Arteriography Puncture

Puncture arteriography (a. puncture) is a medical procedure in which a special catheter with a radiopaque liquid is inserted into the artery with a thin needle, providing access to the arterial bed. This allows you to take a series of images using an X-ray machine and obtain accurate information about the condition of the artery and surrounding tissues. An important condition for the successful completion of the procedure is the presence of special containers for the patient to carry it out. But you can refuse the need to take medications during the study. This manipulation is relatively painless and lasts a maximum of half an hour. Today, many clinics already perform vascular arteriography without the use of general anesthesia, which eliminates unpleasant sensations for the patient from the manipulation. Arteriography is a safe method for diagnosing diseases that can be used in the absence of contraindications.