Aurita-Course For Weight Normalization

Aurita course for weight normalization is a natural complex from Austria, intended for people controlling body weight.

Country of origin - Austria
Pharm group - dietary supplement for people controlling body weight
Manufacturer - Richard Bittner (Austria)
International name - Aurita course for weight normalization
Dosage form - kit

Aurita course contains natural components that have a complex effect on the body:

  1. contribute to the normalization of lipid metabolism;
  2. improve digestion processes;
  3. normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. accelerate metabolism and fat burning;
  5. suppress the feeling of hunger.

Aurita course is recommended for maintaining normal weight, weight loss, and also after completing fasting and dietary programs in order to stabilize the achieved result. The course of admission is 1 month.