Arteries Digital Plantar Proper

The digital plantar (proper) arteries are small arteries that run inside the toes. They provide nutrition to the skin, muscles and joints of the toes, and also participate in blood circulation in this area.

The digital plantar arteries are part of the circulatory system that begins in the heart and ends in the toes. It consists of arteries, veins and capillaries, which ensure continuous circulation of blood throughout the body.

The digital plantar arteries play an important role in maintaining the health of the toes and the entire body. They are responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to tissues, as well as removing carbon dioxide and other waste products.

In addition, the digital plantar arteries can be damaged by various diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension and atherosclerosis. This can lead to poor circulation and deterioration of the toes.

To prevent and treat diseases associated with the digital plantar arteries, it is recommended to monitor your health, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and exercise. It is also important to undergo regular medical examinations and consult a doctor if symptoms of the disease appear.