
Auriculotherapy is a treatment method based on influencing biologically active points located in the auricle. This method was developed in the early 20th century and has since become very popular throughout the world.

The auricle is a part of the auricle that consists of cartilage and skin. There are biologically active points on the skin that are connected to various organs and systems of the body. By influencing these points, you can improve the functioning of the body and get rid of various diseases.

For auriculotherapy, special needles or sticks are used, which are inserted into the biologically active points of the auricle. During the procedure, the patient may feel a slight tingling or warmth in the ear area.

One of the advantages of auriculotherapy is that it does not require special training and can be performed even at home. However, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor to ensure that this method is suitable for a particular patient.

Auriculotherapeutic methods are based on the use of biologically active points on the auricle and reflexology (that is, stimulation of points located not only on the surface of the ear, but also in the depths of the auricles).

Some of the benefits of auricular therapy include reducing pain and swelling from injuries, improving blood circulation and metabolic processes in the tissues and biological systems of the body; stimulation of regeneration processes and other tissues; normalization of muscle tone and improvement of posture; relief of autonomic dysfunction syndrome; relieving stress, depression, insomnia, anxiety; improved brain activity, increased concentration; relief of symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Auriculotherapy can be used to treat a variety of diseases and conditions such as headaches, migraines, back pain, gastrointestinal diseases, urological problems, gynecological diseases, arthritis, sexual dysfunctions, menstrual irregularities, respiratory diseases, and some psychiatric disorders. symptoms.

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