Ashner Reception

The Aschner maneuver (also known as the Aschner maneuver) is a technique used in gynecology to diagnose and treat various diseases. It was developed by Austrian gynecologist Walter Aschner (1883 - 1960) in the early 20th century.

The essence of the technique is that the patient should lie on her back, and the gynecologist should place his palm on the patient’s lower abdomen. Then he slowly raises his palm up, and the patient should breathe slowly. If the patient feels pain or discomfort, this may indicate the presence of a disease.

The Aschner maneuver is used to diagnose various diseases such as ovarian cysts, ovarian tumors and other diseases related to the reproductive system. It may also be used to treat certain conditions, such as reducing menstrual pain or easing menopausal symptoms.

However, despite its effectiveness, the Aschner maneuver should not be used without consulting a doctor. It can be dangerous if used incorrectly and can cause serious health consequences to the patient. Therefore, if you experience any symptoms related to the reproductive system, be sure to consult a doctor for professional medical help.

The Ashner-Voino-Yasenetsky technique is a surgical method for treating the cervix and vagina. This method became known thanks to its developer and promoter, the Soviet gynecologist Vasily Voino-Yasenetsky. Popularly known as “father” and “saint gynecologist”.

History of existence The basis of this method is knowledge that allowed Vasily to understand the essence of gynecological diseases. He discovered the presence of abnormally developed sections of the internal pharynx. He also explained that with inflammation of the uterus or vagina, infection can occur due to the movement of microflora from these sections. Thus, he divided the hymen into sections and cured multiple forms of barrier disruption. Features of use: The essence of the technique is the coagulation of blood vessels and “suturing” damaged tissues with threads made of fiberglass. After such an operation, the cervix does not heal for several weeks, as a result of which rub