Arteriosis Adrenal

**Adrenal arteriosis** is a rare pathological condition in which there is dilation and thickening of the walls of one or more renal arteries, which can lead to poor circulation in the adrenal glands and other kidney problems.

What is **kidney reflux**? With reflux in the kidney, the reverse movement of urine occurs. This negatively affects both the organ itself and the

Arterial diseases of the adrenal glands are manifested by various vascular syndromes and arteriosclerosis, developing in diseases of the adrenal cortex associated with intoxication, septic-necrotic processes, and bleeding.

Innervation of the adrenal artery: median nerve. Blood supply: paraganglion - from aoa, adrenal artery - from aa. lumbale, arcus aortae