Atromid-S (Atromid-S)

Atromid-S: Extended description of Clofibrate

Atromid-S is the trade name for a drug containing the active substance clofibrate. Clofibrate is a fibrate, a class of drugs used to treat lipid disorders and lower blood cholesterol levels.

Clofibrate, including Atromid-S, is widely used to treat hyperlipidemia, a condition in which the levels of lipids (including cholesterol and triglycerides) in the blood are elevated. Hyperlipidemia is one of the main risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

The action of Atromid-S is based on the ability of clofibrate to regulate lipid metabolism in the body. It works by increasing the breakdown and removal of triglycerides from the blood, as well as increasing the level of "good" cholesterol - high-density lipoprotein (HDL), which helps remove "bad" cholesterol from the blood.

When using Atromid-S, it is important to follow the dosage and doctor’s recommendations. The drug is usually taken orally, with or after food. The dosage may vary depending on the specific case and the needs of the patient. It is important to note that Atromid-S should be used in conjunction with lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, physical activity and smoking cessation to achieve the best results in the treatment of hyperlipidemia.

Like any medicine, Atromid-S may have side effects. Some of these include stomach upset, nausea, sensitivity to light, and muscle pain. If you experience any side effects or unusual reactions to the drug, it is important to consult your doctor.

It is important to note that the information provided in this article is not a substitute for medical advice. Patients should consult a qualified physician or pharmacist for more detailed information about Atromid-S, including individual dosage recommendations, side effects and contraindications.

In conclusion, Atromid-S (clofibrate) is a drug used to treat hyperlipidemia. It helps lower triglyceride levels and increase HDL levels in the blood. It is important to use Atromid-S in combination with lifestyle changes and under medical supervision. Patients should always seek the advice of a healthcare professional to receive personalized advice and the best possible outcome from hyperlipidemia treatment.

Atromid-S: Review of the drug Clofibrate

Atromid-S is the trade name for the drug also known as Clofibrate. Clofibrate belongs to a class of drugs known as fibrates and is widely used in the treatment of certain lipid disorders.

Clofibrate was introduced into medical practice in the late 1960s as a lipid-lowering agent. It exerts its effects in the body by activating a nuclear receptor known as PPAR-α (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha). PPAR-α plays an important role in the regulation of lipid metabolism and fat metabolism.

The main mechanism of action of Clofibrate is the stimulation of fat breakdown and reduction of cholesterol synthesis in the liver. This leads to lower triglyceride levels and higher levels of "good" cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein, HDL) in the blood. Clofibrate may also reduce levels of "bad" cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein, LDL) and total cholesterol.

Clofibrate is widely used in the treatment of hyperlipidemia, especially in patients with high triglyceride levels and low HDL levels. It may be recommended in combination with diet and other measures aimed at lowering blood lipid levels.

Like all medications, Clofibrate may have side effects, including stomach upset, muscle pain, increased sensitivity to light, increased liver enzymes, and the rare side effect of rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown). Before starting to take Clofibrate, you should consult your doctor to assess the benefits and risks of its use in your specific clinical situation.

It is important to note that the information in this article is not a guide to self-medication, and your doctor's recommendations should be taken into account before starting to take any medications.

In conclusion, Atromid-S, also known as Clofibrate, is a fibrate drug used to treat hyperlipidemia. It has a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism, helping to reduce triglyceride levels and increase HDL levels in the blood. However, before starting to take Clofibrate, you should consult your doctor and follow his recommendations, as the drug may have side effects and is not suitable for all patients.

Please note that the information in this article is based on the drug Clofibrate, also known as Atromid-S, as of my September 2021 cognitive update. It is recommended that you refer to current sources and consult with a medical specialist to obtain detailed and up-to-date information about this drug.