Automatic dressing room

Automatic dressing room is an insulated automobile dressing room for providing emergency medical care. This is a universal device whose design is based on the principle of transporting a patient and a surgeon in an ambulance while delivering the victim to a medical facility.

Conventionally, auto dressings can be divided into four categories:

1. Dressing materials; 2. Herbs (spontaneous venipuncture); 3. Medicine nebulizers and ozonizers; 4. Cardiogram (if installed). Auto-dressing is a very useful device. There is no need for a single physician to carry large boxes of equipment on his own. It’s another matter when the delivery involves a doctor and a patient in the same ambulance.

The main purpose of the device, called a car sling, is to provide first aid without leaving the car to ensure the prevention of injuries and wounds of the knee joint, bruises, bleeding