
Asymmetry is a phenomenon where two sides or elements of an object are not completely identical to each other. In biology, asymmetry plays an important role in the development and functioning of living organisms. It can appear in various forms, such as mirror symmetry, radial symmetry, etc.

Mirror symmetry is the most common type of asymmetry. It is characterized by the fact that the left and right sides of the object have the same shape and size. An example of mirror symmetry is the right and left hand of a person.

Radial symmetry is a type of asymmetry in which an object has a center of symmetry around which equal parts are located. An example of radial symmetry is a rose flower, which has a central hole and the petals are arranged around it.

Asymmetry can also appear in the form of asymmetrical organs that perform specific functions. For example, one human ear is asymmetrical because it has different sizes and functions.

In general, asymmetry is an important factor in biology that plays a role in the development of living organisms and their adaptation to the environment.

Asymmetry is when the right and left sides of the body look dissimilar, that is, they either have different shapes or differ in some way. In bisymmetrical organisms there is only one group of cells that is capable of giving rise to organisms, these organisms usually do not need to have eyes, ears, lungs, etc. on the left side in the same way as on the right. However, bisymmetry is exclusive to humans. Humans have two independent movement abilities from each muscle group, left and right, as well as cerebral hemispheres that control opposite sides of the body. For example, when you look at the left hand, it may experience pain because the right hand is in the same position, but this does not affect the condition of the right hand, moreover, the right hemisphere of the brain controls the left hand, since it distributes all the visual information on one side only. Asymmetry to a certain extent is characteristic of all animals and plants. So, maple buds always bloom only on one side of the branches. In monkeys, one half of the body takes on more load and grows larger

One possible explanation for this biological phenomenon may lie in the more common history of life on Earth.

As for people, there are many theories, from the hypothesis that the giant brain developed in the left hemisphere to the idea that ancestors were more left-handed and as a result were located facing the Sun

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