Bagira Olifen

Bagheera olifen

Country of origin: Russia
Pharm-Group: Adaptogenic agents

Manufacturers: Olifen Corporation (Russia)
International name: Bagheera olifen
Dosage forms: powder for preparing a drink, 20g package
Composition: 1 sachet of the mixture contains 100 mg of Olifen. The taste and color of a drink made from powder is given by the dry natural juices it contains in combination with flavorings, as well as Olifen itself.
Indications for use: the drug has shown excellent results in the treatment of many diseases: coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, diabetic cerebrovascular disease, tonsillitis, influenza, sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis, gastritis, acute and chronic kidney diseases, bladder, colitis, gynecological diseases, dermatoses, neuroses, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, stomatitis. Effective for preoperative preparation, postoperative rehabilitation, peritonitis, septic conditions, burn diseases. Olifen is harmless, non-carcinogenic, does not have embryotoxicity and is not addictive. The drink prepared from a powdered mixture has a pronounced healing and tonic effect and promotes active life. Drinking 1-2 sachets of the drink per day reduces physical and emotional fatigue, increases performance, provides comfort and gives confidence in business, sports and everyday life. The drink is also recommended for preventing overexertion for people working in stressful and extreme conditions.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity.
Side effect: No information.
Interaction: No information.
Overdose: No information.
Special instructions: None.
Literature: Instructions and prospectus of the manufacturer.