us
But there is one very important condition: retinol does not tolerate sunlight and only acts at sunset. The best time to apply it is from 20-22.00 during this period all the substances in which it is rich work to the maximum
Use this ointment twice a year in autumn and spring, for three weeks, and the result will not be long in coming
Contraindicated for pregnant women and allergy sufferers.

10, but I am a pregnant woman :-)

retinoic ointment seems to treat acne, and wrinkles
isn't it harmful?

And I really like La Prairie. One of the few creams that works.

What creams! You need a course of massage, but the cream is just decent and buy a course of masks

Yes, a suitable cream is selected by trial and error, and the price does not always correspond to the result, probably every woman has been convinced of this.

Hostretinoic ointment seems to treat acne, and wrinkles
Isn't it harmful? It thins the skin. Me my colleague. the plastic doctor said.

I can only tell you a funny incident. An 85-year-old granny, wrinkled like a turtle, asks in the store: “Do you have anti-wrinkle cream?” I saw this myself.
My mom always makes an egg white mask whenever she goes out. The skin is smoothed, pores are tightened and the skin looks good.

Mom uses Absolue L▓Extrait. she likes it, her skin has become better.

I love the “clean line”, although I can afford to buy a top-class cream, but the clean line suits me surprisingly.

I love the “clean line”, although I can afford to buy a top-class cream, but the clean line suits me surprisingly.

Lunden Ilona has a good mask for the skin around the eyes, my mother says that it helps against wrinkles and tightens the skin

The face has swollen - these are no longer wrinkles, but ptosis. There is no cream for sagging. During pregnancy, there is little you can do - massage for now, gymnastics for the facial muscles.

How they love to recommend this retinoic ointment to everyone... they’ve found a panacea. And as they already said, pregnant women can’t use it, even to plan a pregnancy you need to wait at least a month after stopping retinol, because it tends to accumulate, and then the skin becomes thinner from retinol , the stratum corneum is thin, the skin is vulnerable, and summer is coming, the sun is coming, sunscreen is a must, otherwise, hello pigmentation. And no one uses cream with retinol in the summer, it’s better in the fall.

Make the ointment under proper conditions. cifazalin parashok and dilute in your regular face cream and apply to problem areas, garlic, it works

You can buy a real Swiss hyaluronic booster for 2600. This is more than the right alternative to injections that are fashionable today.
You can use Swiss masks to restore your skin; at least you won’t harm yourself or your facial skin in any way:
You can also use the complex (serum with cream and the cream itself - used ONLY TOGETHER!!) from the "Skin Radiance" line and eliminate fine expression wrinkles in a 4-week course of use.
At the age of 39, the intensive line “black caviar” is already quite relevant, but the cream should be applied ONLY TO THE SERUM, which is precisely applied BEFORE applying the cream: Since this is not an online store, not everything is posted on the site, please keep this in mind.
Details by phone and/or email: deesse dot ru dog gmail dot com
But absentee “diagnosis” is not only a thankless task, but also harmful. It’s better to call and get an individual consultation, or it’s smarter to come in person and, under the patronage of a specialist, try this or that drug, and then make an informed decision yourself.

Hostretinoic ointment seems to treat acne, and wrinkles
Isn't it harmful? It thins the skin. Me my colleague. the plastic doctor said.

American cosmetics nourish the skin very well, in particular the serum based on aloe vera is good, the blood supply to the skin and aloe cream improves deep hydration and aloe balance. I use it myself, my friends noted that the skin is not as thin and transparent as before

I really, really like the Korres Greek cosmetics cream, I bought it to try at the airport in Stambley, I didn’t even expect it to be so suitable. And apply any cream on the tonic or on the face moistened with mineral water. First, water on a sponge, then cream. Tell me, but it’s almost impossible to be patient, now wait a little and the skin will be nourished on its own and everything will be fine.

Retinoic ointment at night (retinol is practically the only topical product that can fight wrinkles) and sunscreen during the day (90% of wrinkles are caused by the sun). Whatever you want, there are only a few SZ filters - titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, avobenzone and tinosorb, SPF not lower than 15. In general, I liked Olei lotion - competent composition and light texture.

Make sure that the retinoid cream does not contain alcohol, the skin will dry out. Initial concentration 0.025

The cream requires adaptation. I wouldn't do this before the summer - start in the fall.

Oh, I missed that you are pregnant. No way for you)

Yes, right now a pregnant woman can’t do anything at all and there’s no point in anything other than protection from the sun then.