Arteritis Productive-Purulent

Productive - purulent arteritis is an inflammatory lesion of blood vessels, which manifests itself in the form of severe pain and swelling in the affected area. This disease can be caused by various factors such as infections, allergies, injuries or other diseases. The causes of productively purulent arteritis can be completely different factors - introduction of the pathogen during medical procedures, microbial-parasitic infection. The consequence of arteritis in older people is a disease such as arteritis, sclerosis obliterans or Buerger's disease. Symptoms of arteritis may develop within hours or days of inflammation, but may also develop much more slowly. For arteritis of a purulently productive nature, there are several reasons that contribute to the occurrence of the disease: - first reason: penetration of an autoaggressive, viral or bacterial-associated microorganism (immunoglobulin - positive flora), it enters from the site of wall damage into healthy tissue through tissue cracks; - second: tuberculosis, in which, under the influence of various mechanisms of pathogenesis, tuberculosis and their decay products can provoke the occurrence of disease anywhere in the body; - third: genetic predisposition to the fulminant form of erythema infectiosum caused by streptococcus or staphylococci.