
Arthroplastic surgery or orthroplastic surgery is a special type of surgical treatment that requires special knowledge and skills from the doctor. These surgeries are performed on the knee, elbow, and shoulder joints to combat various diseases and their treatment, such as fractures. Now we will look at what are the main types of arthroplasty? But first, let’s figure out why different types of it occur?

Arthroplasty is one of the most common operations around the world and it continues to gain increasing popularity among the population. The main reason for performing this type of surgery is that people come to the doctor with certain diseases of the knee joint, which often prevent them from leading their usual lifestyle and affect their health and quality of life. In addition, diseases of the knee joints are often accompanied by pain and discomfort in this area. Arthrological disease can develop during the life of every person, regardless of age. The most common knee diseases are: meniscus injury, knee arthritis or Kellgren's disease. To do this, the doctor prescribes a knee replacement procedure, which replaces the damaged parts of the knee.

Arthrodesis does not require tissue grafting, and in the case of plastic surgery, a bone grafting operation is required, so joint replacement should only be performed in extreme cases. In addition to the condition of the joint, surgical treatment can also be caused by severe lesions (cracks), deformation and curvature of bones, a history of chronic diseases (in particular diabetes mellitus), thrombophlebitis and other diseases. Fundamentally, joint replacement is possible only for certain indications, if replacing the diseased joint will provide a long-term effect, relieve pain and allow the preservation of previously lost functions. If there are contraindications to arthrodesis or prosthetics of a diseased joint, surgical correction of the joint shape from the outside may be required.

Among the types of arthroplasty operations, 3 types are used: intra-articular implantation, as well as medialization, etc. Intra-articular replacement smoothly connects the articular surface to the body of the femur and tibia. Some believe that any type of intra-articular implant-bio-bandage (intramedullary filler, matrix, intramedullary sponge, etc.) in various combinations is no more than 50% effective. Impronet does not make decisions on its own, such as synovial fluid, blood vessels, tissues, muscles, ligaments and bones. Therefore, the best option is to use a synthetic, high-strength mesh polymer implant, specifically designed for this purpose, during arthroscopic operations.

Arthroplasty is a surgical procedure that restores joint mobility or shape by replacing damaged or missing tissue. In this context, we are talking about people suffering from various types of injuries and diseases that have led to impaired joint mobility. The goal of arthroplasty is to restore proper joint function and eliminate pain.