Arborization phenomenon

Arborization phenomenon

The phenomenon of arborization is an important phenomenon in ecosystems that promotes tree growth and increases the diversity of forest species. In this case, trees develop inside other trees, inserting their roots into their tissues or through their stems, giving growth to other plants. This technology is aimed at restoring lands damaged by fires, including areas damaged as a result of emergencies - forest fires. Over many years of development of arbolization as a method of land restoration, its role has been shown in restoring soil fertility, improving the living conditions of animals, fish and birds, reducing the segregation of different species, normalizing the microbial community of soils, regulating the microbiological composition, carbonate balance of soils, optimizing carbon balances and nutritional elements. Arbolization phenomena can occur in many different ecosystems and at different times of the year. Can be used to solve environmental and economic problems such as increasing biodiversity, restoration, conservation measures, etc. This phenomenon also provides energy for forest animals and plants, meaning it can help preserve ecosystems and provide a more sustainable future for the planet.