Aptos threads reviews complications

With age, the regeneration of collagen and elastin fibers slows down, the skin stretches, and the oval becomes unclear. When cosmetics are no longer effective, plastic surgery comes to the rescue, but it is not for everyone. In this situation, it is worth paying attention to an alternative - a facelift using polymer threads. The Aptos method is relatively new and has both negative and positive sides. To make an informed decision, you should better study the technology of the process, the nuances of rehabilitation, and find out the opinions of former patients.

What is a facelift with Aptos threads, features and effectiveness of the procedure

Unlike traditional surgical plastic surgery, a facelift using Aptos threads is virtually bloodless. It does not require deep penetration into the tissue, does not leave scars, and there are few contraindications. After hemming the threads, the aging of the skin is stopped and wrinkles are smoothed out. The improvement in facial appearance is noticeable immediately after the manipulations. The final result, as evidenced by reviews, appears after 3-4 weeks, and it lasts for 2-5 years.

The purpose of a thread facelift using the Aptos method is to create a kind of frame for soft tissue. They gradually move and are fixed in the right place thanks to notches on the threads. Due to the different directions of the notches, the tissues do not move and remain in a taut position for a long time. Different types of Aptos organic threads differ in design and properties. The specialist selects the right material depending on the patient’s age, the severity of wrinkles and other individual characteristics.

Types of threads for lifting

1. Non-absorbable threads. They are made of polypropylene, which has been used for more than half a century in classical surgery for suturing. The material is harmless to the body, takes root well, and is hypoallergenic. The frame made of polypropylene threads is durable, and the aesthetic result is long-lasting (4-5 years).

2. Aptos absorbable threads (Light Lift). This is an original development by the authors of the Aptos method, in which caprolac is taken as a basis. The period of decay and elimination from the body is about a year. In addition to caprolac, the threads contain lactic acid - thanks to it, cell regeneration processes are activated, due to which skin rejuvenation occurs. 1-3 months after the implantation of the threads, the soft tissues begin to grow their own bioframework from the developing connective tissue. It provides lifting until the Aptos threads completely dissolve, on average - 2-3 years.

Light Lift threads are recommended for patients aged 30-35 years: the bioframework prevents ptosis of facial tissues, light lifting, and rejuvenation of facial contours and skin. In the period from 35 to 45 years, a combination of non-absorbable threads (in the area of ​​the chin and cheeks) with caprolac (in the upper and middle parts of the face) is more acceptable. After 50 years, only polypropylene material can maintain the oval of the face.

Indications and contraindications

A face or neck lift using the Aptos method is recommended if you have the following problems:

  1. the contour of the face was deformed, a double chin formed;
  2. the skin has lost its natural elasticity and has become uneven;
  3. the skin sagged in the lower part of the cheeks ("jowls" formed);
  4. the corners of the lips, eyelids, eyebrows drooped;
  5. the skin was deformed due to scars;
  6. congenital or acquired facial asymmetry;
  7. sharply expressed nasolabial folds or frontal wrinkles;
  8. degeneration of subcutaneous fat in the anterior neck, moderate sagging of soft tissues.

Despite the fact that the procedure is low-traumatic, it can cause complications, the risk of which is increased by existing contraindications. Thread lifting is not recommended for the following diseases or conditions:

  1. chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  2. cardiovascular diseases;
  3. ARVI and other acute infections;
  4. pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  5. inflammation or cancer on the skin of the face;
  6. tendency to form keloid scars;
  7. decreased blood clotting;
  8. the presence of injection implants made of synthetic materials in the area where the threads are installed.

No special preparation is needed. In order not to cause complications in the form of blood loss, a week before the lift, stop taking antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants that thin the blood.

How a facelift is performed, possible complications after the procedure

Aptos thread lifting is performed under local anesthesia. First, the doctor marks the skin with a marker. In order not to get a negative result, it is important to correctly determine the location of the threads. They are not placed in areas of active facial expression, they are not carried out through several zones at once, and they take into account the thickness and texture of the skin. According to the markings, punctures or mini-incisions are made (the second option is intended for non-absorbable threads). The puncture sites are usually hidden in inconspicuous places - behind the ears or under the hair in the temporal part.

Through the holes, blunt needles (cannulas) are inserted into the subcutaneous fat, in which the Aptos reinforcing suture material is fixed. The threads are carefully pulled up, the ends are cut so that the threads are recessed under the skin. The puncture sites are disinfected. Reinforcement of a separate area of ​​the face lasts from 10 to 30 minutes, a facelift in several areas will require from 1.5 to 2 hours.

After installing the Aptos thread frame, the following complications and side effects are possible:

  1. the threads are exposed - this defect is eliminated by trimming the protruding ends;
  2. the threads stretch - they will have to be replaced (at least 3 months after the first procedure);
  3. minor hemorrhages appear - they usually go away on their own within 2-3 days;
  4. local hematomas occur (often in women who smoke due to the fragility of blood vessels);
  5. puncture sites become inflamed;
  6. there is pain and tightness of the skin.

Exposed threads are most often explained by the surgeon’s lack of experience. Stretching of the material may be due to its poor quality, and in some cases, to loss of facial weight. Other problems can be easily avoided or minimized if you take into account the recommendations of specialists regarding the recovery period.

Rehabilitation after lifting Aptos

Studying the negative reviews about thread facelifts, we can come to the conclusion: complications are often associated with the fact that rehabilitation took place with violations of the regime. The entire recovery cycle after implantation of the Aptos material is divided into 3 stages.

1. Acute period (3-5 days). Fixing patches remain on the face, skin folds are very noticeable. It is recommended to maintain a particularly gentle regime: sleep on your back, do not drink hot drinks or food, do not support your head with your hands, refrain from the slightest facial massage, do not open your mouth wide, chew without sudden movements. During this period, there are contraindications to taking a hot shower, visiting a steam room, sauna, swimming pool, or fitness club.

The first day after the procedure, the treatment area is cooled with ice. Punctures are disinfected with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide three times a day. Later, external decongestant drugs are used: Traumeel, Heparin, Lyoton, Gepatrombin, Troxevasin. They give good results when hematomas appear.

If rehabilitation at this stage is painful, the use of painkillers (Analgina, Pentalgina, Ketanova) is indicated. Reviews about rehabilitation after threads inform that sometimes the doctor prescribes antibiotics (cephalosporins). They prevent inflammatory processes with reduced immunity, as well as with a large number of implants.

2. Early rehabilitation period (up to 14 days). Fixing patches are removed independently or in the office. The folds gradually straighten out: patient reviews indicate that the pace of this process depends on the age and condition of the skin. To make rehabilitation more intensive, you can use physiotherapy: microcurrents, ultrasound, iontophoresis. Hydromasks with hyaluronic acid and creams with peptides are useful. Contraindications for the acute period remain in force, except for visiting a hot shower. Drinking alcohol is also prohibited for 2 weeks.

3. Late rehabilitation period (from 14 to 28 days). The face takes on a normal appearance, retractions and folds are almost invisible. Physiotherapeutic and cosmetic rehabilitation continues, thanks to which the positive result is consolidated. There are almost no restrictions on lifestyle; only contraindications to thermal procedures, massages and injections in the facial area remain (up to 2 months). At the end of the late period, it is recommended to visit a doctor who, if necessary, corrects residual skin defects.

It should be noted that negative reviews about the Aptos method are sometimes associated with a lack of information about the nuances of the recovery period for different zones.

  1. Aptos lifting of the cheekbone area. The early stage of rehabilitation lasts up to 1 month. All this time, cheekbones may look unnatural.
  2. Corners of the mouth. Rehabilitation is fast; minor hemorrhages require special attention.
  3. “Jaws”, chin. In the acute and early period, retractions and slight asymmetry of the chin or lower cheek area are observed. There is moderate pain behind the ears. In general, recovery has an average duration.
  4. Neck. Unlike a facelift, in this case rehabilitation lasts more than a month. All this time, “furrows” are noticeable on the neck, and pain behind the ears lasts longer than usual. To disguise temporary cosmetic defects, it is recommended to wear a scarf.

Reviews about lifting using Aptos threads

“When planning a facelift 2 years ago, I studied different options. I decided to try the Aptos method; I didn’t want to go under a scalpel. I was lucky: I ended up with the best specialist, a technology developer. Everything was done professionally, without side effects. Looking at my photos before and after lifting, I am convinced that I really look younger. I try to maintain the effect with the help of peelings.”

“Six months ago I had threads installed for a facelift, now I am very worried about complications: my right cheekbone has a hole, and the left one is raised too high. Plus, I got an infection at the clinic and had to undergo treatment for two months. Now I’m looking for a good specialist to remove the threads and do high-quality facial skin correction.”

“I read negative reviews about Aptos technology and want to share my story. 2.5 years ago I needed a facelift due to severe facial ptosis due to sudden weight loss. I had to pump hyaluronic acid into my cheekbones and fix it with threads. It was painful, one thread was not stretched well (then it was tightened again), the face was distorted, the swelling was severe. Thanks to Lyoton, the swelling went away in a couple of weeks. The asymmetry persisted for 1.5 months. Then everything was restored, the tightening effect became noticeable. The threads have already dissolved, but the result remains.”

“As for Aptos, it seems to me that this technique is still crude. A good specialist installed the threads for me, under the guidance of the developer. The performer was very nervous when he showed my different-cheeked face to the manager. Although everything has been restored, I will not do this experiment again. I heard the opinion of surgeons that plastic surgery is much more reliable, and threads are all temporary until the tissues sag again.”

“I was advised to use Aptos threads to correct sagging eyebrows. The procedure took place two weeks ago, and the results are already here! I can’t help but smile, although the doctor warned me that it’s better to refrain from facial expressions for now. I’m glad that the effect should be even stronger.”

In contrast to the full-fledged plastic surgery “facelift-classic” with its indispensable attributes: deep surgical intervention, skin excision and a long rehabilitation period, today there is the most gentle procedure for thread skin tightening.

One of the most common on the domestic market is the lifting technique using certified Aptos threads. Reviews about this procedure are very different: from admiring to negative. Is there a “golden mean”?

Aptos threads - negative reviews

Domestic cosmetologists and plastic surgeons have been using the Aptos thread lift method for skin rejuvenation for about 20 years. Despite the large number of reviews from grateful clients, quite often you can find cautious or even angry comments from people who are dissatisfied with the result of the operation or suffer from complications. What is this connected with?

The authors of the Aptos method, Georgy Marlenovich Sulamanidze and Marlen Andreevich, conduct training and issue certificates only to dermatologists who have a higher education document. Therefore, when contacting a clinic, you need to make sure not only of the doctor’s competence, but also that he has a certificate that allows him to perform thread bioreinforcement or skin tightening with Aptos threads.

Mastery of cannulas (blunt-pointed needles made of high-quality surgical steel to which Aptos threads are attached) does not guarantee highly qualified medical care. Sometimes girls complain that they are bothered by significant swelling after surgery with a bluish tint.

  1. facial asymmetry, surface roughness, hematomas or even subcutaneous inflammation

– this is not a complete list of troubles associated with the doctor’s unprofessionalism. In girls with very thin, fair skin, the threads themselves may be noticeable.

Another important factor in the appearance of negative reviews about Aptos threads is the low quality of unregistered samples of suture material, which does not have an official certificate from Roszdravnadzor.

The third factor in the occurrence of various side effects can be considered the individual characteristics of individual patients. If the doctor is not informed about the presence of allergies, the reactions of which he can prevent by prescribing antihistamines, as well as a number of other diseases, then the consequences of even a low-traumatic surgical intervention can be complicated.

However, you shouldn’t be afraid of all the possible side effects, you just need to take into account 3 factors:

  1. the solidity of the clinic and the experience of the doctor, the high quality of Aptos threads, exclude contraindications, and also notify the doctor about diseases and medications taken (if any).

Facelift with Aptos threads - is the effect possible?

According to the authors of the technique, face lifting with Aptos threads can be performed with both absorbable (polylactic) and non-absorbable (polypropylene) threads.

Ages 25-35, depending on the condition of the skin, plastic surgeons recommend bioreinforcement of the soft tissues of the face with a slight lifting effect with absorbable Aptos threads, which

  1. prevents sagging (ptosis) of tissues
slightly will tighten and rejuvenate the contours and skin of the face.

At 35-45 years old You can combine these 2 types of threads:

  1. Apply polymilk threads in the middle and upper parts of the face, and polypropylene threads in the lower third.

After 50 years

  1. pronounced “bulldog cheeks” or jowls, drooping double chin with a lot of soft tissue

will require non-absorbable threads to maintain the oval contour of the face.

Effect from absorbable Aptos threads, as a rule, lasts about 2 years, non-absorbable – 5.

Many negative reviews are also associated with high expectations: if I put on Aptos threads I will become 20 years younger or stay young forever. Judging by an interview with Sulamanidze M.A., the woman who, at the age of 42, had her first facelift with Aptos threads, repeated this facelift procedure three times over 10 years with different types of threads, adding them to different areas of her “calling card.”

In addition, after 2-2.5 months she received botulinum toxin injections and contouring (leveling the surface of the face with fillers with hyaluronic acid).

How is Aptos thread installed?

Bio-reinforcement of the face with Aptos threads takes 10-30 minutes, face lifting in several areas (ptosis in the eyebrows, cheekbones, medial (middle) third of the face, area of ​​the “young oval”) can last up to 1.5-2.5 hours. Pain relief is most often applied locally (as at the dentist).

During the procedure itself, cannulas (blunt needles with fixed suture surgical material) are inserted into micropunctures (or small incisions if Needle threads are used - non-absorbable) into the intradermal space. This material has notches that, when opened, create a frame. The body subsequently builds up additional collagen fibers on it, which thicken the skin.

After installation, Aptos threads provide fixation of ptosis tissues. Micro-punctures and incisions are made in the scalp area and therefore remain invisible. The result of a facelift is visible immediately, the maximum lifting effect is achieved within a month and lasts from 2 (with absorbable aptos threads) to 3-5 years (with non-absorbable threads).

More about contouring on “Cosmetology for Dummies”:

How are Restylane drugs used for rejuvenation?

Read here why fillers are needed.

Aptos threads: complications after the procedure

Despite the fact that facial skin tightening with aptos threads is low-traumatic, complications are also possible after this procedure:

  1. The ends of the threads have to be removed as they become exposed; Thread breaks (if the doctor’s recommendations are not followed); Swelling, hematomas and subcutaneous hemorrhages; Infection; Quite severe post-operative pain; Loose threads that require correction. Additional tightening is performed after 3 months.

Aptos threads - rehabilitation period

If after the procedure of bioreinforcement with Aptos threads you can go to work almost immediately, then after lifting you will need several days to recover. In rare cases, this period extends to 1.5 weeks. At this time it is observed:

  1. Some “gathering” of the skin, which gradually straightens out and the visual tubercles along the threads disappear; Small hematomas (especially in women who smoke due to the fragility of the vessel walls). They also pass within a few days; Pain that can be relieved with prescribed medications; Feeling of skin tightness.

How to fix errors?

Is it possible to do something if the threads are placed incorrectly?

The most radical way to correct errors in this case is to remove threads. However. experienced surgeons can find an alternative if required:

  1. Trim the nodules (become visible); Tighten the threads (they have begun to sag); The face has lost weight and tissue ptosis has increased.

For absorbable Aptos threads, doctors can prescribe physiotherapy procedures that promote rapid biodegradation of the threads.

Perhaps a dermatocosmetologist will recommend additional botulinum therapy or contouring procedures to visually correct the skin texture.

Indications and contraindications

You can think about the possibility of installing Aptos threads if you have:

  1. Ptosis (drooping) of the outer edge of the eyebrows; Gravitational drooping of the face oval, jowls; Deep nasolabial folds, creases; Nasolacrimal grooves and labiomental folds; Wrinkles on the face, neck, as well as on the chest and buttocks.

Aptos threads are contraindicated for people with:

  1. Skin diseases in the intended area of ​​thread insertion; Infectious diseases in the acute stage: influenza, ARVI, herpes, etc.; Oncology, including benign; Blood diseases associated with increased thrombus formation.

Protect yourself from the possibility of ending up with unprofessional or unscrupulous doctors, look at the doctors’ work in reality and in photos. This will significantly reduce the risk of side complications and make the operation successful!


I would like to recommend Aptos threads, I used them. The doctor is great, she showed and told me everything, warned me about everything, answered all my questions. I lay under her arms for about an hour and Hello OP! I’m a beauty again, no nasal lips, no jowls, it’s just a fairy tale, I’m happy! I will recommend this procedure to everyone, it is the most effective in my opinion!

Until I was 40, I didn’t go to a cosmetologist at all. But one morning I looked in the mirror and realized it was time. My problem was receding cheekbones and sagging cheeks. A friend recommended a cosmetologist and came for a consultation. A whole plan was drawn up to return me to an attractive appearance. One of the items was the installation of aptos threads to tighten the skin and restore its elasticity. To be honest, it took me a long time to decide on the thread, it was very scary, but I still took this step and now I regret that I didn’t do it earlier. It was not painful at all, everything took place under local anesthesia and a special needle. Cheeks and cheekbones were lifted in less than an hour. There was swelling, but not for long. And the full effect manifested itself probably after a couple of weeks. Very pleased!

I had loose skin in the neck area, it runs in our family, the neck is a weak spot. I decided on Aptos thread lifting and did not regret it. The procedure does not take much time and is not very painful, which is very pleasing. I was very afraid of injuring my skin. There are no scars or scars after the manipulations, I recovered quickly, in about a week. The skin noticeably tightened and became more elastic. I am very pleased, and most importantly, without plastic surgery!

I installed it at a clinic in Perm and didn’t regret it! It was 5 years ago, they gave me a total of 1.5 meters. The result is good, the nasolabial and marionette wrinkles are gone, the jowls are tightened! I delivered more this year. In March I'll go get my chin stitched. It was unpleasant only when they made a hole to insert threads, everything else was tolerable. I recommend Aptos and their analogues to everyone. Previously I made 3D threads - complete nonsense. Although I have about 30 of them.

I was given Aptos threads at the Nova Clinic in Ivanovo by doctor Svetlana Kopysheva. Unfortunately, I can't attach photos, I have

holes in the places where the threads were inserted, creases on the temples that began to form wrinkles in places where there were none before, on the forehead one of the threads is “trying to get out.”

I have already cut it once at my cosmetologist, but the thread continues to come out. With every movement of the forehead, it digs inside.
The doctor refused to return the money, claiming that she did everything correctly, does that mean the problem is with the Aptos threads?

I have been dreaming of getting threads for 2 years, but now I can’t wait for them to dissolve and I hope that my face will at least return to its previous appearance. It's a pity there is no way to add photos for clarity.

Think seriously before deciding to install.
If you decide, go to a trusted doctor and immediately negotiate a refund if they do something bad and how they can fix it.

Hello Anastasia. How is your face now?

My experience in installing Aptos threads did not please me; I feel sorry for the money spent. I put 2 threads on each side. There were no bruises or swelling at all. On the 3rd day after the procedure, everything returned to its place before - my jowls are with me again. It's a shame! Although I’m only 37, the sagging has just started, but the effect is nothing, so don’t raise your expectations too high.

I am 44 years old. For 10 years I have been actively doing biorevitalization, mesotherapy, Botox, and contouring.
Two days ago I placed absorbable threads, 3 on each cheek and two on the neck. The procedure lasted 1.5 hours. Sometimes there was pinpoint pain, but this pain is something I can easily endure. I trust my cosmetologist, so I didn’t worry about anything. She just let me know when pain appeared. It's no more painful than biorevitalization.
The swelling went away quickly. I saw the effect immediately. Today I went outside. No one looked back.😀
My doctor didn't leave a single bruise. Thanks to her for her golden hands. There is also pain in some places. Tightness in the neck area, folds around the ears have not smoothed out. But there is still more to come. I already like myself! I'm already ready to go to the next procedure. And I'm sure I will go.
Thanks to the VRP developers for an accessible and non-traumatic procedure.

Hello, you had the procedure done in Moscow, can I have the doctor’s contact information?

Hello! I am 39 years old. Today is the 5th day after installing Aptos Excellence Visage threads. I put 10 threads, 5 on each side. The face is still swollen, but the result is already clearly visible. The oval of the face tightened and the corners of sadness disappeared from the lips. Regarding the procedure: during the procedure I didn’t feel any pain at all, it’s just not pleasant when they pick at your face, especially during the procedure, an unpleasant crunching sound is heard from time to time. During anesthesia it stung a little, was tolerable and not painful at all. My doctor dilutes the anesthetic with saline so that it doesn’t hurt, even though it’s completely frozen. It started hurting after the freeze lifted and I took painkillers for 2 days. The mouth really doesn’t open wide, I hope it goes away soon. On the 7th day I will go to the doctor, she will look at the result and, if necessary, she will tighten my threads. So don’t be afraid, it doesn’t hurt to insert threads, the main thing is to find a good doctor. Cost 44,000 rub.

Aptos threads were placed at the age of 46. Before this, I did Teosial filler once. I was happy for almost two years. Then my cheeks began to sag sharply; it was unpleasant to look at myself. I came to the threads. All procedures were done in the clinic. They gave me three threads on each side and two short ones in my nasolabial lips. The procedure was very painful, starting with painkilling injections in the face, then cannulas were inserted under the skin. On the left, the thread went wrong and immediately caught up with the cheek wildly. After the procedure, my face looked like a pumpkin, and there was also a hematoma. The first week it was almost impossible to open your mouth to brush your teeth and eat; it felt like the threads were tearing the fabric. Everything passed in almost a month. But then I began to reap the fruits of the torment - they began to call me a girl again. Now almost two years have passed, the results are still holding up. I am very pleased and ready to do it again. I wish all women beauty, health and courage! And of course, good luck with the doctor!

Wonderful article! And for today, June 9, 2016, are there any additions on this topic?...I am 51 years old, and I want to rejuvenate the lower part of my face to a greater extent. Surgeons in our city (Khabarovsk) are ready to undertake a circular lift... But in my childhood, when I was born, I had a cut on the facial nerve, now it doesn’t bother me at all - it doesn’t exist. Is there an option with threads?

Thread lifting, which is becoming more and more popular every year, is primarily chosen due to its short rehabilitation period and minimal side effects. However, as with any, even minimally invasive technique, complications still occur. Which? How to deal with them? Let's find out with Igor Gulyaev, plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, trainer in APTOS methods.

Today, a huge number of varieties of threads help us restore beauty and youth: permanent and absorbable, smooth or with a specific fastening system, for tightening soft tissues and reinforcing the skin. All of them, without exception, belong to minimally invasive techniques. And in order to harm a patient with their help, according to Igor Gulyaev, one must “try hard.” However, unpleasant situations still happen. Moreover, in most cases they are the same for different types of threads. First of all, such situations are usually divided into complications And temporary phenomena.

Temporary phenomena

Beauty, as you know, requires sacrifice. So-called temporary phenomena accompany most aesthetic interventions - hardware techniques and contouring, peelings and mesotherapy. In most cases, they do not require the participation of a doctor and go away on their own over time. These include:

Ecchymoses (bruises) and small hematomas

Since the doctor works blindly when inserting threads, he can damage small vessels. The likelihood of developing hematomas increases in diseases accompanied by hypocoagulation (reduced blood clotting), or when the procedure is performed during or on the eve of menstruation.

What to do: Just be patient. In ten days there will be no trace of bruises. For those who are especially impatient, special gels and ointments and hardware rehabilitation procedures will help speed up the healing process.


They are a natural reaction of the body to any injury. Moreover, with thread lifting, the face may swell differently in different parts of it. Patients with full, heavy faces are more prone to edema.

What to do: Depending on the type of threads and the “extensiveness” of the procedure, swelling will practically disappear after ten to fourteen days. In some cases, medications and hardware techniques can help speed up the healing process.

Skin irregularities

Minor unevenness of the skin is a consequence of tissue movement along traction (tension) vectors, pronounced hypercorrection, and uneven distribution of tissue on the threads. They can also occur in places where the needle is inserted and punctured.

What to do: In most cases, the bumps disappear within seven to ten days. If this does not happen, it is best to contact your doctor.

Disorders of facial expressions

Minor temporary disturbances in facial expressions after the procedure are most often associated with the effect of the anesthetic. They usually go away within a few hours. In rare cases, persistent impairment of facial expressions is possible due to compression (squeezing) of the motor branches of the nerves due to tissue swelling. Direct nerve damage when the procedure is performed correctly thread lifts - an extremely rare occurrence.

What to do: Wait until the anesthetic wears off or the swelling intensity decreases. If the disturbance in facial expression is persistent (more than 3-4 days), you should consult a doctor.

Overcorrection effect

The effect of the procedure is too pronounced - prominent cheekbones - “apples”, “surprised” raised eyebrows, etc. - catches your eye.

What to do: To achieve the best effect, it is best not to take any action for the next few days after the procedure. In fact, doctors even strive for the “overcorrection effect.” Since the swelling after the procedure persists for up to two weeks, and during all this time the force of gravity acts on the tissues that have become “heavier” due to swelling, the tissues consciously rise slightly above the desired position. After two to three weeks they naturally fall into place.


Unlike temporary phenomena, complications do not go away on their own. In most cases, they require medical intervention and often lead to the removal of the threads. All of them are divided into complications of a general nature (characteristic of all minimally invasive techniques) and specific to thread lifting.

According to statistics, most of these complications are associated with violations of the thread implantation technique: non-compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, the choice of installation trajectories that do not correspond to the vectors of movement of the facial muscles, the choice of material or configuration of threads that are not suitable for tightening soft tissues in a given area.

The division of threads into surgical (non-absorbable) and cosmetic (absorbable) is quite arbitrary and has virtually no effect on the nature of complications.

Allergic reactions

They cannot be excluded when carrying out any aesthetic procedure. During thread lifting, an allergic reaction can be caused by an anesthetic or a skin treatment product. It is extremely rare that the body reacts to the material itself - after all, only time-tested suture materials are used to make threads.

What to do: If an allergic reaction is caused by an anesthetic or treatment agent and is expressed in redness and itching of the skin, antihistamines help to cope with the situation. However, there are also emergency conditions - for example, anaphylactic shock. It requires, firstly, the immediate use of drugs, which must be in every treatment room (most often, prednisolone, adrenaline, suprastin, aminophylline). Secondly, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance team.

If an allergic reaction occurs on the threads (most often, if they are made from counterfeit low-quality material, and it is this material that is to blame for the allergic reaction), they must be removed. This allergic reaction usually occurs delayed.

Infectious-inflammatory reaction

This is perhaps the most common complication and is primarily due to the fact that thread lifts are taken rather lightly. They forget that the thread is an implant, and the doctor should approach the procedure as a minor operation (carefully prepare the room, instruments, consumables). Most complications can be avoided by following preventive measures: it is important not to be lazy in collecting anamnesis, properly preparing the patient for the procedure, washing hands correctly, performing the procedure only in a specially equipped room, etc.

What to do: In most cases, antibiotics help to cope with the infection in the initial stages. In severe situations - with extensive abscesses - the thread must be removed.

Unlike aesthetic surgeries, minimally invasive procedures do not require a single prior dose of antibacterial agents as prophylaxis.

Violation of facial expressions

This complication is due to the fact that some manufacturers in their recommendations, and following them doctors, do not take into account such an important thing as facial biomechanics. There are certain vectors of movement of facial muscles. If you do not take them into account when placing the threads, facial expressions and features will be distorted.

Impaired facial expressions may be caused by damage or compression of motor nerves. However, such cases are extremely rare! Most thread lift techniques involve implanting threads into the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which, if the recommended trajectories are followed, virtually eliminates nerve damage.

What to do: If there is a clear violation of facial expressions, the threads must be removed.

Persistent contour violation

It is very important not to confuse this complication with the effect of overcorrection, which we already discussed above. Most lifting threads today have a fixation system (notches, cones, knots, etc.). If you apply significant force when fixing the fabric to the thread, you can get a pronounced “overtightening” effect (persistent deformation of the contour).

What to do: Sometimes a simple facial massage helps return the tissues to the desired position. It gives a good effect with the linear technique of installing threads. When installing threads in the form of a loop, massage, unfortunately, is ineffective. Therefore, with this technique, overcorrection should be minimal. In severe cases, the threads have to be removed.

Thread migration

This complication is typical for smooth threads without a fixation system. By the way, these include the smooth ones that are popular today. mesothreads. “When a smooth monofilament thread is inserted into the subcutaneous fat, it is able to pass through it like a needle through oil and, ultimately, move away from the starting point of installation,” explains Igor Gulyaev. “For example, patients came to us in whom, ten years after installation, the gold threads in the chin area became “in a ball” and had to be pulled out.”

What to do: This situation, of course, requires the removal of threads. The tip of the thread can rest against the skin and contour. And sometimes the thread can even perforate (pierce) the skin. According to our expert, the thread must have a fixation system - no matter what it will be (notches, cones or something else).

Thread contouring

The appearance (outlining) of threads under the skin is most often the result of improper installation technique. For example, they were introduced too superficially or unevenly. Each type of thread has its own layer, which must be strictly observed. Most often this is subcutaneous fatty tissue, sometimes it is the dermis; some techniques involve the installation of threads even in SMAS.

What to do: The thread has to be removed. In some cases, a separate fragment is deleted, in others, the entire thread is deleted.

Skin retraction at the injection and puncture sites

“Dimples” where the needle enters and exits were once quite common. Today, the development of paired needles that form a single point helps to avoid their appearance at the injection point. With their help, you can immediately get to the desired depth. Retraction at the puncture site usually occurs if the notch is too close to the surface and partially “picks up” the dermis. To even out the skin, just lightly massage the puncture point.

What to do: If the retraction at the injection point is persistent and does not disappear within 3-4 weeks, you can slightly separate (peel off) the skin at the site of retraction under local anesthesia. In most cases this is enough.

Removing threads

There are many scary stories and myths associated with the removal of threads (primarily notches and cones): the threads grow in, when they are removed, the tissues are torn, and pits and scars remain on the face. “In fact,” says Igor Gulyaev, “if necessary, the threads are removed very easily. This is done with a regular tiny hook or an injection needle with a curved tip, using only local anesthesia.

“The thread is most easily removed when inflammation develops,” says our expert. – Firstly, in this case it is clearly visible on an ultrasound. Secondly, the inflamed tissues are much more loose, and the thread can be easily pulled out. But with other types of complications, no tissue rupture occurs. The thread is cut in several places and is always pulled out along the notches, without damaging the tissue at all. If the thread is linear, no more than three punctures are required to remove it, if it is in the form of a loop, a few more.

It is only the removal of threads in the long term that causes some difficulty for doctors, since the thread may already be covered with a dense capsule and is fixed in the tissues much more reliably. But fortunately, this happens extremely rarely.

“Braces using threads are good primarily because they are reversible,” emphasizes Igor Gulyaev. – And this applies not only to the development of complications. Like any technique, thread lifting is subject to a certain fashion. Not so long ago, women liked high Asian cheekbones, which were created using a loop thread. Today this trend has practically disappeared. And in general, ideas about beauty are very subjective, and they may not always coincide between the doctor and the patient.