
Audiometer: the main tool in diagnosing deafness

An audiometer is an electronic instrument that is used to determine the threshold of hearing sounds at various frequencies. It is a necessary tool for conducting audiometric studies aimed at diagnosing and assessing human hearing.

An audiometer is used in medical practice to detect occupational diseases, as well as to determine hearing impairment in people, including children. This allows you to start treatment in a timely manner and prevent the development of hearing-related diseases.

The operating principle of the audiometer is based on presenting sound signals of varying intensity and frequency, and recording the hearing threshold for each of them. At the same time, to obtain the most accurate results, it is necessary to control the noise level in the room where the study is being conducted.

Audiometric studies are carried out in specially equipped rooms, where patients must wear headphones to exclude the influence of external sounds. Then, using an audiometer, the hearing specialist alternates sound signals of varying frequencies and intensities. The patient is asked to press a button or raise their hand when they hear the sound. The results of the study are entered into a special table (audiogram), which displays the thresholds of hearing sounds at various frequencies.

Audiometry is a technique based on the use of an audiometer, which allows you to assess auditory function and determine hearing impairment. Audiometric tests are performed by hearing specialists such as audiologists, ENT doctors, and other medical specialists.

In conclusion, an audiometer is a fundamental tool in diagnosing and assessing hearing in humans. It allows you to identify hearing problems in the early stages and begin treatment in a timely manner. Audiometric tests should be carried out regularly, especially for people working in noisy environments, as well as for people suffering from hearing-related diseases.

An audiometer is a device for determining the hearing threshold at various sound frequencies. It is used to diagnose deafness in a person.

The audiometer allows you to conduct audiometry - the study of hearing using special test signals. During audiometry, the patient is presented with test sound signals of various frequencies and intensities, and the minimum sound pressure level at which the subject can still hear the presented sound is determined.

The results of audiometry are expressed in the form of an audiogram - a graph of the hearing threshold depending on the frequency of sound. Using an audiogram, a doctor can determine the nature and degree of hearing loss, which is important for diagnosing and treating hearing disorders.

Audiometry is a research method used to study hearing sensitivity that can be used in both healthy people and patients with impairments. First of all, it is designed to measure hearing thresholds, that is, the lowest sound level necessary to perceive an audio signal.

To determine the threshold value of sound, an audiometer is used - a complex apparatus based on the principles of electroacoustics. He studies the acoustic properties of the auditory system and affects it with sound waves of varying frequencies and intensities.

Various media, for example water or air, can be used as a material for the manufacture of instrument plates. In the second case, the research is carried out in one of two ways:

- tones