Asthma With Predominance of Allergic Component

Asthma with a predominance of an allergic component

What it is?

Asthma with a predominance of an allergic component is a form of bronchial asthma in which asthma attacks are caused by an allergic reaction of the body to any allergen substance. Risk factors include heredity, frequent exposure to dusty rooms, a tendency to allergies, and maternal smoking during pregnancy. People whose work involves construction, baking bread, and paint and varnish materials get sick more often.

Why does this happen?

The leading allergen in adults is house dust. Also the cause can be plant pollen, food products, medicines, pets, insects, industrial dust, fungi and bacteria. An attack can be triggered by a strong smell, stress, smoking, colds, or polluted air. Chronic inflammation makes the airways sensitive to irritants.

What's happening?

Harbingers of an attack are often an allergic runny nose, dystonia, and cough. Attacks usually occur at night or in the morning. Characteristic symptoms: feeling of lack of air, wheezing, dry cough, sputum production, shortness of breath.

Diagnosis and examination

The diagnosis is made by an allergist or otolaryngologist. It is necessary to study the medical history, living conditions, bad habits, conduct tests, x-rays, ECG, pulmonary function tests, skin allergy tests.


Asthma is a chronic disease that requires constant therapy. Symptomatic drugs are used to relieve an attack and basic drugs for prevention. Treatment is selected individually under the supervision of a doctor. Immunotherapy with allergens is effective.


It is necessary to limit contact with allergens, learn to breathe correctly, and know anti-allergy medications. It is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, use hypoallergenic bedding, do wet cleaning, breathing exercises, avoid allergenic foods, drink alkaline water, and take medications as prescribed by your doctor.