Aspirin against acne on the face: how to use it

The creation of pure acetylsalicylic acid by Felix Hofmann in 1897 revolutionized the field of medicine. Trying to find a cure for his father, the scientist first received a new drug, which gained enormous popularity. The material for the synthesis of acid was willow bark. Hence the name of the well-known drug - from the Latin name of the Spiraea tree.

Description of the drug

Aspirin is an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. These properties of the drug are still successfully used in the treatment of many diseases.

Aspirin's ability to block hormones involved in inflammatory processes and affecting platelet fusion has found wide application in cosmetology. Testing the drug has opened up wide possibilities for the treatment of pimples, boils and acne. The ability to use the properties of masks with the addition of aspirin without age restrictions makes it especially popular among young people. Unlike many expensive cosmetics, aspirin is more affordable and works much faster than advertised salon treatments.


What is the cosmetological effect of aspirin based on? The anti-inflammatory property of the drug helps relieve skin inflammation. In this regard, masks with aspirin quickly dry out problem areas of the skin, removing the problem itself.

The cleansing effect of salicylic acid, which is contained in this drug, easily copes with acne blackheads.

The whitening effect of masks with aspirin is based on the same effect. By exfoliating the top layer of epithelium, the drug easily evens out the complexion, removing traces of acne, scars and inflammatory processes.

Quick helper

How to use aspirin against acne on the face? Of course, only externally. You can deal with an annoying pimple that pops up before a date quite quickly. To do this, you just need to crush a couple of tablets, mix with a few drops of water to form a paste and apply to the problem area for a few minutes. This is how aspirin is used for acne on the face.

It will take some time and various supplements to get rid of more serious problems.

General rules for the preparation and use of aspirin-based cosmetics

You can use ready-made pharmaceutical powder or tablets. Any medicine from any manufacturer will do. The difference between Aspirin and Acetylsalicylic acid is only in price and some additional components. The latter do not affect the quality of the drug at all.

How to prepare a remedy for acne on the face with aspirin? To do this, you need to crush a certain number of tablets into powder. Mix aspirin with other ingredients according to the recipe.

You need to keep such masks for no more than 15-20 minutes. Frequent use of aspirin-based products is undesirable. Cosmetologists recommend using therapeutic masks no more than twice a week.

Basic recipes for masks with aspirin

  1. How can you use aspirin for acne on your face? You can prepare one medicine. The healing properties of honey have been known for a long time. By mixing a unique beekeeping product with aspirin, you can get a powerful cure for acne and blemishes. Dilute a couple of crushed tablets with a few drops of boiled water. Then you should add a teaspoon of liquid honey. Mix until smooth. Apply the mask with light circular movements in a clockwise direction. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. No need to use additional creams. Honey perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  2. A face mask with aspirin for acne and redness will cope with these problems perfectly. How to cook it? You need to mix the powder of aspirin tablets and Suprastin (or its equivalent) and dilute with boiled water. Apply the paste in a thin layer on the face. Rinse off with warm water after 15 minutes.

Lotions and other products

How to use aspirin for acne on the face at night? You can prepare a powerful lotion based on calendula tincture. Both a ready-made pharmaceutical preparation and a tincture prepared independently will do. It is enough to pour half a glass of calendula flowers with a glass of vodka and leave for 3 weeks in a dark place. To 50 ml of tincture add powder of 5 aspirin tablets and 5 tablets of chloramphenicol. After thoroughly shaking the resulting liquid, wipe the problem skin before going to bed. The interaction of the anti-inflammatory properties of aspirin and calendula and the antibacterial properties of levomycetin makes this mixture an effective remedy in the fight against acne.

Another excellent lotion can be prepared by mixing 5 tablets of aspirin and chloramphenicol with an alcohol solution of boric acid. The method of use does not differ from the previous recipe.

How else can you use aspirin for acne on your face? Let's look at the recipe below. We bring to your attention an excellent exfoliating and anti-inflammatory product. It is made from blue clay. It is better to prepare it each time immediately before use. It is enough to mix a tablespoon of clay with the powder of 1 aspirin tablet and dilute with water. The mask is applied as usual - for 15-20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

The whitening properties of hydrogen peroxide work well when mixed with aspirin. Mix 4 tablets with a few drops of peroxide. Apply the mixture to your face for 10 minutes.

A liquid for spraying the skin with a rejuvenating and whitening effect can be prepared by mixing 3 aspirin tablets with 100 grams of hydrogen peroxide. To use this liquid, it is advisable to use a spray bottle. Spray cleanly washed skin with the composition, wait until it dries and rinse with warm water. The effect will not be long in coming.

The same aspirin will help enhance the effect of your favorite lotion. You can use it as a mask by mixing a couple of tablets with a few drops of the product, or simply add the drug to a bottle of cosmetic product. Proportions must be observed. For 100 g of lotion, 1 aspirin tablet.

Baking soda, aspirin and lemon juice are included in the mask for oily problem skin prone to acne. How to prepare such products? You need to mix 10 aspirin tablets with half a teaspoon of baking soda and two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply to skin for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. This is how aspirin is used for acne on the face.

Yogurt is popular among cosmetologists, nutritionists and simply beautiful girls. Moreover, when mixed with aspirin, it gives an amazing cleansing and nourishing effect. Preparing a mask is no more difficult than eating a jar of this delicacy. Mix a tablespoon of yogurt with an aspirin tablet diluted in a few drops of water. You can enhance the effect of the mask by adding honey or a fruit mixture (banana, strawberry, apple). The result is a powerful vitamin nutrient for the skin. Apply the mask in a thick layer for 10-15 minutes and wash off as usual.

Handmade soap with aspirin. What do you need?

You can make excellent medicinal soap with your own hands. You will need a soap base or regular baby soap without additives. You can also use tar, but its smell will overwhelm all the aromas and spoil the pleasure of use.

  1. 100 g baby soap or soap base;
  2. a pack of aspirin (10 tablets);
  3. a teaspoon of glycerin (you can use any cosmetic oil, such as peach or burdock);
  4. a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil;
  5. alcohol for spraying;
  6. 100 g of water.
  1. saucepan for making soap;
  2. grater;
  3. form;
  4. alcohol spray or syringe.

It is not necessary to acquire special molds for making soap at once. Silicone baking molds or children's sand play sets are quite suitable. Soap will not harm the molds. It is enough to rinse them with water after preparation and they can be used for their intended purpose.

Making soap

Grate the soap on a fine grater. The finer the crumbs, the better the result. Grind aspirin into powder and, thoroughly diluting it in water, add it to the soap crumbs. Heat the mixture in a water bath. Add glycerin and essential oil. Stirring thoroughly, bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency.

Sprinkle soap molds with alcohol and pour out the still hot mixture. Press the mixture into the mold with light tapping. To prevent bubbles and voids from forming, spray the soap with alcohol. The soap can be used as usual, immediately after cooling.

It is possible to enhance the therapeutic effect with the help of a decoction of medicinal herbs. Chamomile and calendula will add anti-inflammatory properties to the soap. Rose petals will help relieve itching and redness.

The effectiveness of cosmetics based on acetylsalicylic acid

The properties of aspirin discussed above help in the fight against skin problems. But the effect, of course, is not immediate. Minor troubles such as redness and swelling after a pimple disappear within a few hours. Advanced cases require long-term and systematic treatment. Regular treatment will help heal and improve your skin. But don’t get carried away and try to get rid of all problems at once. Potent medicinal products may cause burns or an allergic reaction.

It is important to remember that skin problems can be a reflection of certain diseases of the internal organs or a lack of vitamins in the body. Treatment of visible problems should begin with a consultation with a doctor. It wouldn’t hurt to get advice from an experienced cosmetologist who will help you choose the best recipes for specific cases.

Side effects and contraindications

Despite the apparent harmlessness of the popular drug, any pharmacist will give a number of reasons why it can be harmful.

  1. Allergic reaction to aspirin.
  2. It is not recommended to use aspirin even externally in the first half of pregnancy. Getting through the pores of the skin, the drug can cause undesirable consequences for the baby.
  3. Blood diseases are a contraindication to the use of masks based on this medicine.

Aspirin against acne on the face: reviews

Women who have used this drug to solve problems on their face notice a positive result. Aspirin relieves redness. It also works great on acne.

The product helps in the fight against blackheads. Girls who have used aspirin for acne on their faces leave positive reviews. They note that this product is an excellent peeling. The skin becomes clear after such procedures. But, as women note, you need to be careful with aspirin so as not to harm your skin.


Now you know how to use aspirin for acne on your face. The use of the drug helps in the fight against skin imperfections. In our article we looked at different means. We hope that our tips will help you in solving facial skin problems.

The content of the article

How does aspirin act on facial skin?

To treat acne and get rid of blackheads on the skin, aspirin is used exclusively externally. And it can rightfully be called a drug of complex action:

Aspirin acts on the skin of the face as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, which largely determines the effectiveness of its use against acne; It quite gently dries out inflammation, helping acne “mature”, while the risk of burning the skin with aspirin is almost low; Aspirin cleanses, which helps fight not only acne, but also blackheads on the skin; Acetylsalicylic acid acts on the skin of the face as a whitening agent, improving complexion; Aspirin masks have a keratolytic effect; they exfoliate dead skin cells, helping it regenerate.

How to use aspirin against acne point-by-point: two options

Aspirin is used for the face in two main ways: in the form of masks that are applied to the skin of the face, and also locally, pointwise. In such cases, the aspirin composition is “targeted” applied to acne and inflammation.

To get rid of acne with aspirin, take 2-3 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and grind them into powder. Take a little warm boiled water into a pipette, add a few drops of liquid to the ground aspirin and stir until a thick paste forms.

Apply the resulting composition to acne or inflammation on the skin of the face and leave to act for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with water. You will notice the effect immediately after the first use. But you shouldn’t use aspirin paste too often: it’s better to use it once every 3-4 days.

For severe irritation, you can use aspirin along with hydrogen peroxide. This product perfectly disinfects and dries the skin, so it is very effective in treating acne and acne. To prepare it, take:

Aspirin – 3-4 tablets; Hydrogen peroxide – 2-3 drops; Boiled water – a few drops.

Grind the aspirin, add hydrogen peroxide and 3-4 drops of warm boiled water to it. Mix thoroughly, then apply the resulting composition to problem areas of the skin for 10 minutes.

Aspirin and honey mask for acne

One of the most popular and effective aspirin face masks is an aspirin mask with the addition of honey. To prepare it you will need:

Aspirin – 4 tablets, Honey – teaspoon, Boiled water – 2-3 drops.

To prepare an anti-acne mask from aspirin and honey, first prepare an aspirin paste - the same as when applying aspirin to a spot. Add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture and mix very well.

Using gentle, massaging movements, apply the honey-aspirin mask to your face (excluding the skin around the eyes). You can use it only on problem areas of the skin. Leave to act for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mask with aspirin, calendula and chloramphenicol for the treatment of problem skin

This mask, which combines three anti-inflammatory drugs, can be used for severe acne. To prepare it, take:

Aspirin – 4 tablets; Levomycetin – 4 tablets; Calendula tincture – 40 milliliters.

Grind the tablets and mix them with calendula tincture. Apply the resulting composition to your face using a cotton pad, and after 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Face mask made from aspirin with kefir

This mask not only whitens and heals, but also nourishes the skin. To prepare it, take:

Aspirin – 2 tablets; Kefir or natural yogurt without additives - a tablespoon; Boiled water – a few drops.

Grind the aspirin, add 3-4 drops of water until a paste forms. Add kefir or yogurt and mix well. Apply to skin, after 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Aspirin masks for acne are also not recommended for use more than twice a week.

The content of the article

The effectiveness of masks with aspirin

Aspirin, in addition to its antipyretic and headache-relieving properties, also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Refers to acidic substances. Therefore, it would be useful to use its acid in the fight against acne, acne, and skin inflammation.

Adding aspirin to homemade cosmetic masks slightly exfoliates the skin, that is, the crushed tablet of the drug in this case also acts as a scrub. Masks with this substance perfectly relieve inflammation the next morning if they are used in the evening.

It has been noticed that blackheads on the face, especially in the nose area, as well as enlarged pores can be cleaned well with the help of aspirin masks. Such masks cope with the spots that remain after acne, thanks to their slightly whitening properties.

Application of cosmetic recipes

To prepare homemade cosmetics with aspirin, you should buy the drug in regular tablets, not in effervescent or powder form. Such masks are not used daily.

They are done in cases of skin inflammation or to prevent acne. But in any case, no more than twice a week, since the acid in aspirin easily penetrates the upper layers of the skin and can damage it if used frequently.

Before trying at least one aspirin mask on your face, lubricate a small area on your face or neck with the finished product. Leave it for a while. If the mask does not cause unbearable itching or severe redness on the skin, then its use will not harm your skin type.

Masks with aspirin are applied to clean facial skin for 10 minutes. After which they are washed off with warm water or blotted with a towel soaked in water. After using the mask, you can apply an anti-acne cream to your face or wipe it with an antiseptic toner.

Masks with aspirin against acne

Mask with yogurt for inflammation on the face. Crush two aspirin tablets. Dilute them with a spoon of any natural unsweetened yogurt. Add a spoonful of mineral water, such as Borjomi or Essentuki. The mask is ready.

Mask with lemon juice for very oily skin. Crush 4 aspirin tablets and combine with a spoon of lemon juice. The mask is ready. Prepare warm water (1 glass) in advance, to which you need to add one teaspoon of baking soda. Wash your face with this solution five minutes after applying the mask to your face.

Clay mask against blackheads. Crush two aspirin tablets. Combine with two spoons of clay (black, pink, white). Bring the mixture to a liquid state with mineral water and apply to your face.

Mask with honey against spots and unevenness after acne. Mix two tablespoons of natural honey (flower, buckwheat, mixed) with crushed aspirin (2-3 tablets). Add some mineral water to the solution. Rinse off the mask with warm running water.

Crushed aspirin tablets for making anti-acne masks can also be diluted with mixtures of ingredients such as olive oil, infusions of anti-inflammatory herbs (chamomile, sage), apple pulp, ground coffee, green tea, aloe juice, kefir, essential oils for cleansing facial skin.

At home, an affordable remedy such as acetylsalicylic acid for acne is used to treat acne. The drug also has a second, more common name - aspirin. The therapeutic effect of the drug for acne is due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

How does aspirin act on the skin?

Aspirin against acne on the face is used for the following purposes:

  1. remove redness;
  2. reduce inflammation;
  3. dry out acne;
  4. reduce sebum production.

The medicinal component is quite aggressive and can dry out the dermis, so it is not used often and is not used for dry skin types.

Contraindications for external use

Acetylsalicylic acid for the face against acne is contraindicated in severe forms of acne with the presence of pustules, violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of exposure and the presence of an allergic reaction to the active substance.

If the skin is extremely dry, it is also recommended not to use the drug.

Recommendations for use

Acetylsalicylic acid against acne should be used no more than twice a week. Otherwise, frequent use of the medicinal component can cause rosacea - the appearance of vascular red stars in the form of a mesh on the face.

The drug should not be used before or after tanning to avoid the appearance of pigment spots.

Before first use, it is recommended to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, the tablet is crushed and mixed with water. A small amount of the resulting mixture is applied to the inside of the elbow. If there is no itching or redness, after a 15-minute interval the drug can be used for its intended purpose.

If redness or itching occurs after application, the medicinal component should be washed off immediately. In case of a severe allergic reaction, it is recommended to take a Suprastin or Tavegil tablet and consult a doctor.

Ways to use aspirin for acne

Aspirin for acne on the face is used as a remedy for external use. The drug, produced in tablets, is used to prepare medicinal masks, peels and scrubs that can be used at home.

Acetylsalicylic acid is applied to previously cleansed skin after washing. Many cosmetology experts also recommend pre-steaming your face using herbal decoctions based on chamomile, string or calendula.

Acid masks

Masks with aspirin against acne are quite effective in the fight against acne. To reduce the aggressive effects of acid on the skin and enhance the therapeutic effect, it is often used in combination with other components.

Classic way to use

The easiest way to use acetylsalicylic acid for acne, the recipe for which is described below, is to use tablets that are applied pointwise. The drug, crushed to a powdery state, is mixed with a small amount of water to obtain a thick paste.

The component is distributed directly to areas of inflammation without affecting healthy areas of the skin. Exposure time is 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, it is recommended to wash your face with cool water and apply a moisturizing non-comedogenic cream with a light texture.

Kefir-aspirin mixture

A mask of acetylsalicylic acid for acne with the addition of kefir cleanses the skin well and relieves inflammation. For 4 crushed tablets you will need a tablespoon of fermented milk product. The resulting mixture is applied to the cleansed dermis and left to act for a 20-minute period.

Use with clay

An aspirin face mask for acne is often used with cosmetic white or blue clay. For 2 tablets, a tablespoon of the second powdered product is enough. The mixed components are diluted with a small amount of boiled water at room temperature. After obtaining a homogeneous consistency similar to liquid sour cream, the mixture is applied to the face. After complete drying, the mask is washed off.

Aspirin-honey mixture

A remedy such as honey and aspirin for acne on the face, the recipe for which is described below, is quite effective provided that you are not allergic to the components. For 4 crushed tablets you will need 2 teaspoons of beekeeping product in liquid form. The resulting ointment is distributed over areas where there is inflammation. Exposure time is 15-20 minutes.

Protein mixture

Acetylsalicylic acid acts as an antiseptic with an anti-inflammatory effect; chicken protein contains lecithin, which has a regenerating effect. A mixture of these components allows you to quickly relieve inflammation and start the process of regeneration of inflamed tissues. The raw protein separated from the yolk is mixed with 2 pre-crushed tablets. The mask is applied and left to act for a quarter of an hour.

Use with liquid vitamins

An acne mask with aspirin in combination with vitamins A and E is an effective remedy in the fight against acne. The crushed tablet of the drug is mixed with a small amount of water. The contents of one capsule of retinol and tocopherol are added to the resulting mixture. Distribute over the entire surface of the face, avoiding the orbital area of ​​the eyes. After 15 minutes, the product must be washed off.

Preparing the peeling mixture

To prevent the appearance of acne and treat minor rashes, peelings based on acetylsalicylic acid are used. Peeling allows you to remove dead epidermal cells and effectively cleanse pores of sebum and impurities.

For 5 tablets of the drug you will need a teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of soda solution (1 teaspoon of sodium carbonate is first dissolved in a glass of water). The ingredients mixed in the required proportions are applied to the cleansed face. After 10 minutes, wash with cool water and apply a soothing light cream.

How to make a scrub from aspirin for comedones

Acetylsalicylic acid for acne with oatmeal is used as a scrub for washing, which can be used no more than twice a week. A tablespoon of powdered flakes is poured with hot water (2 tablespoons). After five minutes, two crushed tablets are added to the mixture. The product is distributed with light massaging movements for 30-60 seconds, after which it is washed with cool water.

The medicinal mixture is an effective remedy in the fight against open comedones, which are known as blackheads.

Aspirin for acne: reviews

You can find out whether aspirin helps with acne from the reviews left about the product.
My mother recommended that I try aspirin for acne. I made masks with it twice a week. There were significantly fewer rashes, the skin cleared up and began to look more well-groomed. The only drawback of the product is that it dries the skin very much, so you can’t do without a moisturizer.
For a long time I didn’t know how to get rid of acne. I heard from a friend that acetylsalicylic acid helps a lot. I tried to apply it pointwise. The inflammation has actually become much less. This treatment is alternative and can be used as an additional treatment, because the remedy does not completely remove the rashes; they still reappear after a certain period.
Aspirin acid helps relieve inflammation and reduces pain from painful acne. I use it together with clay. This mask dries out acne well, so it goes away much faster.