
Bergenia: a medicinal plant with pronounced astringent properties

Bergenia thick-leaved (lat. Bergenia crassifolia) is a perennial plant that grows mainly in Russia. Bergenia belongs to the pharmacological group of plants with astringent properties.

Badan is produced by several pharmaceutical companies in Russia, including Aventin-Ecohelp, Azulen-Temryuk, Novosibkhimpharm, Tekhmedservis and Evalar. The medicinal plant is available in the form of rhizomes, which are available in various forms: 0.5 g round briquette, 40 g pack, 50 g pack and 100 g pack.

The composition of bergenia rhizome includes tannins, isocoumarin, bergenin, sugars and starch. These components give bergenia its astringent properties, which makes it useful for treating a number of diseases.

Bergenia is used in medicine to treat colitis, enterocolitis, stomatitis, gingivitis and cervical erosion. However, it is worth noting that today there is no accurate data on contraindications, side effects, interactions and overdose associated with the use of bergenia. However, as with any other medicine, you should consult your doctor before starting to take bergenia.

In conclusion, Bergenia bergenia is a medicinal plant produced in Russia and has astringent properties. It can be used to treat a number of diseases, but you should consult your doctor before using bergenia.