Artificial Kids - Completely Different Children?

Aries through your feelings and perceptions. Contact with the mother during breastfeeding not only satisfies the physiological needs of the baby, but also creates an emotional connection between the child and the mother. This process helps the baby develop physically and mentally, shapes his personality and character.

However, what to do if for some reason a mother cannot breastfeed her baby? In this case, you have to resort to artificial feeding. Artificial babies do not receive close physical contact with their mother, so they need much more parental love and attention. Without this contact, they may experience feelings of loneliness and isolation, which can negatively impact their mental health.

Researchers believe that artificial babies require special upbringing and attention from parents. It is necessary to create conditions for close contact between the child and parents, spend more time with the baby, communicate with him, play and caress. Such contacts help the baby master new experiences, which begin to shape his worldview and future character.

Despite the fact that the modern baby food industry produces many products for babies, it must be remembered that artificial feeding cannot completely replace breastfeeding. Mother's milk contains not only essential nutrients, but also antibodies that help the baby fight infections and diseases.

In addition, it is important to remember that a baby's first impressions play a huge role in shaping his character and behavior in the future. The replacement of natural perception with artificial one can lead to distorted ideas about reality, which can affect the personality attitudes and behavior of an adult.

Therefore, if you are faced with the need to artificially feed your baby, do not forget about the importance of close contact with him, about the love and attention that you can give him. Only in this way will you help him develop physically and mentally, shape his personality and create the basis for a future healthy and happy person.