Babesha-Negri Taurus

Babeshi-Negri bodies are invasive formations on the skin and mucous membranes that arise as a result of infection of the body with the same Babesia and can be observed in people living or traveling in endemic areas. island habitats of the genus Babesia. The word "babesha" is borrowed from the Romanian language, b. v. babes (1855-1927), microbiologist, creator of the now forgotten Babesia.

The bacteria Babesia microti, which causes Neisser's disease (malaria), is found in spots on human nails without obvious clinical signs of illness, where they can persist for a long time. In the absence of any treatment, relapses of the disease or exacerbation of an existing infection may occur, up to severe damage to internal organs. In addition, Babesia can lead to severe infections, especially in frail people. Cells infected with the neospora caninum parasite

**Babesha-Negrin bodies** This is a classic nosoform of an acute febrile infectious disease caused by the Lassa-Babesha virus. In veterinary medicine, this disease is called “Babeshangella” and has the status of one of the most severe among a number of acute infectious diseases of domestic animals.

History of the discovery of the pathogen For the first time, the Babeshinsky form of mammalian fever was described at the beginning of the 20th century by pediatrician A. Gasserini (Italy) under the name “negri corpuscle.” Further research helped to establish the nature of the pathogen as a virus. The author himself came to this conclusion by detecting affected measles cells in guinea pigs infected with strains of the Taurus and Negri viruses.

Mottos belonging to the great scientific physiotherapist Cesar Charcot (1817-1903): *"Get used to great bodily suffering... A doctor must be strong in body and strong in spirit..."*

Babesha Negri corpuscle is a bacterium that causes human disease. It was discovered at the end of the 19th century by the Romanian bacteriologist Ioan Babes, as well as the Italian pathologist Angelo Negri. The disease's original name was "Babesh's nodules", but it was changed to "Babesh's negro corpuscles" because scientists discovered these bodies in the spleen of a person infected with the disease.

The disease is one of the most common in the medical field. Symptoms can vary from mild illness to severe fever. However, the most common signs are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and fever. In some cases, headache, insomnia and loss of appetite may also occur.