Astigmatism Complex Hypermetropic

Astigmatism is an eye condition in which one point is focused in one eye and another in the other. In this case, the image is also out of focus. It is characterized by a decrease in the refractive power of the eye and a complex hypermetric state.

If we talk about the prevalence among adults, it is about 2%.

Symptoms of complex hypermetropic astigmamiatrism

Symptoms of complex hypermetropanic astygamiatrisis depend on the specific form. This is why there may be one or more of the following symptoms:

- eye fatigue; - pain

**Astigmatism** is a visual defect caused by a mismatch in the refractive power of the cornea or lens, the optical axis of which is not parallel to each other. In this case, different images of the same object are formed in front of the retina and the rays refracted by the lens in the anterior-posterior direction mutually compensate each other.

Based on the form of the clinical picture, there are 2 forms of astigmatism: simple and complex. With a simple form of astigmatists, they cannot see an object with their eyes. Most patients perform visual work with only one eye while moving the head towards the healthy eye. Sometimes these patients claim that they can see in both eyes while working. Typically, patients with complex astigmatics indicate inaccurate vision. For example: I see the outlines of objects, but not clearly. Patients indicate the location of an object in space. As the distance from the eyes to objects decreases, the symptoms of astigmatists improve. In 23% of cases, astigmatism with both eyes, when vision is corrected, sees better with the right eye, in 42% with the left, in other cases there is no asymmetry in the correction of both eyes. In complex forms of astigmation, distance visual acuity deteriorates and near vision improves.

To diagnose astigmatization, a cylindrical optical power of greater than 0.75 diopters is required. Currently, refractometers are widely used, which determine both anomalies in the radius of the cornea and the degree of visual defect. The main method of treatment is spectacle correction; it is necessary to strictly determine the degree of astism only with contact lenses. The optimal treatment method is computer therapy, specifically designed to correct refractive errors (myopia, farsightedness). Before starting treatment, visual acuity must be checked and parameters measured