Argan oil for body skin

Every woman dreams of having healthy, smooth, velvety, fresh skin. Moroccans have created a unique product, an elixir of health and youth - argan oil. It is handcrafted by the hardworking hands of the women of Morocco. This unique natural product is a whole storehouse of microelements and vitamins. It is ideal for the whole body: face, hair, torso, hands, nails, heels. By regularly using argan oil on your skin, a woman will feel how she is becoming younger, healthier, and more beautiful.

Argan oil is a whole storehouse of microelements and vitamins

Anti-aging properties

Argan oil has a powerful anti-aging effect. It penetrates deeply into the skin and enhances microcirculation in cells. In just a few days you will get amazing results. Wrinkles will be smoothed out, the skin will become firm, elastic, and velvety. Body oil will moisturize the skin and prevent the appearance of signs of aging.

The regenerating ability of the product will allow you to get rid of acne on any part of the body, face, and uneven epidermis. This property will help eliminate and reduce scars, scars and burn marks. The product is excellent for eliminating postpartum stretch marks.

Body care

Argan oil is ideal for any skin type and has no contraindications. This excellent cosmetic product easily copes with:

  1. acne and pimples;
  2. skin problems suffering from eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis;
  3. defects of dry, mature, wrinkled skin;
  4. peeling.

To improve your health, you should lubricate the skin of your body and face with pure argan oil every day before going to bed. For masks, you can combine the argan product with other oils, honey, yogurt, fruit puree, and oatmeal.

For masks, you can combine argan oil with other oils, honey, yogurt, fruit puree, oatmeal

Neck care

When caring for your face, you should not forget about the skin of your neck. She always gives away the age of the fair sex. The older a woman gets, the more wrinkles and deep folds appear on her neck. To prevent premature aging of the neck skin, apply argan oil to it with gentle movements from bottom to top. It does not clog pores and is quickly absorbed.

Bust care

The issue of maintaining breast elasticity and protecting it from stretch marks during pregnancy and breastfeeding worries many women. A beautiful bust is everyone's dream. You should not neglect the skin in the décolleté area, which is susceptible to premature aging.

For breast elasticity, it is useful to make the following compress. Rub argan oil into the décolleté and chest area with massaging movements. Select 2 cabbage leaves according to the size of your chest and spread the inside of each with a mixture of a teaspoon of honey and 5 drops of geranium oil. Place cabbage leaves on your chest and wrap with a bandage. Apply compresses at night. Course - 10 days. This will prevent skin aging, moisturize and tone it.

Argan oil regulates the balance of the breast skin, nourishes it, promotes cell restoration, and eliminates stretch marks. Cabbage has antitumor properties. The vitamins it contains will improve tissue metabolism in the mammary gland and prevent the formation of mastopathy. In combination with honey, cabbage leaves dissolve knots and seals. The active substances of geranium regulate fat balance, eliminate congestion and inflammatory processes.

For breast elasticity, you can make a compress with cabbage leaves and argan oil

Hand and nail care

The beauty of hands is an important attribute of a modern lady. Housework and dacha work have a bad effect on their condition. The skin on your hands becomes rough and inflamed. Hands require daily care, and if your nails are unhealthy, they don’t look very beautiful.

Argan oil can be added to hand cream. Rub the cream into the cuticle of the nails and the skin of the hands, massaging until completely absorbed.

As a rule, the skin on your hands is always dry, and baths are useful to moisturize it. Take equal amounts of argan, hazelnut and chamomile oil. Heat in a water bath to 37–38 degrees. Dip your hands into the oil mixture. Massage your hands for 15 minutes, not forgetting the cuticles of your nails. Do not throw away the oil mixture; it can be reused.

Are you worried about brittle, peeling nails? Not worth it. Prepare a mixture of argan oil and lemon juice in a 1:1 ratio. Rub it into the plates and cuticles of your nails at night. Repeat the procedure daily. This mixture strengthens and ensures a well-groomed appearance of nails. After 10 days, their healthy shine and strength are ensured.

The product is a powerful antioxidant, protects the skin of the hands from external influences, aging and, thanks to the high content of fatty acids, moisturizes them.

Baths with an oil mixture with argan oil have a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands

Fighting stretch marks

Stretch marks usually appear during pregnancy and breastfeeding or as a result of sudden weight gain. It is easier to prevent their occurrence than to fight them later. Oil for stretch marks is best used during pregnancy - after 3 months.

The following oil mixtures are useful to prevent the appearance of stretch marks:

  1. argan - 1 tablespoon, neroli - 5 drops;
  2. argan - 1 tablespoon, lemon - 3 drops, tangerine - 3 drops;

Rub the mixture into problem areas of the body, massaging them. Pay special attention to the bust, abdomen, and hip areas.

To prevent the formation of stretch marks on the chest, you can prepare mixtures of oils:

  1. argan - 10 ml, rosehip 30 ml, add 3 drops each of rosewood, geranium, myrtle and 2 drops each of immortelle and incense gum;
  2. argan and jojoba 10 ml each, hazelnut - 60 ml, rose hips - 20 ml, add essential oils of myrtle - 0.5 ml, tangerine - 0.3 ml.

After application, massage with light movements 2 times a day, morning and evening.

These mixtures should not be used by nursing mothers.

The following oil mixtures are useful against existing stretch marks:

  1. argan - 6 tablespoons, aloe vera - 25 drops;
  2. argan - 50 ml, coriander - 15 drops, grapefruit - 20 drops.

Apply in circular motions to problem areas of the body and massage. Leave on the body until completely absorbed.

A mixture of argan and other oils is used to combat stretch marks.

The best anti-cellulite product

Argan oil in combination with other oils successfully fights against cellulite. There is a ready-made anti-cellulite product on sale, which contains argan, grape seed, rosemary, almond, avocado and apricot oils. The mixture can also be made at home from the same components. It is applied to the cellulite area and rubbed vigorously. This massage effect reduces cellulite, improves blood circulation, and removes toxins.


The popularity of bronze tanning has been at its peak for a long time, and to this day a beautiful tan is in fashion. But recently it is believed that prolonged exposure to the sun is unsafe. Therefore, sunbathing should be done in doses in the morning and evening. To obtain an even tan, argan oil is widely used in cosmetology. It is added to sunscreens as a moisturizer that protects the skin from the negative effects of the external environment.

It's good to add argan oil to sunscreen

For bronzing, special cosmetics are used based on argan oil with the addition of carrot, apricot, almond, avocado, and ylang-ylang oils. If you apply the product to your body before going out into the sun, it will speed up tanning and prevent skin aging. If you apply it after exposure to the sun, it will prolong the beauty of your tan and eliminate peeling.

Many medicines and cosmetics, despite their seemingly complex chemical composition, are, in fact, a mixture of natural substances.

Most often these are extracts of various plants, as well as their derivatives, for example, argan oil, for health and beauty, which has been used since ancient times. Today I will tell you how this product is useful, what it is obtained from and how it can be used for the skin of the face, body and hair.

What is argan oil and how is it obtained ↑

Argan oil is extracted from the extract of the seeds of argan trees, which grow in the southwestern part of Morocco and contain large quantities of it. In fact, this product is considered quite rare, since in order for the tree to begin to bear fruit, about 30-50 years must pass, and then the oil must still be properly prepared for storage and transportation.

For many years, local residents have used the oil of this plant as a medicinal product, and also performed cosmetic procedures with it to maintain healthy skin and hair.

Currently, this type of oil has become so popular that it is widely used as an ingredient in many cosmetic products that are produced in almost all countries of the world.

Benefits of argan oil for skin ↑

This product contains important vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and antioxidants that have beneficial effects on the skin, such as preventing premature aging, removing age-related changes, and so on.

Therefore, it is recommended to use this oil if you want to get:

  1. Young and radiant face. Using argan oil on your face helps prevent premature aging, reduce dead cells and protect against sun damage. This substance contains vitamin E, which is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and normal collagen levels. It also contains phytosterols, which help fight acne and reduce scarring.
  2. Moisturized skin. Instead of using chemical dermal moisturizers, you can simply use argan oil, which, moreover, acts on all the skin of the body, nourishing and retaining moisture inside them. The best results can be achieved if you apply the oil after showering.

Argan oil and hair ↑

Vitamin E, combined with essential fatty acids, makes it an excellent hair care product and greatly helps keep it healthy.

  1. In order to reduce dry hair and add shine, simply massage the scalp and hair itself with this oil.
  2. Curly hair tends to be very difficult to comb and tends to tangle. To get a good hairstyle that will never tangle, you only need to apply a small amount of argan oil to your hair.
  3. Damaged hair is most susceptible to split ends. To correct this problem, you simply need to apply a small amount of oil to your ends daily.
  4. If the scalp itself is dry, it is usually accompanied by dandruff, itching and irritation. To solve this problem, you need to apply a certain amount of oil to the scalp, massage it a little and leave it like that until the morning.
  5. Leven Rose, 100% Pure & Organic Argan Oil, 4 oz.

Nutrition and argan oil ↑

Surprisingly, argan oil can also be consumed internally, and in this case it benefits the body. The fact is that this substance has an anti-inflammatory effect, and therefore it is very effective in the treatment of diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis.

This oil can also be considered an anti-cancer product due to its antioxidants and healthy fatty acids that fight and reduce the effects of free radicals. Argan oil increases the amount of good cholesterol and reduces the amount of bad cholesterol. When consumed regularly, it helps prevent cell damage, heart disease and cancer.

Argan oil is a great addition to salads and other dishes. Just be careful in this case - the nutritional value of this oil is 900 kcal per 100 g of product. The only harmful property of this oil is due to its high calorie content - it is better not to use it if you are overweight.

Argan oil - a means of nourishing and moisturizing the skin ↑

Argan oil is most often used on the face. But to get a truly impressive result, you need to take some points into account.

Using pure argan oil for the face ↑

If we have pure cosmetic argan oil or its mixture with other oils, then it can be applied to the skin directly in this form. To do this, use a pipette or other dispensing object, with which we measure out a few drops of this product and place them on the pads of the fingers.

After this, you need to soak your face, making soft circular massage movements with your fingertips, while avoiding the eye contour area. You need to start a facial massage from the chin area and move slowly to the cheekbones. After you reach the middle of your forehead, you need to perform the same movements in the opposite direction.

The massage ends when the face has completely absorbed all the argan oil. If you suffer from acne, use gentle circular motions on these areas, but don't press too hard.

Argan oil and face cream ↑

Another good way to use argan oil, especially if you have dry skin, is to place a few drops into the cream or other moisturizer you use on your face every day.

Thus, we get a much more nutritious product and significantly improve its moisturizing qualities. This is made possible by the presence of vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals, in addition to unsaturated fatty acids and polyphenols.

As a result, we get smooth skin and protect it from premature aging. But be careful - the effectiveness of the procedure directly depends on the quality of the cosmetics you chose as a base.

This procedure must be repeated every day because otherwise you are unlikely to get the desired results. To a greater extent, this procedure is recommended for those women whose skin is very dry or sensitive - a mixture of moisturizing cream and oil activates collagen production and relieves the dermis from drying out, nourishing it as much as possible.

How to use argan oil for healthy hair ↑

To begin with, it should be said that argan oil is suitable for absolutely any hair type - be it oily, dry, brittle or split ends. The same applies to the scalp, and therefore you should not be afraid that hair, which is characterized by increased fat content, will become even fatter - no, on the contrary, oil normalizes its condition.

If you research hair care products, you will find that many of them already contain “liquid gold from Morocco”, with some products using this oil as a base. Such significant popularity is due to the fact that argan oil makes hair soft and silky.

I always use natural argan oil after washing my hair: I apply the oil to damp hair and distribute it over the entire length. This product gives strands shine and smoothness from roots to ends. In addition, it prevents hair from tangling. The oil also has a beneficial effect on the bulbs themselves and the scalp in which they are located.

The procedure for using argan oil for hair is somewhat more complex:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare a slightly damp towel and leave it somewhere nearby so that it is at hand. After this, apply the oil to the entire surface of the hair until it covers the entire hair. Particular attention should be paid to the scalp and the area at the roots and ends, especially if your hair is brittle itself.
  2. Now massage your head for a while until the skin and hair are thoroughly soaked. Then take a towel and wrap it around your head without removing the oil. Leave them in this position for at least half an hour.
  3. After this, it is necessary to prevent excessive greasy hair, because excess oil on the skin and hair is harmful to health and significantly worsens the appearance of the hair. Take off the towel, comb your hair and get into the shower. Rinse your hair with regular shampoo until you feel you have removed all excess hair. Then apply a soothing hair product.

After this simple procedure, which should be carried out twice a week, you will get moisturized, shiny and strong hair, especially in the root area. Also, argan oil will help get rid of excessive dryness of the scalp and help you get rid of dandruff.

Video material “Secrets of Argan Oil” ↑

I bring to your attention a short but very informative video about the use of argan oil in cosmetology, watch.

Argan oil is truly incredibly beneficial for health and beauty. It’s not for nothing that this product is called the liquid gold of Morocco - its incredible healing and moisturizing properties make it possible to use this substance as a means to restore the structure of skin and hair. It perfectly fights the first signs of aging on the face and returns the hairline to its natural strength and healthy appearance.

That's all for today. Be generous, share useful information with your friends on social networks.

Argan oil is widely used in both cosmetics and medicine. Due to the content of a large amount of vitamin E and beneficial acids, it is an excellent product for caring for the face, hair and the whole body. Cosmetics with argan oil have a strong moisturizing, regenerating, anti-aging and protective effect.

What is argan oil?

Argan oil is one of the most expensive and hard to find oils in the world. The original must be imported directly from Morocco and the bottle must have a quality certificate. It is made from the fruit of the argan tree (argan tree).

Argan tree fruit

For centuries, the history of Morocco's indigenous Berber people has been linked to the argan tree, which they call the "tree of life." Thanks to the nutritional properties of argan oil, they were able to live in difficult conditions. The traditional method of extracting oil is mainly reserved for women. This is a very labor-intensive process. The fruit seeds are manually ground using millstones to obtain an oil paste. Then the oil is squeezed out of it.

Currently, the argan oil available on store shelves is pressed from selected and finest seeds. To increase production, as well as to obtain a cheaper product, the cold mechanical pressing method was introduced, as well as the extraction method using lipophilic solvents. The oil obtained in this way has different properties and can only be used for industrial purposes where the taste of the product is not important, for example, as an ingredient in cosmetic preparations.


Argan oil can be found in two varieties: as a cosmetic product (has a light color, slightly sour smell) or as a culinary product (has a slightly nutty aroma and is darker). It has been proven that it contains a large amount of vitamin E, highly valued in cosmetology and called the vitamin of youth. One liter of oil contains about 620 milligrams (about 8%), which is more than olive oil, which is considered one of the best sources of this vitamin. Vitamin E is a major antioxidant that protects cells from oxidation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Argan oil contains mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, oleic and linoleic acids, polyphenols with antioxidant and antiradical activity and have a restorative and regenerating effect. It also contains substances that protect against cancer and prevent its development, and monounsaturated omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, known for their beneficial effects on the body.

Argan oil for face and body care

Argan oil gives the skin softness and velvety, restoring its healthy color and radiance. It has an excellent effect of smoothing the skin and restoring its tone. Has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. Perfectly restores and nourishes the skin, maintaining its proper hydration and elasticity. The presence of phytosterols in the composition promotes the healing of abrasions and wounds. The oil stimulates the process of intracellular respiration and protects connective tissue. Used to combat acne, blackheads, and eczema. It is an excellent tanning product. Effectively protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, and after excessive exposure to the sun soothes the skin and reduces burns. Its frequent use leads to a reduction in scars caused by measles, chicken pox or acne.

Reviews about argan oil

Thanks to all these properties, argan oil is a valuable product for external care and is therefore included in many cosmetic preparations - creams, balms, masks, nail products. Very widely used for the production of body serums.

Argan oil for hair

Argan oil can often be found in shampoos, conditioners and hair masks. Due to its invaluable properties, oil is especially recommended for hair care. It is rubbed into the scalp and also into the ends of the hair. It has the following positive properties:

  1. Maintains their healthy appearance.
  2. Prevents hair loss.
  3. Counteracts hair frizz.
  4. Reduces fragility.
  5. Gives hair shine.
  6. Prevents split ends
  7. Smoothes the surface of the hair, making it smooth and shiny.

It is also recommended to use argan oil to combat dandruff. After using masks or conditioners with it, you can observe a significant improvement in the condition of your hair - it will become soft, smooth and healthy.

Hair before and after use

Healing properties and medicinal uses

Argan oil, used for cardiovascular diseases, reduces the risk of heart attack, atherosclerosis, and prevents Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. In addition, it helps reduce bad cholesterol, relieves joint pain and muscle pain. It has antiseptic, protective, strengthening properties. Drinking tinctures from argan leaves is recommended for stomach inflammation, diarrhea, fever and headaches. The roots are used in the treatment of diabetes. Argan oil is also used for compresses for sprained joints, wounds and scabies. Fruit extracts based on it are used for hives, dandruff or fungal infections. A paste of crushed seeds helps cure skin diseases such as hives and eczema.

As you can see, argan oil is a real storehouse of nutrients. It is widely used for medical purposes and for appearance care. This miraculous remedy can preserve your youth and beauty and allow you to forget about problems with your skin and hair.