Autoallergen Infectious

Autoallergens: infectious and non-infectious

Autoallergens are substances that the human body perceives as foreign and begins to fight them by producing antibodies. They are also formed after infectious diseases - this is another explanation for why the percentage of allergy sufferers among us is so high

Autoimmune skin infections and infectious autoallergens

Autoimmune infection is a syndrome that is characterized by the development of hypersensitivity to autoantigens of one’s own body under the influence of various internal environmental factors. Under the influence of a microorganism, when it enters the body, immune processes are activated, an inflammatory process develops, which is accompanied by pronounced skin manifestations. A characteristic feature of autoimmune infections is that, under the influence of skin antigens (autoantigens), the skin cells and tissues themselves produce antibodies that recognize the skin and stimulate immune processes, promoting the destruction of skin cells. The negative impact of an autoimmune reaction is possible on different layers of the skin, including blood vessels. This can lead to impaired microcirculation, the development of superficial bleeding and increased vascular permeability of the dermis, up to perforation. The following types of lesions form at the site of contact with the allergen: 1. Hypermia - limited redness, thickening, roughening of the skin. A reddened area forms, but the epidermis remains partially intact. 2. Papule is a limited tumor-like element on the skin, protrudes above the surface, and has an inflammatory border limited along the periphery. 3. Vesicle - the surface of the skin is sharply tense, covered with a transparent liquid, which is why the phenomenon of “rainbow rings” occurs. 4. Bulla - manifested by the formation of a blister with transparent contents. The blister can be from 2 mm to 2 cm in diameter, sometimes reaching a larger size. 5. Ulcer - a defect of the overlying skin with or without a perifocal reddish rim, the bottom of the ulcer is painful, covered with necrotic masses (dead tissue) protruding above the surface of healthy skin 6. Pemphigus true variant - damage to the skin and mucous membranes, and it is characteristic that the discharge is blistered is under pressure and often leads to surface rupture and the formation of erosions and ulcers.