
Azalepticon: description of the drug and its use

Azalepticon is a drug from the group of antipsychotics - dibenzodiazepine derivatives, which is used to treat various mental disorders, including acute and chronic forms of schizophrenia, manic states, manic-depressive psychosis, psychomotor agitation in psychosis, aggression and sleep disorders.

The drug is manufactured by Pharmakon in Russia and has the international name Clozapine, as well as several synonyms, including Azaleptin, Alemoxan and Leponex. Azalepticone is available as oral tablets in doses of 100 mg and 25 mg, the active substance of which is clozapine.

Some side effects may occur when using Azalepticon, including muscle weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, exacerbation of chronic and latent foci of infection, and granulocytopenia.

The drug has a number of contraindications, including diseases of the hematopoietic system, alcoholic and toxic psychoses, myasthenia gravis, pregnancy and lactation, and is also not recommended for severe diseases of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system, with an increased tendency to seizures, epilepsy, closed-angle glaucoma, prostate hypertrophy, intestinal atony and intercurrent diseases with febrile syndrome.

It is also worth considering that Azaleptikon can interact with other medications, enhancing the effect of sedatives, narcotics, analgesics and hypnotics, alcohol and weakening the effect of levodopa. Absorption of the drug from the intestine may be impaired when taking antacids and cholestyramine.

In case of an overdose of Azalepticon, tachycardia, bradycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, hallucinations, anxiety, drowsiness and difficulty breathing may occur. In such cases, you must immediately call an ambulance.

When using Azalepticon, you must be careful and do not drive vehicles or perform work that requires increased attention. Periodic monitoring of the blood picture is also required - if granulocytopenia occurs, treatment should be stopped immediately.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Azalepticon is a drug that should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with his recommendations. You should not change the dosage yourself or stop taking the drug without consulting your doctor. It is also not recommended to take Azalepticon for a long period of time unless necessary, as this can lead to the development of tolerance and a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment. It is important to follow all of your doctor's recommendations and report any side effects or changes in your health status during treatment.