Arteries Digital Palmar General

Common digital arteries (a. digitales palmares communes) are arteries that supply blood to the fingers and palms of a person. They are branches of the main arteries that run through the arm and forearm, and connect to the arteries of each finger and palm.

The common digital arteries have several branches that branch into smaller arteries, which in turn supply blood to the skin, muscles and joints of the fingers and palm. These arteries also provide nutrition to the tissues found in the wrist, hand, and fingers.

The main arteries from which the digital palmar common arteries arise include the radial artery (a. radialis), ulnar artery (a. ulnaris) and the superficial artery of the forearm (a. brachialis superficialis). These arteries connect with the digital palmar common arteries through the ulnar and radial canals.

The digital palmar common arteries play an important role in maintaining the health and function of the arm and hand. They provide sufficient blood flow to the tissues, which allows them to maintain their flexibility, strength and functionality. In addition, these arteries are involved in transferring heat and nutrients to the skin of the hands and fingers, which helps keep them healthy and protected from external influences.

If the digital palmar common arteries are damaged or diseased, this can lead to disruption of the blood supply to the fingers and palms, which can cause discomfort, pain and numbness. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Thus, the digital palmar common arteries are important arteries that provide blood supply to the human fingers and palms. Damage to them can lead to serious consequences for the health and functionality of the arm and hand, so it is necessary to monitor their condition and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

The common digital palmar artery is an artery that supplies blood to the fingers and palm. It is a branch of the ulnar artery and passes through the wrist and palm to the fingers.

The common arteries of the digital palms have several branches. One of them is the dorsal digital artery, which runs from the wrist to the tip of the finger. Another branch is the palmar artery of the finger. It runs from the hand to the tip of the finger and supplies blood to the skin and tissues of the finger.

In addition, the common digital arteries supply blood to the skin of the palm and fingers. They are also involved in the formation of a network of blood vessels that provide blood circulation to the palm and fingers.

If the digital palmar arteries are damaged, pain, numbness, weakness and other symptoms may occur. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of these arteries and take measures to protect them.