Asthma Bronchial Professional

Occupational asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract caused by exposure to occupational factors in the workplace.

The main causes of the development of occupational asthma are inhalation of dust, chemicals, gases, and vapors at work. Most often, the disease occurs in workers of industrial enterprises, agriculture, medical and scientific institutions.

Occupational asthma is characterized by attacks of suffocation, coughing, and difficulty breathing that occur during or after work. Symptoms intensify with prolonged contact with the allergen and decrease during rest and vacation.

Diagnosis is based on medical history, examination of external respiratory function, and provocative tests. Treatment consists of eliminating contact with the causative allergen and drug therapy. The prognosis depends on the ability to exclude the influence of an occupational factor.

Occupational bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract that develops under the influence of unfavorable occupational factors.

Reasons for development:

  1. Inhalation of dust containing allergens (flour, grain dust, animal down)
  2. Inhalation of chemicals (varnishes, paints, solvents)
  3. Physical factors (temperature changes)


  1. Labored breathing
  2. Cough
  3. Wheezing when breathing
  4. Feeling of tightness in the chest
  5. Attacks of suffocation


  1. Avoiding contact with the allergen
  2. The use of bronchodilators to dilate the bronchi
  3. Use of inhaled glucocorticosteroids
  4. Specific immunotherapy (allergen vaccination)
  5. For severe attacks - hospitalization


  1. Compliance with labor safety regulations
  2. Use of respiratory protection
  3. Regular medical examinations of workers in hazardous professions
  4. To give up smoking

Thus, occupational bronchial asthma is a serious disease that requires adequate prevention and treatment measures. Timely identification and elimination of the causes that cause it will prevent the development of irreversible changes in the lungs.