Artery Meningeal Anterior

The posterior meningeal artery, or posterior meningeal artery, is a paired vessel that is located in the cranial cavity. It provides blood supply to the dura mater and other brain structures.

The anterior meningeal artery, or anterior meningeal artery, is a paired vessel that is also located in the cranial cavity, but supplies blood not only to the dura mater, but also to other structures of the brain.

Both vessels are of great importance for the normal functioning of the brain. Lack of blood supply can lead to various diseases such as ischemic stroke, encephalitis and others.

To prevent the development of diseases associated with insufficient blood supply to the brain, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the anterior and posterior meningeal arteries, and also promptly consult a doctor if symptoms such as headaches, weakness, loss of coordination of movements, etc. appear.

The anterior meningeal artery (lat. arteria meningealis anterior) is one of the vessels that provides blood supply to the dura mater and some other structures of the brain. It is a branch of the anterior cerebral artery and is also called m. anteromedialis cerebralis. This artery passes along the frontal lobe of the forebrain and further through the cribriform plate of the forebrain and the greater falciform foramen to reach the superior surface and middle surface of the spinal cord.

The anterior meningeal artery is one of the branches of the anterior cerebral and posterior cerebral arteries