Asthenodepressive syndrome

“Asthenodepressive syndrome” is one of the common clinical conditions that are diagnosed in people in Russia and other countries, especially in big cities, megalopolises and large urban areas. This syndrome is characterized by a combination of symptoms of weakness, fatigue, mild depression, physical pain sensitivity and decreased

As mentioned earlier, Astheno-depressive syndrome (AD) is a syndrome that is characterized by a combination of increased fatigue, which is accompanied by depressive mood and symptoms. This syndrome can be caused by various reasons and may have different manifestations.

One of the most common causes is stress. Stress can occur for a variety of reasons, including work overload, personal problems, financial difficulties, etc. As a result, the person may experience severe fatigue. However, when this fatigue is combined with a depressed mood, symptoms of astheno-depression occur.

Another common cause of Asthenia-Depression Syndrome can be physical illnesses such as Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease. In such cases, symptoms of fatigue and depression are the result of an underlying medical condition.

Also, Astheno-depression syndrome can occur in people suffering from drug or alcohol addiction. These diseases can cause fatigue and depression, leading to Asthenaud's syndrome - depression.

Symptoms of Asthenodepression syndrome may include inability to concentrate, drowsiness, weakness, decreased appetite, sleep disturbances, anxiety, irritability and pessimism. In addition, people with Asthenodepression syndrome may be tormented by feelings of guilt, resentment towards others, apathy and frequent stress. Consulting a doctor, rest, physical activity, and therapy can help cope with this syndrome. It is important to remember that no one should have to endure these symptoms and should seek professional help if they occur.