Artery Plantar Peroneal

Plantar Peroneal Artery: Anatomy, Functions and Clinical Significance

The plantar peroneal artery (a. plantaris fibularis, jna) is an important artery of the lower limb, providing blood supply to the muscles of the lower leg and foot. In this article we will look at the anatomy of this artery, its functions and clinical significance.

The plantar peroneal artery is one of the branches of the deep saphenous artery of the lower limb. It usually forms in the area of ​​the proximal third of the leg, where it arises from the posterior lateral artery of the leg (a. fibularis). The plantar peroneal artery then courses downward and toward the medial aspect of the foot, penetrating the plantar surface of the foot.

The plantar peroneal artery plays an important role in providing blood supply to the muscles of the leg and foot. It supplies oxygen and nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of these muscles. Due to its branched structure, the plantar peroneal artery provides effective blood flow to various areas of the foot, including the plantaris muscles.

Clinical significance:
The plantar peroneal artery has clinical significance in the context of stenosis or occlusion. This condition may occur due to atherosclerosis, thrombosis or embolism. Narrowing or blockage of the artery can lead to insufficient blood supply to the muscles of the leg and foot, which can cause pain, deformity of the foot, or even the development of ischemic tissue necrosis.

Diagnosis and treatment:
Various techniques can be used to diagnose plantar peroneal artery stenosis or occlusion, including clinical examination, duplex scanning, and angiography. Treatment may include conservative methods, such as drug therapy, or surgical interventions, such as angioplasty or bypass surgery.

The plantar peroneal artery plays an important role in providing blood supply to the muscles of the leg and foot. Understanding its anatomy, functions and clinical significance is important for doctors working in the field of vascular surgery, as well as for specialists involved in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the lower extremities. Early recognition and adequate treatment of stenosis or occlusion of the plantar peroneal artery can help prevent serious complications and maintain normal functioning of the lower extremity.

The plantar peroneal artery is one of two arteries that supply blood to the foot and ankle. It is part of the circulatory system of the legs and is essential for the health and function of the foot. In this article, we will review the anatomy, function, and diseases associated with the plantar peroneal artery.
