
Azitral: an effective antibiotic for treating infections

Azitral is an antibiotic that belongs to the group of macrolides and azalides. It is used to treat a variety of infections caused by bacteria, including respiratory tract infections, genitourinary tract infections, skin and soft tissue infections, and chronic erythema migrans (Lyme disease).

Azitral is produced by the Indian pharmaceutical company Shreya Life Sciences and contains the active substance azithromycin. It is available in the form of 250 mg capsules.

Indications for the use of Azitral include infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, such as streptococcal pharyngitis and tonsillitis, bacterial exacerbation of chronic obstructive pneumonia, interstitial and alveolar pneumonia, and bacterial bronchitis. Azitral can also be used to treat infections of the ENT organs, such as otitis media, laryngitis and sinusitis, and infections of the genitourinary system, such as urethritis and cervicitis. In addition, it may be prescribed to treat skin and soft tissue infections such as erysipelas, impetigo and secondary infected dermatoses.

Contraindications to the use of Azitral include hypersensitivity to macrolides, severe liver dysfunction, pregnancy and lactation. When using Azitral, side effects may occur, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, flatulence, diarrhea, melena, cholestatic jaundice, chest pain, palpitations, weakness, drowsiness, headache, dizziness, nephritis, vaginitis, candidiasis, neutropenia or neutrophilia, pseudomembranous colitis, photosensitivity, rash, angioedema, eosinophilia. In children, in addition, side effects may occur, such as hyperkinesia, agitation, nervousness, insomnia and conjunctivitis.

Azitral should be taken with caution in case of severe dysfunction of the liver, kidneys and cardiac arrhythmias. After discontinuation of treatment, hypersensitivity reactions may persist in some patients, which requires specific therapy under medical supervision.

The interaction of Azitral with antacids containing aluminum or magnesium hydroxide may reduce the absorption of Azitral and reduce its effectiveness. In addition, Azitral may interact with other medications, such as warfarin, cyclosporine, theophylline, digoxin, ergotamines, etc. Therefore, before starting treatment, be sure to inform your doctor about all medications and additional medications you are taking.

Overall, Azitral is an effective antibiotic for treating many infections caused by bacteria. However, like any other drug, it should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with the instructions for use in order to avoid possible side effects and contraindications.