Audiometry Threshold

I recently learned about this diagnostic method in medicine called “threshold audiometry.” This method helps determine a person’s hearing level. How valuable is this method for people with hearing loss and why do doctors and healthcare professionals use it? Let's take a closer look at what audiometry is, why it is an important diagnostic tool, and how it can help people with hearing loss.

Audiometry is a medical test that measures a person's hearing by listening to sound signals, starting with the softest sounds and gradually increasing to louder sounds. The hearing specialist sets the volume level of each sound and evaluates how well a person hears these sounds. Threshold audiometry is a procedure in which the doctor sets two different volume levels for tests. The hearing specialist observes the patient's reaction and measures the distance between them where the sound signal is heard. The higher this distance, the better the person's hearing.

Currently, audiometry is widely used in medical institutions to diagnose diseases associated with the organ of hearing, such as disorders caused by a sharp decrease in hearing, disruption of the eardrum and in other cases. Audiometry is performed not only during outpatient treatment, but also before or after surgery to determine the need for hearing aids.

Also, audiometry is important for monitoring the quality of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the hearing organs in general and auditory