Automaticity Hypnotic

Hypnotic automatism is a phenomenon in which a person has automatic actions in a state of hypnosis, while he can perform complex actions and speak in a certain order.

Hypnotic automatism can be caused by various techniques such as suggestion, hypnotic trance or other methods that allow the hypnotist to control a person's consciousness. At the same time, a person has certain reactions and actions to the hypnotist’s commands, which can be very complex and even dangerous to health.

However, hypnotic automatism is not always associated with negative consequences. For example, in medicine, automaticity can be used to treat various diseases such as pain or depression. It can also be used to improve memory and concentration, which can be beneficial for learning and work.

In general, hypnotic automatism is an interesting phenomenon that requires further study and application in various areas of life.

Automaticity is an important feature of hypnosis, especially for professional hypnotists. Hypnotic automatisms are the ability to use hypnosis as a tool of influence, behavior change, treatment of diseases, and even control of entire social groups. Examples: driving a car automatically, writing a poem, planning an event, giving a lecture. The perception of the unconscious train of thoughts and sensations has always been a topic of study by psychologists and psychiatrists. IN