Atelectasis Lobar

Atelectasis is an acute or chronic condition of the lungs, characterized by a decrease in their lobe. This is a serious violation. Although it is usually caused by mild diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system and is treated with antibiotics, heart medications or other medications, this is a reason to consult a doctor. The sooner the problem is detected and treated, the easier it is to cope with lung decline. It is important to make a diagnosis!

Course of the disease

The first symptoms may appear: * shortness of breath during physical activity; * shallow breathing even at rest; * increasing weakness, increased fatigue; * loss of appetite; * sweating (especially at night). When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor and get diagnosed. At an early stage, the disease can be cured without surgery, but in advanced cases, the decline of the lobe can result in disability. Complications are possible in the form of infection, inflammation or rupture of the wall of the affected lobe.

In more than 50% of cases of atelectasis, everything ends in hospital treatment or surgery, but there is still a chance to be completely cured in young people. Full recovery is also possible in mild cases.