
Archallaxis (from the Greek words arch- and allaxis, meaning “to change”, “to change”) is a term denoting fundamental changes in the structure and properties of the Universe.

This term was introduced into scientific circulation by the Russian cosmologist A.D. Sakharov to designate the supposed quantum fluctuations of space-time in the pre-Planck era, which could lead to symmetry breaking and the appearance of fundamental physical constants.

Sakharov hypothesized that at the very beginning of the Universe, at the Planck stage, space-time had a high degree of symmetry. However, as a result of quantum fluctuations, this symmetry was broken, which was the impetus for the expansion of the Universe. Sakharov called such profound changes in the space-time structure archallaxis.

It is believed that as a result of archallaxis, fundamental physical constants arose (the speed of light, the gravitational constant, etc.), the laws of nature were determined, and the conditions necessary for the emergence of our Universe arose. Thus, this term denotes a fundamental change in the structure of the world at the earliest stages of its existence.

Archallaxis is a phenomenon in which a transfer of matter or energy occurs from one system to another without any impact on them. This can occur in a variety of systems, including biological, physical and chemical.

Archallaxis is an important phenomenon in biology. For example, it plays a key role in the metabolism between cells and tissues in the body. Archallaxis can also be used to create new materials and devices, such as solar panels or fuel cells.

In physics, archallaxis is used to explain the transfer of heat and mass in systems. For example, in thermodynamics, archallaxis describes the process in which heat is transferred from a hot body to a cold one without any external influence.

In addition, archallaxis plays an important role in chemical processes. For example, in a combustion reaction, archallaxis occurs between oxygen and a combustible substance, resulting in the release of heat and light.

Thus, archallaxis is a fundamental phenomenon that plays an important role in many fields of science and technology. It allows you to understand how matter and energy are exchanged in various systems and how to use it to create new technologies and materials.