Astra Reception

The Astra technique is one of the methods of obstetric and gynecological examination, which was proposed in 1911 by the Soviet obstetrician-gynecologist Sergei Dmitrievich Astrinsky (1873-1945). This method is still widely used in obstetric and gynecological practice.

The Astra technique involves palpation of the uterus and its appendages through the anterior abdominal wall. The patient lies on her back with her knees bent and her legs slightly apart. The doctor stands in front of her and carefully runs his hands along the front wall of the abdomen, paying attention to the condition of the uterus and ovaries.

This study helps to identify the presence of tumors, cysts, adhesions and other pathologies in the pelvic area. In addition, the Astra technique allows you to determine the position of the fetus, its presentation and position.

The main advantages of the Astra technique are its simplicity, accessibility and information content. It can be used in both outpatient and inpatient settings, making it especially useful for doctors and obstetricians and gynecologists.

Astra reception A reception complex for determining the condition of the fetus during the period of expulsion and in the early postpartum period. Developed by Soviet obstetrician-gynecologist S. D. Astinsky; proposed in 1963 at the Second All-Union Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

_Contents._ The Astra technique is intended to assess the condition of a newborn on a five-point scale, in which 1 corresponds to the best condition, and 5 to the worst. The assessment takes place in three stages: * in the prenatal period; * in the first stage of labor; * in the second stage of labor.