Astigmatism with Oblique Axes

Astigmatism with oblique axes is a common vision defect (astigmatism), when the main meridians do not coincide with each other, this leads to distortion of the image of objects.

With astigmatism with an oblique meridian, the distortion of the pattern is almost always directed vertically or horizontally, less often diagonally. If the deviation is along an axis passing at an angle of 45 degrees from the vertical, then vision becomes almost equal. Custom-made glasses are used for reading. Properly adjusted glasses provide good visibility and do not interfere with work and other activities. In some cases, the appointment of optics does not help, then the patient may be prescribed computer vision correction using the LASIK method or excimer laser correction. Thus, astigmatism is a visual impairment caused by the irregular shape of the cornea and various types of mechanical damage. In this case, it is mandatory to seek qualified help from a specialist, such as ophthalmologists

Oblique axis astigmatism (OAAs) is a vision defect that is characterized by a discrepancy between the main meridians of the eye and the vertical and horizontal meridians. This type of astigmatism can be diagnosed in patients with congenital or acquired structural disorders of the eye, which lead to uneven refractive power of the cornea, impaired focusing of the light beam on the retina and decreased vision.

Symptoms of ACSO include blurred, double and distorted vision, changes in color vision, and difficulty reading or writing. In more severe cases, diplopia may be observed - a disorder of coordinated eye movements.