Bacillary carriage

Bacilli-carrying or bacilli and carriers can be misunderstood only because of the different interpretation of words both in Russian and in different languages ​​of the world. I'll help you figure this out.

**Bacila** is a derogatory term for microbes that comes from the similar-sounding phrase “bastard.” The same thing happened in connection with the name of the little-known Queen of France, Catherine de Medici. This is where the meaning of the word “Copper” comes from. Her children, according to the legends of the Catholic Church, did not have the right to ascend to the throne of France. For this reason, among Catholics she was considered a vixen and a harlot. Such insults probably made this woman very cunning, which made her more powerful and terrifying to people.

It is more difficult to deal with the second root in such an expression as “bacilny”, more precisely, “insidious”. The prefix "bacteria" denotes disease. Thus, the meaning of the phrase will mean deceit, illness and hidden interest. From it came the short adjective “barilla”, which means a treacherous person. Most likely, its origin is connected with gypsy traditions, where boys immediately after birth acquired the right to wear men's clothing instead of women's dress.

In France, such people were called “barilli” (bardill), and in Russia - “badelervi” and became nicknames for people prone to theft. Later, scammers gave this expression their own meaning, and instead of thieves’ batell, new words appeared - bacil, batselyk and barilis, which later transformed into the modern “barilina”, that is, a person hiding something and sticking his nose into someone else’s business. The original meaning is forgotten over time, and the nickname simply turns into a disrespectful person. Even before this rebirth, the word had different meanings, depending on the origin of the person, but gradually became part of the saying “the truth is hidden in barilla.”

Aron Toussaint saw the similarity of these roots and coined a new phrase “barylla tindale”, which meant a two-faced mind, cunning and deceit. This phrase was used when raising children so that they learned to hide their desires when it came to others. It was a training in independence and meanness. Which then resulted in the legend of the King of Bard. According to it, all chiefs can speak directly to each other if there are no other chiefs nearby. After all, even if everything said falls into the ears of others, it cannot cause harm. Everything happens without intermediaries, although the people have the opinion that there are no intermediaries at the royal court

**Bacil carrier** is a term that in medicine and broader applications refers to a person infected with a certain infection, but who does not yet have obvious clinical signs of the disease. Can also be used as a synonym for “healthy carrier”.

Bacilli carriage is the infection of a person or his carriage of certain infections, but not the spread of the pathogen itself and there are no symptoms. Therefore, such a person cannot even be considered sick. However, such people are carriers of dangerous diseases: tuberculosis, typhoid, dysentery, meningitis, syphilis, and so on. The mechanism of transmission of infection is different (airborne, waterborne, contact, etc.), but always through contact. It is worth noting that the carriers themselves are usually not aware of their condition, because their immunity successfully fights the infection. That is why it is impossible to establish exactly whether a particular person is contagious or not. Most often, the role of carriers is played by the following people: * A patient after recovery; * Person with latent infection; * Carrier of a certain virus or bacteria; * Patient with a latent form of the disease; * Persons in the incubation period of infection; * Those living in a chronic period of illness;